96 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi dan Prioritas Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kota Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Bogor city has fourteen tourism site among others are Bogor Botanical Garden, Bogor Zoology Museum, Bogor Soil Museum, Bogor Museum of Ethnobotany, The Bogor Palace, Defenders of Homeland Museum (PETA), Plaza Kapten Muslihat, Bogor Museum of Struggle, Batutulis Inscription, The Jungle, Jungle Fest, Country Club Cimanggu (Marcopolo), Rancamaya Golf Country, and Situ Gede. Analysis of Potential and Priority of Tourism Development in Bogor City, West Java Province is a research that aims to: (1) analyze tourism potential (2) analyze the priority scale of tourism development in Bogor City, West Java Province. The research using direct observation method is direct observation using the observation sheet provided for the observer. The analysis was done by using the combined potential of tourism object and SWOT analysis. There are three research results that show that (1) the potential of tourism in Bogor City has the potential value of combined (internal and external potential) that vary from low – high. High potential is on tourism site Bogor Botanical Garden, The Jungle, Rancamaya Golf Country, The Bogor Palace, Country Club Cimanggu (Marcopolo), and Batutulis Inscription which is where the total score is between 38 – 48. Medium potential is on tourism site Plaza Kapten Muslihat, Defenders of Homeland Museum (PETA), Bogor Zoology Museum, Jungle Fest, Bogor Soil Museum, Bogor Museum of Ethnobotany, and Bogor Museum of Struggle which is where the total score is between 28 – 37. low potential is on tourism site Situ Gede which is where the total score is between 18 – 27. (2) The priority scale of tourism development in the city of Bogor is a tourist attraction that has a low potential value combined is Situ Gede with a total score of 27. Then from SWOT analysis can be made development strategy that is giving special development plan on tourism site Situ Gede whose development is more towards its external potential such as the provision of toilets, places of worship, regular public transport, road improvements to locations and promotions. Keywords: Potential Tourism, Priorities Development, Bogor City Tours

    Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Industri Besar Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Industry development in Indonesia is very fast that have impact on the environment such as slums, polluted rivers, and reduction in agricultural areas. Sukoharjo district with a number of large industries at the end of 2017 as many as 142 lots caused various environmental problems. Environment problems that happening is necessary to evalusai to determine the suitability of land for industrial area and the impact of their major industries in Sukoharjo district. This study use a survey method which is the sampling that we use is purposive sampling. Sampling is based on a map of the terrain unit. Mechanical refineries on the data is skoring determining land suitability classes to obtain a degree of suitability of land for large industrial area based on parameters that can be analyzed with descriptive analysis to describe the phenomenon that occurs in the area of research. The results show that not all areas in Sukoharjo District are suitable for industrial area. the level of land suitability for large industrial areas in Sukoharjo District has 3 classes that are quite appropriate, marginal and inappropriate according to the present. 43.9% or 213 km² have a sufficiently appropriate classification. 3.4 km² or 0.8% marginal land suitable for the current class of 268.2 km² or 55.3%. Suitable land characteristics in Sukoharjo District have a slope of 0-3% with sandy ground texture, 1.5-10 m ground water depth, not flood prone, close to main road 2000 m, distance with electricity <500 m and distance with settlement 400-600 m. The inhibiting factor of land not suitable for large industries today is the distance of industrial estates to settlements

    Analisis Potensi dan Pengembangan Obyek Wisata Candi di Kabupaten Klaten Jawa Tengah Tahun 2018

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    Central Java province is very rich in tourism potential scattered in various regions or districts are divided into several sectors such as marine tourism, culture and spiritual.Klaten Regency as one of the existing regencies in Central Java Province that has cultural attractions especially temples that are potential to be developed. This research is about how potency of tourism object of temple in Klaten Regency and also how its development direction. The purpose of this research is to (1) analyze the potential of temple tourism object in Klaten Regency, and (2) analyze the direction of development of temple tourism object in Klaten Regency according to its potential. Technique used in this research there are two, that is scoring technique to reach goal number 1 and SWOT analysis to reach goal number 2. The result of this research are (a) Temple having high internal potency, that is Sewu Temple, Lumbung Temple and Candi Bubrah, (b) The temple has high external potential, namely Sewu Temple, Lumbung Temple, Bubrah Temple, Plaosan Lor Temple and Plaosan Kidul Temple, (C) Whereas based on the combined potential there are four temples that have high potential, namely Sewu Temple, Lumbung Temple , Bubrah Temple and Plaosan Lor Temple, and (d) based on the combined potential there is one temple that has low potential, that is Merak Temple. The direction of development of temple tourism object in Klaten Regency based on SWOT analysis is (a) to improve temple tourism object and to create supporting attraction for tourism object, and (b) complete supporting facilities and complementary tourism object. Keywords: Tourism Object Temple, Tourism Potential, Development Direction, Klaten Distric

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Kawasan Industri di Wilayah Pengembangan Industri Kabupaten Karawang

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the suitability level of the land for an industrial estate in Karawang regency, and to know the characteristics of the land suitable for determination of an industrial estate locations in Karawang regency. The location of the study area is limited to the area of industrial development that has been set in the RTRW Karawang. The research method used is the weighted tiered quantitative method, which each parameter is given the dignity and weight according to the great influence that owned to get the level of industrial land suitability. The process of data acquisition and data processing are carried out by using remote sensing data and GIS applications, while the technique of sampling using purposive sampling. This study uses two remote sensing data that are Quickbird Imagery and Landsat 8 Imagery. Quickbird Imagery is used to obtain the information of land usage while Landsat 8 is used to obtain the information of landform. Based on the results of data processing, industrial development area in Karawang regency has 5 levels of land suitability that are very suitable, moderate suitable, marginally suitable, not suitable current and not suitable permanent. Land in the area of industrial development has largely marginal suitability level with an area of 391.85 km2, or 66.93% of the total area of industrial development. The level of the classification is also available on a wide area, namely 26.38 % or an area of 154.44 km2. Land with quite appropriate classification is largely located in District Cikampek and Ciampel. Land with a very appropriate classification has a very small area that is equal to 1.44 % or an area of 8.43 km2. Land classified as not suitable permanent is only found in the District of Ciampel with an area of 0.27 km2 or 0.05 %, while the land with no appropriate classification currently has an area of 5.21 % or of 30.48 km2. Land characteristics of very suitable class for Industrial Estate in Karawang is a land with a slope that is flat or has ramps (0-8%), the soil bearing capacity of more than 2.75 kg / cm2, the depth of the soil water levels ranged from 1.5 to 10 m, the soil texture is medium to coarse, have excellent drainage conditions, has a low level of vulnerability to floods, and has a distance to the main road is less than 1500 meters

    Analisis Potensi Dan Pengembangan Daya Tarik Obyek Wisata Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo Berbasis Web Sig Tahun 2019

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    Tourism in Sukoharjo Regency is not yet known by local and foreign tourists due to a number of tourism potentials that have not been adequate and have not been published. One form of tourism promotion has been carried out through the internet, but the information on the web has not been maximized due to the lack of presentation of GIS regarding tourism potential in Sukoharjo Regency. Based on these problems, the idea emerged to conduct research "Analysis of Potential and Development of Tourist Attractions in Sukoharjo Regency Based on GIS Web in 2019". This study aims to (1) analyze and classify the level of tourism potential in Sukoharjo Regency and (2) develop a tourism GIS web system to support tourism potential and as a promotional media in Sukoharjo Regency. The method used in this research is observation and interviews. The analytical method used is scoring analysis to determine internal, external, and combined potential as well as mapping analysis to develop a tourism GIS web system. The results showed that the potential for tourism objects in Sukoharjo Regency was carried out by direct observation to determine the condition of accessibility, attractiveness, and other supporting facilities. Based on the results of observations, scores were divided into 3 classes, high class potential was found in The Heritage Palace tourism object, medium class potential was at Batu Seribu tourism object, Sepikul Mountain, and Langenharjo Pesanggrahan, and low class potential was at Colo Dam and Tomb tourism object. Kiai Balak. The Sukoharjo Regency Tourism Geographic Information System is web-based which includes profile page views, tourist attraction maps, tourist attraction details, tourist route maps, visitor books, and visitor lists as testimonials

    Analisis Potensi Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Central Lombok regency has a lot of potential tourism and diverse ranging from natural attractions, cultural tourism and artificial tourism. Each potential tourism object has variety of potential to be developed as one tourist destination because it has unique and varied tourist attraction that is still in natural condition. The objectives of this research are (1) to examine internal or external factors that have potential for the development of each tourism object and (2) to determine the tourism object as the core of tourism development. The data swere collected form secondary data which obtained from various agencies such as Tourism Office of Central Lombok Regency, BAPPEDA of Central Lombok Regency, Central Lombok Regency BPS, and previous research result. Primary data was obtained from observations in the field to determine the internal potential of natural attractions, cultural tourism and artificial tourism in the form of quality attractions, environmental attractions and tourist areas. and the external potential aims to find out the accessibility, the distance from the development center, and the availability of object facilities as a support for the development of the research area. The research method was used secondary data analysis supported by field observation and classify the potential of internal and external to know the classification of high potency, medium, and low. Data analysis used in this research is secondary data analysis with table analysis technique. Table analysis is used to determine the classification of the potential level of each tourist object. Based on the results obtained from this study indicate that: The potential of tourism in Central Lombok regency in general, all attractions have the potential to be developed, but the low value of external potential that is indicated by the limited facilities and supporting facilities such as facilities and infrastructure so that the tourist attraction less interesting to visit, whereas the variables contained in the external potential can still be increased in value by management and development while the variables on the internal potential is a natural potential that the developer difficult to do. Tourism objects that have a high internal potential classification and high external potential will obtain high combined potential values such as. Setokel Yarn Waterfall, Yarn Netting Waterfall, Kuta Beach, Selong Belanak Beach, Mawun Beach, Seger Beach, and Sade Hamlet. As for attractions that have high internal potential but the external potential are going to get the level of potential classification of the combined medium, such as Mount Rinjani and Bau Nyale Festival festival. As for the attractions that have a classification of the medium potensial and low external potential will get a low level of potential classification, such as attractions Tomang Omang Beach, Gerupuk Beach, Nyatok Tombs, Peresean Performances, and Belek Gendang. Tourism objects that have the classification of the moderate potential, external potensial is medium, and combined potensial also medium, namely attractions A'an Beach, Batu Stone Umbrella, and Hamlet Nde. For tourism objects that have low internal potential, the external potential is also low and the combined classification is low, such as the attractions of Aik Bukak, Gunung Pujut Ancient Mosque, Rambitan Ancient Mosque, Pottery Pottery, Rattan weaving, Pengga Dam and Bendunagn Batujai. Kuta Beach tourism object is very suitable as a driving object because it has internal potential classification score and high external potential classification which influences on high acquisition of potential combination classification scores. Sightseeing Kuta Beach is chosen to be the main tourist destination because of the high accessibility level, the supporting facilities that have been available and has developed, the distance is relatively close to other tourist objects that make Kuta Beach as a central place. With this research result in the area of Central Lombok presented in the form of classification table and map of tourism spread of the scale of 1: 350,000, the map of internal and external potential of attractions with a scale of 1: 350,000 and the combined potential maps of attractions with a scale of 1: 350.000

    Analisis Kerentanan Sosial Gempabumi Di Kecamatan Gantiwarno Kabupaten Klaten

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    Society is one of the important elements in measuring the risk of a disaster event. There are four types of vulnerabilities: physical, social, economic, and environmental vulnerability. The social vulnerability of the people should be given important attention in efforts to reduce the risk of earthquakes.Earthquake until now is a natural disaster that can not be predicted when the occurrence accurately, so that there is an effort to minimize the vulnerability of the community. These efforts are one of them by minimizing the level of social vulnerability.Social vulnerability is often overlooked in the earthquake disaster management process, some of which are focused more often on knowledge of building structures and physical problems (Flanagan et al., 2011).Analysis of social vulnerability is the state of an area affected by physical, social, cultural, environmental to prevent, dampen in response to disaster. Determination of social vulnerability indicators using three variables, namely the poverty of the population, the elderly and under-five population, female supporters.The result of the research shows the level of social class of moderate, low, high earthquake vulnerability and the correlation of social vulnerability with earthquake vulnerability in Gntiwarno Sub-district of KlatenRegency.Test results on three variables are known that, Firstly, based on tabular data processing results using ArcGIS software, the highest social vulnerability is found in six villages namely Baturan village with population density 1464 Soul / Km2, Ngandong 1420 Soul / Km2, Kragilan 1158 Soul / Km2 , Karangturi 1563 Soul / Km2, Ceporan 1550 Soul / Km2, Mutihan 1509 Soul / Km2, Muruh 1747 Soul / Km2.While for Low vulnerability exist in five villages such as Gentan village with population density 829 Soul / Km2, Sawit 1080 Soul / Km2, Jogoprayan 1076 Soul / Km2, Kerten 1088 Soul / Km2, Jabung 1093 Soul / Km2.Secondly, based on the elderly and under five population, it is known that the highest vulnerability area is Mutihan village with the number of elderly and toddlers is 748 people (8.72%); While the area with the lowest level of social vulnerability among the elderly and under-five population is Gentan Village with an elderly and under-five population of 298 people (3.47%).Third, the level of social vulnerability to earthquake disasters in KecamatanMewwarno based on female population is known that Kragilan village is an area with social vulnerability to earthquake disaster based on the lowest population of women, it is known that the number of female population in the village of Kragilan fewer If compared to the male population is 885 people, while for the area with the highest level of social vulnerability with the greater number of women than men is Kerten Village, this is because the ratio of the number of women to men is 90.21%.With relatively difficult terrain, in the event of a disaster the female population is usually relatively more vulnerable than the male population

    Pengaruh Pengembangan Situs Purbakala Dan Situs Cagar Budaya Terhadap Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Kalijambe Kabupaten Sragen Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    This study aims to determine (1) how the impact of tourism development at the Sangiran Museum on business actors (2) to determine the effect of the development of the Sangiran Museum cluster. The method used in this study using the convenience sampling method, this research was conducted on the community (business traders) in Krikilan Village and Ngebung Village as respondents. The total respondents in the study were 92 traders, consisting of 78 traders in Krikilan Village and 14 traders in Ngebung Village. Determination of sample members in this study using the convenience sampling method. Convenience sampling method is a sampling technique that has a unique and accidental basis for consideration of members of the population used as samples. The reason for using convenience sampling has criteria that are in accordance with what is being studied. The results in this study are (1) The results obtained from the influence of the development of the museum as a tourist attraction in Krikilan Village and Ngebung Village experienced significant differences. Respondents thought that the influence of development in Krikilan Village was 76 and did not answer that it had no effect, 2 while in Ngebung Village, respondents thought that it had an effect of 13 and did not affect only 1. (2) The people of Krikilan Village and Ngebung Village feel a significant impact with the existence of the museum development area, creating opportunities for people who work as traders to make a better economy, low unemployment and business opportunities because the area is a very supportive area for the community

    Analisis Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Permukiman di Kecamatan Muntilan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2008 dan 2016

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    This recent study was conducted in Muntilan, Magelang District which consists of 14 villages. Muntilan Subdistrict is one of the area in Magelang Regency which located on the outskirts of the city. This area is mainly affected by Magelang City. Those are some extraordinary land use. For instance, this sub-district has high level of settlement therefore, this study was about the analysys of Changes in Land Use in the District of Muntilan, Magelang District, 2008 and 2016. This research aims to : (1) Analyce the changes distribution of the settlement in Muntilan subdistric (2) to analyce the factors and variability that affect the change of settlement in Muntilan District. The method used in this study was survey methods. Data from interpreting the remote sensing data such as Ikonos images. GIS method was also used to contact the visual interpretation, digitization, and overlay. The result show that the settlement land use was increate in almost whole area of Muntilan Sub-District in 2008 and 2016. The biggest changes occurred in Gunungpring Village with total land use change of 16,755 ha, followed by Taman Agung Village with total land use change of 14,642 ha, and Keji Village with total land use change of 14,561 ha. As for the the smallest land use change Gondosuli Village which only 1,638 ha of total area of settlement change occurred in most of them are used to be a garden on rice field. The Types of Land Use that most biggest has changes become to settlements are collaboration among of the garden land use and rice field used. 2) Accessibility factors influence the level of land use change in Muntilan District, the easier road accessibility, accordingly the changes higher level of land use, so as vice versa. While the population density factor also have a linkages to changes in land use, more and more higher the population density, accordingly the higher the land use change in settlements as well as vice versa

    Efektivitas Media Video untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran IPS Materi Gempabumi Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Wonosari Kabupaten Klaten

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    The tendency of application of lecture method in the learning process in class by teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Wonosari Klaten become the background of this research. The use of instructional video media is needed as an innovative teaching and learning process in the classroom to attract students' learning interest in learning, so as to improve student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of video learning media to improve student learning outcomes. This research is a quantitative research using experimental research method. The research design is True Experimental Design which is implemented by giving pretest and posttest on control class and experiment class. Student learning outcomes are known from the comparison of pretest and posttest results. Student learning outcomes in the control class given learning by lecture method showed pretest value of 7.17 and posttest value was only 8.17 with an average of 7.67. An increase in student learning outcomes in the experimental class treated using video media, pretest and posttest in the experimental class showed pretest value of 7.14, while posttest was 9.14 with an average of 8.14. The conclusions of this study indicate that learning in the experimental class using video learning media is more effective to improve students' learning outcomes in the IPS learning of earthquake material compared to learning using lecture method in the control class