42 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Pemasaran Melalui Official Account Line Starbuck Terhadap Brand Equity

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    The use of social media in business can be viewed as one of the most popular marketing tools. Social media can influence consumers to buy the product and to make it more prospective than the other marketing channels. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of LINE Official Account of Starbucks on the brand equity. The type of this research is a quantitative research by conveying survey on Starbucks customers who become followers of Starbucks LINE. The samples of research are 100 respondents applying accidental sampling. The method of collecting data is by using questionnaires. The technique of analyzing data is regression technique. The results of research show that marketing communications conducted by LINE official account of Starbucks have significant effect on the brand equity of Starbucks Coffee. The result of regression coefficient shows positive mark which means better marketing communications done by LINE official account of Starbucks can increase the brand equity of Starbucks Coffee. The influence of marketing communications of Starbucks's Line official account to brand equity is 31.2%, while the rest 68.8% is influenced by other variables

    The Consumer Perceptions On Brand Image Yakult (Quantitative Descriptive Study of Brand Image Yakult at Bank Mandiri KCP Diponegoro Yogyakarta)

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    Nowadays, company is prosecuted to be able to compete with others to dominate market share by making good image in whole society. Making good image or branding is an effort to build good perception in society because in that perception effective communication between consumers to its product will be created. The magnitude of the sales span between Yakult and the competitor means that trust in the product is also great. This study aims to see how the dominant influence of brand image on the formation of consumer perceptions.. This study is held in Yogyakarta especially in Mandiri Bank Office KCP Diponegoro Jetis, DIY. The sampling technique using purposive sampling. The method on descriptive quantitative by using questionnaires as its instrument with sample of 80 people. Test validity is calculated by comparing r count-value, while test reliability used SPSS for Windows with statistical test of Cronbach Alpha>0,60. The primary data used in this study is taken by distributing instrument of study, that is questionnaires to respondents. Based on data analysis result shows that consumers perception is tend to be good with the highest percentage trend 95%, moderate 3,8% and low 1,3%. By that, perception that had by employees of Mandiri Bank KCP Diponegoro can be stated in high categor

    Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif di Pabrik Jamu Gujati 59 Kabupaten Sukoharjo)

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    Marketing communication is currently a trend among entrepreneurs to increase sales, while from the buyers sides it becomes a means of knowledge about the products sold by a company. Many companies are implementing marketing communications as one of the mainstay activities in introducing their products to public in order to increase sales, one of which is the Gujati 59 Herbal Factory. The aim of this study is to analyze public perceptions of marketing communication conducted by Gujati 59 herbal medicine in Sukoharjo among its stakeholders. This research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were all visitors and customers of Gujati 59 herbal medicine for one month in 12 outlets in Sukoharjo. The sampling techniques used in this study is purposive sampling technique. In this study, 200 customers were taken as samples, that is customers who came to Gujati 59 herbal outlet in Sukoharjo more than twice. Data collection techniques used are questionnaire techniques and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that integrated marketing communication conducted by Gujati 59 herbal medicine can foster a positive perception among customers. In the Advertising indicator, sales promotion and personal selling, it shows a pretty good value category yet the direct marketing indicator shows a poor value category

    Pengaruh Reviewbeauty Influencer Di Instagram Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Produk Kecantikan (Survei Pada Mahasiswi Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    The digital age made human more dependent on social media that can fulfill their needs. Instagram came as a platform that is used by women in order to fulfill their needs of beauty information. Review by Beauty Influencer is considered to be able to affect women because of how they convey their messages that tends to be persuasive. So it is not uncommon things for women who watch review by Beauty Influencer on Instagram become interested in making purchases to an irrational level or only to fulfilling the desires as a form of consumptive behavior. This type of research is explanative quantitative research with a positivistic approach. The population for this research is a student majoring in management of Faculty of Economics and Business at UMS with a total of 91 samples obtained from the slovin formula with a purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques is used through surveys with a questionnaire instrument. The data analysis technique used is simple linear regression data analysis between of review Beauty Influencer as a dependent variable and consumptive behavior as a independent variable. The results of this study explain that review by Beauty Influencer is significantly influences consumptive behavior as indicated by the tcount is7,741, t table value is1,987and the sig is (0,000) which is less than 0.05 () and with a coefficient of determination is40,2%

    Penyesuaian Diri Mahasiswa Terhadap Culture Shock (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Penyesuaian Diri Mahasiswa Sulawesi Selatan Di Yogyakarta)

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    Adjustment is the process of individual experience in achieving the balance of life to meet the needs of life in accordance with new cultures and new environments. Culture shock is a change of cultural values in the development of the times and an increasingly evolving mind. This usually happens to people who move from their native culture to a new culture, such as students of South Sulawesi in Yogyakarta. The purpose of this research was to know the process of adjusting students of South Sulawesi in Yogyakarta in facing culture shock. This research used descriptive qualitative method with object of research that is culture shock student of South Sulawesi in Yogyakarta and take 7 resource from South Sulawesi. The data collection used in this study used interviews in depth and semi structured to obtain results as well as complete and appropriate information required by researchers. The results of this study indicate that the process of self adjustment and interaction conducted by students of South Sulawesi in Yogyakarta in the face of culture shock is very diverse. Viewed from the majority of South Sulawesi students can adjust to the culture shock and new life that is very different from life in the culture of origin. Keyword : Culture Shock, Self Adjustment, Student of South Sulawes

    Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan(Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Pelaksanaan Program Harapan di Kecamatan Nogosari Kabupaten Boyolali)

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    PKH was started in 2007 and has been implemented in Boyolali since 2015. One of the sub-districts that get PKH program in Boyolali is Nogosari Sub- District. The implementation of PKH is based on self-managed community groups, where the community groups are the main drivers and implementers of the program. So, the aspects of perception and public participation are significant. Consequently, the implementation of PKH will certainly cause a variety of perceptions that arise from the surrounding community. This research aims to identify how public perception on the implementation of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). The research method is descriptive method by using quantitative approach. The technique of collecting data is conducted through questioner. Respondents taken in this research are Nogosari District communities who follow PKH program. Respondents are selected with purposive sampling technique. Method of analyzing data in this research is univariate analysis with frequency description formula. The 2 results of this study show that community perception of the implementation of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is positive which means that the community agrees with the implementation of PKH. Besides, public also feel satisfied with the implementation of PKH, agree with the motivation of providing assistance from the PKH and benefits of the community

    Krisis Citra Radio Komunitas pada Hilangnya Frekuensi Siaran Radio Rapma FM (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Strategi Pemulihan Citra pada Radio 107.5 Rapma FM Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta dalam Mengembalikan Citra Pasca Krisis yang Terjadi di Tahun 2013)

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    A crisis is a "turning point in history life", a turning point in life that has a significant impact. Depending on the reaction shown by individuals, community groups, corporations and companies. This study aims to find out how crisis communication is carried out by RAPMA FM community radio University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta in handling crises in the loss of broadcast frequency. Researchers used the Image Restoration Theory approach in crisis communication in uncovering the phenomenon of the crisis that occurred. The method used uses a descriptive qualitative approach with in-depth interview data collection and observation. The results of this study show that crisis communication conducted by RAPMA FM can be said to be successful. There are five stages in dealing with crises implemented by RAPMA FM. First Denial by forming claims in the form of other facts that occur in the field. Second, Evasion Responsibility, where RAPMA FM shows Good Intention by giving good intention to improve the frequency in accordance with broadcasting law. Third is Reducing the Offensiveness, namely by way of Bolstering where RAPMA FM states that they have done their best in resolving cases, by way of Minimalization and Differentiation that according to RAPMA FM this crisis is only a small stumbling block. Fourth, through Corrective Action in which RAPMA FM directly acts to resolve the case by looking for new frequencies in accordance with the law. Fifth Mortification by apologizing for the crisis thatoccurred, through the transition of broadcasts from channel or channel frequency to streaming and through the application

    Image Restoration Strategy Of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (A News Framing Analysis of PT PHE After PHE ONWJ Oil Spill On Tribunnews.com Online News Portal)

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    This research focuses on the reporting of the PHE ONWJ oil spill. The oil spill was caused by a leak at the YYA-1 PHE ONWJ well. The issue of the oil spill has been reported by many news portals, from the initial news that the incident occurred to the handling carried out by PT PHE. Of course, this issue can threaten the company's image if PT PHE does not respond immediately. Tribunnews.com is the news portal that most reports on the PHE ONWJ oil spill with 69 news stories for the period July 15, 2019 to January 16, 2020 on a national scale. This research aims to determine the news frame regarding the image restoration strategy of PT PHE in improving the image after the PHE ONWJ oil spill. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach with the Robert Entman framing analysis method. This research also used image restoration theory which shows PT PHE uses three image restoration strategies to respond to crisis issues, namely mortification, compensation, and corrective action. However, PT PHE often uses corrective action strategies to respond the crisis because it can raise positive issues, protect its image, and eliminate negative perceptions of the company

    Strategi Komunikasi Persuasi Upline Oriflame Jaringan Vvip Family Dalam Pembentukan Duplikasi Kerja Downline

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    Duplication is a process of imitating or handing on a thing or knowledge and applying it in accordance with the capabilities. In Multi Level Marketing Oriflame business, an upline contributes to persuading downlines to be able to duplicate the way the business works in accordance with company goals. This persuasion communication strategy can be explained through the Source Credibility theory which focuses on the important role of the upline as a credible person in the duplication delivery process. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive and the research object that is upline Oriflame VVIP Family network in Semarang as many as 5 people. Data collection is taken by using in-depth interviews and related books or journals to complete the results as needed. Analysis of the data used is a filling system technique that helps understand observed behavior. For data validation using source triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that an upline appears with an attractive character as a fun and credible leader. This can be seen from for example language skills and the use of media for reference to gather information related to persuasion communication strategies