9 research outputs found
Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membentuk Karakter Islami Peserta Didik di SMPN 1 Kedawung Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023
This study aims to describe the Islamic Religious Education Teacher's Strategy in Forming Students' Islamic Character, the supporting and inhibiting factors in forming the Islamic character of students at SMPN 1 Kedawung Sragen.
This type of research is field research with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects were Islamic Religious Education teachers, school principals and students. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive method which has three components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validity technique in this study uses triangulation techniques which are divided into two types, namely source triangulation and technical triangulation.
The results of this study indicate that 1) The strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in shaping students' Islamic character is carried out by providing exemplary students, giving advice to students, practicing habituation, telling stories, giving punishments and gifts, monitoring midday prayers, discuss with parents or guardians of students. 2) Supporting factors in shaping the Islamic character of students are adequate facilities and infrastructure to support the learning process, as well as the cohesiveness of the spiritual team at SMPN 1 Kedawung. 3) The inhibiting factors in forming the Islamic character of students are the lack of personal awareness, parents, community and social environment, social media, lack of teacher cohesiveness, and inadequate mosques
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di Kelas IX MTs Negeri 2 Jepara Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021
The implementation of learning Arabic is a process of interaction between students and teachers and learning resources in the form of Arabic subjects which are directed to encourage, guide, develop and foster skills and foster a positive attitude towards Arabic. The purpose of this study was to find out how the implementation of learning Arabic and the obstacles experienced in implementing learning Arabic in class IX MTs Negeri 2 Jepara. This research is a type of field research, data sources were obtained from Arabic teachers and students. Collecting data using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and making conclusions. Test the validity of the data using source triangulation and technique triangulation. From the results of the study it can be concluded that: the implementation of learning Arabic in class IX MTs Negeri 2 Jepara is carried out in 3 stages, namely: initial activities, core activities, and final activities. The initial activity is an activity to create a learning atmosphere. The initial activity contains greetings, attendance, asking about past material, and giving a little description of the material to be studied. The core activity is the activity of delivering material. And the final activity is the closing activity to evaluate learning. In the implementation of learning there are several obstacles faced by teachers, namely: lack of preparation for teaching, lack of learning resources, and diverse student behavior. While the obstacles faced by students are: unclear explanations due to the age of the teacher and feeling bored quickly because of the method use
Analisis Rekonstruksi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam melalui Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) di SMK Negeri 4 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023
The aims of this study is to describe an Analysis of Islamic Education Learning through the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project at Vocational High School 4 of Surakarta. The type of this research is field research which used phenomenological qualitative approach. The data collection of this study using observation, interview and documentation. The result of this study are obtained by direct observation in the field, the first is the role of the Islamic Education teacher in the learning reconstruction and the second is learning reconstruction result through P5 in the form of reports. The role of the Islamic Education teacher in the learning reconstruction on Independent Curriculum is carried out in accordance with the role of the teacher a facilitator, motivator, learning resource, demonstrator, mentor and accessor. The Islamic Education teacher also implementing active, innovative, effective, creative and fun learning through several models and methods such as Problem Based Leaning (PBL), Project Based Learning (PJBL), Inquiry Learning, and Belnded Learning. Therefore, the role of the Islamic Education teacher at Vocational High School 4 of Surakarta has achieved the goal of learning reconstruction. Curricular learning is not well enough to encourage the development of students’ character, but through co-curricular in P5, teachers and parents collaborate in character forming as matches in Pancasila Student Profile which includes 6 dimensions, namely Faith and Taqwa to God Almighty, Global Diversity, Mutual Cooperation, Independent, Creative, Critical Reasoning. Therefore, Islamic Education teachers participate in the character building which does not only process intra-curricular learning, but will make it easier for Islamic Education teachers to improve character through co-curricular learning, so that in this lesson it produces quality students according to the Pancasila Student Profile
Dampak Toxic Parents Terhadap Respons Belajar Peserta Didik Di SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar
Toxic parent behavior is bad behavior by parents that can cause mental and physical disturbances to children. Toxic Parents occur due to several factors. First, parents are dissatisfied with the results of their children. Second, parents do not understand the science of parenting and the dangers of toxic parent behavior. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection using the method of observation, documentation and interviews. Meanwhile, the data collection technique carried out using three methods, namely data reduction, data presentation and data verification. To verify the validity of the data obtained, three triangulation techniques were used, namely source triangulation, technical triangulation, and time triangulation. The results of the study show that the impact of toxic parents on the learning responses of students at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar includes, (1) There is pressure that children feel due to behavioral actions that parents do (2) The potential for self-injury is quite large, such as attempted suicide due to physical violence. what parents do. (3) Decreased enthusiasm for learning, because they are not given access to develop their potential (4) Become a stronger and more independent person
The Concept Of Megalomania Therapy According To Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah
Megalomania is a condition in which a person has excessive confidence in his own abilities and strengths, and feels very superior towards others. Ibn Qayyim, a 14th-century Muslim scholar, wrote about heart disease in his works,
therefore in this study the author compares liver disease with megalomania. In this study, we used library research with a psychological approach. This research technique uses documentation techniques and uses data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis techniques This study aims to describe the meaning, indicators, characteristics and
causes of megalomania disorder, describe Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah's psychotherapy method, explain how the implementation of Ibn Qayyim AlJauziyyah's concept
in megalomania therapy. Megalomania is a heart disease that
can cause a person to fall into evil and impossibility. Megalomania can cause a person to feel less subject to laws and rules, and feel that they can do whatever they want regardless of the negative consequences that may be faced. To overcome megalomania, Ibn Qayyim suggested that one should improve their attitudes and views towards oneself and others. A person must be able to accept their shortcomings and weaknesses, and not feel too satisfied with himself. In addition, a person must also be able to understand and appreciate the existence of others, and not feel superior to others. Thus, one can avoid falling into megalomania and become a better person. With this, in the future, we can apply the concept of Ibn Qayyim's therapy so that in the future psychiatric problems can be overcome by religion
Implementasi Program Amaliyah Tadris (Praktik Mengajar) Di Pondok Pesantren Darul Amanah Sukorejo Kendal
Teachers are responsible for the quality of education, to achieve an increase in the quality of education, therefore teachers are required to develop themselves with the knowledge and skills needed in learning. But the fact shows that not all teachers have a good performance in carrying out their duties, shown by the fact that there are still many students who complain that the teacher teaches in an unattractive way. The Darul Amanah Islamic Boarding School has a program to train students to master learning methods, then practice them in an activity, namely Amaliyah Tadris. This study aims to describe the implementation of the amaliyah tadris program (teaching practice) at the Darul Amanah Islamic Boarding School Sukorejo Kendal and to identify problems in the implementation of the amaliyah tadris program at the Darul Amanah Islamic Boarding School Sukorejo Kendal. This type of research is field research or field research. The research approach uses a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that amaliyah tadris is an annual program that must be followed by all students of class VI TMI Darul Amanah Islamic Boarding School as a graduation requirement. The program provides the basics of teaching, making learning tools and mental training of students to speak in front of the class. The steps in the implementation of the amaliyah tadris program include technical provision of teaching practice, planning: making-correction-approval of i'dad (RPP), pilot teaching practice, simulation before D-day, implementation: teaching practice in classrooms assessed by peers group mates and tutors, evaluation: delivery (assessment and criticism). The problems of amaliyah tadris include the lack of knowledge of students in making lesson plans, the lack of mastery of the material is only focused on the material in the textbooks, there are still students who lack confidence (groggy) so they are not optimal in performing
Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Menurut Sayyid Quthb Dalam Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur'an Surat Luqman Ayat 12-19
The Qur’an is the last holy book that was revealed by Allah through the angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad as the guidance for human life. The Qur’an as a way of life, to be a light of guidance, news giver, and as a differentiator between the true and false for humans, makes studying and understanding its contents is an obligation, especially for Muslims. As a source of human thought and behavior, the Qur’an contains gospel or teachings that are in accordance with the needs and interests of human life. Besides the commands and prohibitions, the Qur’an contains scientific facts that are useful for human knowledge and there are also historical stories of the past that the lessons could be learned for a better life. Prophet Muhammad has the morals of the Qur’an and he is a good role model for every human in this world. Thus, as the people of the prophet Muhammad, Muslim should use the Qur’an as the basic guidance for their behavior. The Qur’an concerns various matters that humans need such as aqidah, worship, law, muamalah, etc. One of the lesson of the Qur’an is about morals in surah Luqman verses 12-19 which is about him gives advice to his son that includes teaching to not associate partners with Allah, the reward of every action, praying, and do amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, preach to dutiful and be kind to parents, and also not to be arrogant and raising voice when speak to them. This descriptive analysis research focuses on Sayyid Qutb’s interpretation of the value of moral education in surah Luqman verses 12-19. The conclusion of this research is that among the morals to Allah namely being grateful to Him and not associating with Him, morals to both parents namely being devoted and doing good to them, personal morals namely establishing prayer and being patient, and social moralities namely amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, not to be an arrogant, pride oneself, also be a simple person in walking in Allah’s earth, and softening the voice
Implementasi Metode Uswah Hasanah Dalam Pembentukan Akhlak Siswa SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura
This research aims to describe how ushwah hasanah is used in the formation of students' morals at SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura, how uswah hasanah is implemented as a strategy for forming students' morals at SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura and to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors for the strategy of forming morals through the uswah hasanah method in students at SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura. This type of research is qualitative research taking place at SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura. Data was collected from observations, interviews and document studies. Data analysis was carried out in the stages of classifying, presenting and verifying the data. Testing the validity of the data uses extended observations, accuracy of observations and triangulation. Based on the research results, it shows that SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura has created an atmosphere of uswatun hasanah (exemplary) by building a religious environmental condition. Maintain and maintain good relationships between residents, including the relationship between the school principal and foundation leaders, with educators, staff and relationships with students. This example is manifested in activities that promote noble personalities, such as inviting each other to perform congregational prayers, reciting the Koran, forgiving each other, shaking hands with each other and so on. The strategy for forming exemplary character carried out at SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura is through the habit of worship, cleanliness, through advice, through implementing polite manners towards elders and through apologizing to others. Inhibiting and supporting factors in forming moral character at SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura. Supporting factors are the school principal, existing resources and parents. The inhibiting factors are media (cellphones, laptops and others) and fellow friends
Internalisasi Nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam Untuk Lansia Melalui Pengajian Malam Jumat Di Masjid Alit Ki Ageng Gribig Jatinom Klaten
Keberadaan pengajian majelis taklim di masjid dalam masyarakat benar-benar menjadi wadah kegiatan bagi lansia, dengan nilai-nilai positif pengajian yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan sosial. Perbedaan diantara mereka tidak menjadikan halangan untuk saling mengenal dan berkomunikasi satu sama lain. Meskipun demikian masih banyak lansia yang enggan mengikuti kegiatan pengajian majelis taklim, tanpa disadari, mereka telah mengabaikan kewajiban menuntut ilmu, sehingga mereka lalai akan hal itu, serta kurangnya kesadaran mereka dalam menumbuhkan nilai-nilai agama dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui internalisasi nilai pendidikan Islam melalui pengajian malam jumat di Masjid Alit ki ageng Gribig Jatinom, Klaten dan dampak internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam melalui pengajian malam jumat bagi lansia di Desa Jatinom, Kecamatan Jatinom, Klaten. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian lapangan dan pendekatan fenomenologi. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu takmir Masjid Alit ki ageng Gribig Jatinom Klaten, ustadz/ustadzah, dan lansia jamaah pengajian malam jumat. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Internalisasi nilai pendidikan Islam melalui pengajian malam Jumat di Masjid Alit Ki Ageng Gribig dilaksanakan dengan langkah-langkah meliputi pemilihan materi pengajian, pemilihan ustadz, pelaksanaan pengajian secara interaktif, penggunaan metode beragam seperti ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, dan praktek, penerimaan dan pemahaman materi, serta penerapan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. (2) Dampak internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam melalui pengajian malam Jumat bagi lansia di Desa Jatinom sangat positif. Dampak tersebut meliputi penguatan nilai-nilai moral, peningkatan spiritualitas, pengelolaan emosi, peningkatan pengetahuan agama Islam, motivasi untuk berbuat baik, penguatan identitas keagamaan, pertumbuhan mental, dukungan sosial, pemahaman tentang kematian, dan peningkatan kualitas hidup