7 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Zakat Untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Program Petani Bangkit Di Lazismu Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    ABSTRACT The distribution of zakat funds conducted by the Institute of Amil Zakat Infaq and Shadaqah Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta if we look divided into two distribution systems, the first distribution of zakat funds that are consumptive. One of the productive distribution programs is through the program "Petani Bangkit" which is implemented in Desa Keplik Jenar Sragen Regency. The purpose of this research is to know Zakat Management for Community Empowerment Through "Farmers Rise" Program and how big the success of "Petani Bangkit" program in Lazismu UMS. This research is field research with qualitative approach. The method used in data collection is by interview, documentation and observation. The analysis used is deductive method. The results showed that the management of zakat for community empowerment through the program "petani bangkit" has been able to help the community economy who participated in this program, as evidenced by initial capital amounting to Rp. 1,200,000, - people can earn up to Rp. 3.500.000, -. Keywords: Management, Zakat, Community Empowerment, petani bangkit, Lazismu UM

    Analisis Penerapan Prinsip Syariah Di The Amrani Syariah Hotel Surakarta

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    Sharia hotel is one of accommodation that uses the building to provide goods and services, such as providing lodging, food and drinking, and other services. These services managed for commercially purpose. Not only the accommodation has complied with the requirements set by the government, also the Islamic principles are added as operational based. Practically, sharia hotel should requires applying sharia principles to operate the business. This is a logical consequence for sharia hotel provider, not simply to gain the profit but to keep the sharia concept existence that is applied as business characteristic using Islamic concept. The purpose of this study is to know the application of sharia principle in The Amrani Syariah Hotel Surakarta. This research is field research uses descriptive qualitative approach. Data are collected from observation, hotels’ documents, and interview with Manager The Amrani Syariah Hotel Surakarta. The data analysis uses deductive analysis method based on common rules to assess the practice of sharia principles on the research object that has been collected and described in descriptive explanation. The result of the study has showed that all sharia principles have been applied by The Amrani Syariah Hotel Surakarta by using sharia principle taken under Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 2 of 2014 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Sharia Business Hotel. These regulations include the classification of sharia hotel business, evaluating certification of sharia hotel business, implementation of certification sharia hotel, the last development and control. There are two classifications sharia hotel business, first hilal-1, and second hilal-2. Each classification has own classification. The Amrani Syariah Hotel Surakarta is include the first classification hilai-1. The outline of these regulations contains various sharia principles derived from depth study of Islamic sharia that has relation with the practical business in the field hosptallity. The sharia principles were manifested in the absolute and not absolute form covering three aspects, there are products, services, and management. Therefore, there is correspondence between sharia principles that were applied by The Amrani Syariah Hotel Surakarta. Sharia concept has been taken through critical study of the argumentations related with sharia principles that should apply to the organizer hotel business as the user sharia system. Keyword : Sharia Principles, Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 2 of 2014, Certification, Hilal (criteria of classification

    Penerapan Metode Demonstarasi Pada Bidang Studi Fiqih Kelas Vc Di SDIT Ar-Risalah Kartasura Sukoharjo Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    Kegiatan belajar mengajar berjalan efektif ketika pemilihan metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan sesuai dengan materi ajar dan tujuan pembelajaran, selain itu juga tersedianya seorang pendidik yang mempunyai keahlian dalam membawakan metode pembelajaran yang telah dipilih sekaligus menguasai materi yang akan di sampaikan kepada peserta didik. secara teoritis kalau tiga unsur tersebut sudah tersedia dan diterapkan dengan baik maka tujuan pembelajaran akan tercapai dengan mudah. Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang bisa menjadi alternatif oleh para pendidik adalah metode demonstrasi, metode ini sesuai dengan materi ajar yang mempunyai tujuan pembelajaran psikomotor, metode tersebut bisa diterapkan pada proses pembelajaran fiqih terutama pada materi sholat, dengan metode demonstrasi maka peserta didik bisa melihat secara langsung prakteknya dan memotivasi peserta didik untuk menirunya sehingga materi dapat di pahami dan dimengerti secara maksimal. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research), yang mempunyai tujuan penelitian mendiskripsikan penerapan metode demonstrasi pada bidang studi fiqih di SDIT Ar-Risalah Kartasura dan mendiskripsikan faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat penerapan metode demonstrasi pada studi fiqih di SDIT Ar-Risalah Kartasura.teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode interview, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, sajian data dan verifikasi atau penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian di SDIT Ar-Risalah kartasura sukoharjo kelas VC dapat di ketahui hasilnya berdasarkan data-data yang terkumpul, kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan teori-teori yang ada. Metode demonstrasi yang diterapkan di SDIT Ar- Risalah kalau dilihat berdasarkan karakteristik metode pembelajaran maka metode tersebut masuk dalam karakteristik metode pembelajaran langsung dan kalau dinilai berdasarkan prinsip dan fungsi metode mengajar dalam pembelajaran maka dapat di simpulkan bahwa penerapan metode demonstrasi pada studi fiqih kelas VC di SDIT Ar-Risalah berjalan dengan baik karena sudah sesuai dan memenuhi kriteria-kriteria penerapan metode pembelajaran yang baik

    Al-Ibakhiyatu Fil Qonun Al-Indunisii Wa Al-Fiqh Al-Islamii

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    Pornography is a lively phenomenon of late. Pornography is caused by the current technological developments, but in terms of danger and its impact is extraordinary, We hear a lot from the news or maybe we see from the electronic media telivisi and other news or news that is very heart-wrenching, the events such as rape, homosex, sodomy, lesbian and sexual abuse of children or adults caused by pornography. Pornography has become widespread in this country it is necessary to work to overcome it so that its negative impact is not widespread, So our country has inaugurated pornography law number 44 of 2008,This is the government's effort to overcome the negative impacts of pornography, in the hope that pornography can be overcome but in reality this law has not been able to fully solve pornography, but this good government effort must be supported by all levels of society so that negative impact of pornography can be reduced. The purpose of this study is to determine the location of similarities and differences in Islamic pornography and syariat laws, knowing the limits and punishment pornogrofi in Islam and the law and know the role of Islam in preventing pornography, this research using tahlili method (analysis) pornography number 44 in 2008 and then compare it with Islamic shari'a. The results show that there are differences and similarities between them, namely: from the base and source there are differences, the source of pornography in Indonesian law is Pancasila and UUD 45, while in Islam the source of the prohibition of pornography comes from Al-qur'an and hadith and also the opinion of scholars derived from the Qur'an and hadith, from the side of the goal then there are common similarities that prevent, keep and protect the community from pornography, from the side of pornography then the similarity and similarity but the limitations of pornography in Islam is more perfect because based on the rule rules in Al-qur'an and hadith. From the side of punishment then there are differences and similarities, the difference is in Islam, if pornography to adultery and has fulfilled the requirement and ritual adultery then the penalty is the punishment of adultery, so also if pornography to the limit of homosexual then based on the opinion selected then the law with the punishment of adultery , and this is not mentioned in the pornography law, as for other than adultery and homosexe then the punishment is ta'zirie punishment that comes from the leader or judge, hence from here lies the similarity.

    Uqubah Al I'dam Alal Ittijar Bil Mukhoddirot Baina Al Madzahib Al Arba'ah Wa Al Qanuni Al Indunisi (Dirasah Muqoronah)

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    This thesis is compiled due to the ineffectiveness of Indonesian Law in eradicating narcotics trades, even when the death penalty has already been applied in Indonesian law. This is based on the data from the Indonesian Police, which show that the number of narcotics trade is increasing instead. Therefore, to dig deeper into the cause of this increase in number, this issue is therefore examined based on Indonesian Law by comparing the law, to the view of the Four Madhhabs, in order to identify the similarities and the differences of the two views in applying the death penalty for the drug dealers. In this research, the tahlili method (analytical approach) is used in describing the problem and discussing the various views of the Four Madhhabs, based on their books. Additionally, the method of muqaranah (comparative approach) is also used to compare between the death penalty for drug dealers applied in Islamic jurisprudence (Four Madhhab's Fiqh) and the death penalty applied in Indonesian law. Therefore it is concluded that the application of death penalty for drug dealers applied under Indonesian law has so many similarities as compared to the application of death penalty applied in Islamic jurisprudence. However on the other hand, the application of death penalty in Islamic law is more comprehensive, simple, and effective, and the legal certainty is also stronger. Thus, it has become apparent that Indonesia's law should be more fortified and more tightened to be more effective in controlling the movement of the drug dealers, and minimizing the practice of narcotics trade in Indonesia. At the end of this thesis, some suggestions have been conveyed in the hope that the Indonesian law can be more effective in creating deterrent effect for drug dealers, and reducing the drug trafficking in the territory of Indonesia

    At-Tathbiqaat Al-Fiqhiyyah Li Qaa'idatil Haajah Tunazzil Manzilah Ad-Daruurah Finnawazil At-Thibbiyah (Dirosah Nadzoriah Tathbiiqiyah)

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    This thesis is a basic literature discussion of the idea of writing is the human need to know the laws of contemporary medical problems through the qaidah Alhajah Tunazzil Manzilat Ad-dhoruroh (the need for occupation of emergency) whose problems appear new things from time to time,So this rule has a special virtue in which it presents the easiness of Islamic shari'ah and reveals religious tolerance that takes account of the human condition and puts the good for them and guards their needs, The discussion of this thesis explains the three main problems: (1) What is the correct understanding of needs (hajah) and emergency? (2) And what is the argument that shows the perceived needs (hajah) in the Shari'a and what are the conditions in practice? (3) And what is the law of some contemporary medical problems in the scales of Alhajah Tunazzil Manzilat Ad-dhoruroh's rule? And after studying each of these problems came the discussion to: (1) That needs (hajah) and emergency meet / sides from side because raises the narrowness and difficulty, It's just that the emergency of halal aspect is somewhat different from the need (hajah) where the emergency is stronger and takes precedence over the needs (hajah) and both have the sides of similarity and difference,(2) the need for (hajah) the source of its delusion is drawn from the Qur'an, sunnah, ijma 'and reason, and to practice it must take into account the applicable conditions, (3) There has been a demonstration of this principle in some contemporary medical issues,, And the most / popular is what the author mentioned in this thesis are: (1) It is possible to donate organs and transplant them for existing needs (hajah) according to the majority of contemporary scholars and of course must be in accordance with the terms and rules of syar'I, (2) It may be surgical operation because of the need (hajah) caused by a disease that torture people who suffer from the disease,(3) It is not permissible to seek illicit treatment except for emergency or need (hajah) as long as there is no halal replacement, (4) It is possible that the abortion of the diseased fetus during the fulfillment of conditions of practice needs (hajah), (5) It is permissible to remove the life-saving devices from the dying patient according to the applicable terms and rules, (6) artificial insemination that occurs between husband and wife so it may be according to the majority of contemporary scholars

    Al-Ahkam Al-Fiqhiyah Al-Mustafadah Min Ghozwati Khaibar Fil Ath Imah

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    This study focuses on the dietary law of certain food in the Battle of Khaybar, especiallythe law of eating meats that was explained in the hadith. There was disagreement between scholars in understanding the hadith.The disagreemernts gives impact on the legal consume of animal flesh, whether it is halal, haram or makruh.The disagreement of the law of eating animal fleshin the battle of Khaybar is the reason behind the conducting ofthis research. And also this research reveals the cause of the disagreement in understanding the theorem, thus it will deliver benefit for muslim which is the purpose of the law of food. Type research this is literary studieswhich uses analyticmethod and descriptive with the comparison of scholarly statements of four schools of Fiqh in Islam. The research shows that the kindof foodin the Battle Khoibar is divided into two. First: food that scholars agreed as halal, such as grains, fruits. Second: food that was considered haraam, namely in the form of animal meat, such as horse meat, domisticated donkey meat, and the slaughtered animalwhich is conducted by the followers of the Book.From this research,it reveals that scholars agreed on the lawful (halal) of consuming horse meat, based on strong argument.,and domisticated donkey meat isunlawful (haraam), based on the number of hadiths that explain it. As for the slaughteredanimals of the followers of the Book is seen differently, if they are slaughtered in an Islamic way then the law is halal according to the majority of Ulama’. The law of the slaughterd animal of the followers of the Book can be applied to the law of imported meat