17 research outputs found


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    The Covid-19 pandemic not only affects the economic sector, but also affects the social and religious sectors of life. In the religious life sector related to worship, pandemic has been able to change the pattern of worship practice. In Indonesia, this policy of restriction of worship was issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council together with the ministry of religion in mui fatwa No.14 of 2020. This is done to reduce the number of Covid-19 spread in places of worship, especially mosques. This study aims to analyze the practice of worship in mosques in urban and rural areas in Sukoharjo Regency, and analyze the suitability of worship practices with mui fatwa No.14 of 2020. This study uses survey method. The population in this study was all mosques in Grogol Subdistrict (231 mosques) and Tawangsari Subdistrict (154 mosques) while the samples taken amounted to 28 mosques in urban areas (Grogol Subdistrict) and 14 mosques in rural areas (Tawangsari Subdistrict), sampling locations based on mosques located in the red zone area, so the sampling method used is purposive sampling method. The analysis methods used are descriptive analysis, cross tabulation analysis and spatial analysis using regional differentiation analysis. The results showed that the implementation of worship practices during the Covid-19 pandemic in urban and rural areas includes the implementation of fardhu prayers, Friday prayers, Eid prayers, recitation, Tarawih prayers, and the management of bodies. The implementation of worship practices in urban areas has more complete health protocol facilities compared to rural mosques. And on the average number of worshipers in urban area mosques experienced a percentage decrease in the average number of worshipers higher than in rural areas. During the Covid-19 pandemic, mosque administrators changed mosque policies such as routine cleaning of mosques, carpet rolling, worshipers are required to wear masks, social distancing. The result of the percentage conformity of the implementation of worship practices during the Covid-19 pandemic in urban areas according to MUI Fatwa No.14 of 2020, the corresponding percentage average is 61% and the average percentage is not appropriate is 39%. While in rural areas, the average percentage accordingly is 24% and the average percentage is not appropriate is 76%

    Evaluasi Implementasi Sistem Zonasi Pada SMP Negeri Kota Madiun

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    The zoning system has begun to be implemented in Indonesia with the aim of leveling education in Indonesia. In the Academic Year of 2019/2020, Madiun City has implemented a zoning system for admission of new students, especially at the State Junior High School level. In Madiun City there are 14 State Junior High Schools. The researcher is about the suitability of zoning in the State Junior High School which was previously considered a favorite and a comparative State Junior High School. The purpose of this research is (1) Knowing the distribution area of origin of junior high school students in the City of Madiun, and (2) Evaluating Implementation of the zoning system in the State Junior High School in Madiun City. The method used in this study is a buffer, overlay and average nearst neighbor. The results showed that (1) The State Junior High School of Madiun City, both favorite State Junior High Schools and comparative State Junior High Schools have the same distribution pattern, namely clustered or clustered in one of the regions or districts, and (2) Evaluation results of the implementation of the zoning system there are 4 State Junior High Schools that have run a good the zoning system properly (> 90%), namely Junior High School State 1 , Junior High School State 2, Junior High School State 4 And Junior High School State 6. State Junior High Schools, while Schools that have not run the zoning system properly (< 90%), namely Junior High School State 7 and with Junior High School State 14

    Kajian Keterkaitan Usaha dalam Kluster Industri Kelom Geulis di Kecamatan Tamansari Kota Tasikmalaya

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    Business relation in industrial cluster Kelomgeulis in Tamansari District, Tasikmalaya City. The purpose of this research is (1) analyzing the characteristics of entrepreneurs in industrial clusters Kelomgeulis in Tamansari City district of Tasikmalaya (2) analyzing the characteristics of business in the cluster industrial kelomgeulis in the district Tamansari City Tasikmalaya (3) Analyzing business relations in the industrial cluster Kelomgeulis in Tamansari City district of Tasikmalaya. The sample withdrawal method used in this study was a stratified quota sampling method with a total quota of 60 respondents. As the number of industries was only 40 respondents, the sample withdrawal was only 40 respondents. The stages of research include: a) observations carried out by direct observation to the field of industrial processing kelomgeulis and accessibility of Industrial B) survey C) processing and analysis of data. The results of the research show the industrial cluster in Tamansari-sub-district in Mulyasari village, Sukahurip Village and Setiawargi village. 1) The character of the businessman is still the productive age, the male-sex entrepreneur, average high school education, and with the family's response most of the 3. 2) characteristic of the business has sufficient capital, has a workforce that comes from around the research area, taking raw materials from the area around the research area, as well as marketing of products that already include regional, local and foreign 3) Business relation has two interconnectedness of horizontal linkage covering the spatial area of origin of raw materials, labor and marketing origin. Vertical linkage indicates the association of households, small and medium industries based on tools, raw materials, and manpower

    Mobilitas Pemulung Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon Kota Surakarta

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    The poverty rate in cities is still high. The city of Surakarta is in the 2nd rank for the highest number of poor people in Central Java Province in the city category. The urban poor usually live in slum areas. Pasar Kliwon sub-district has the largest slum area in the city of Surakarta. The poor usually work in the informal sector, one of which is working as scavengers. Scavengers perform mobility while working around looking for used goods to various locations or regions. This research is entitled "Mobility of Scavengers in Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Surakarta City" which aims to: (1) determine the social and economic characteristics of scavengers in Pasar Kliwon District, Surakarta City. (2) knowing the mobility of scavengers in Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Surakarta City. The sampling method used snowball sampling with the number of respondents 20 scavengers. The data collection method used a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate the social characteristics of scavengers in Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Surakarta City, on average 46 years of age with male gender, the majority (90%) of residents who were born native in Pasar Kliwon District. Economic Characteristics of Scavengers, Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Surakarta City, has an average income of Rp. 42,500 / day with an average total expenditure of Rp. 45,400 / day. The average monthly income of scavengers is below 36% of the UMK Surakarta. Most of the mobility of scavengers (60%) use motorbike transportation, the farthest location for scavenging is in the Sukoharjo regency with a distance of 19.7 km. The majority of respondents (50%) scavenged garbage to north Solo and the majority (70%) scavenged waste outside the Pasar Kliwon District and outside Surakarta City. The majority (100%) of the patterns of mobility carried out by scavengers go straight home, most (50%) work for 5-6 hours / day

    Analisis Dampak Pandemi Terhadap Sosial - Ekonomi Masyarakat Pengusaha Industri Kecil Sarung Tenun Goyor di Kecamatan Taman Kabupaten Pemalang

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    The goyor woven sarong is a non-machine loom originating from the village of North Wanarejan and has spread to Taman District, Pemalang Regency. This woven sarong craft began to produce from 1942 and continues to grow until now. Starting with the Covid-19 pandemic, goyor woven sarong entrepreneurs experienced a decline in terms of workforce, production, prices, and so on. The purpose of making this research namely (1) Analyze the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the socio-economics of ATBM goyor woven sarong entrepreneurs in Taman Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency, (2) Analyze the survival strategy of goyor ATBM woven sarong entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 pandemic in Taman Subdistrict Pemalang Regency. Data processing techniques are carried out in several stages including editing, coding, tabulation and cleaning. The results of this study have 60 respondents, the following research results show (1) there is a covid-19 pandemic, operational hours which were previously 8 hours per day have become 6 hours. Labor, production and turnover are very influential on the sustainability of the sarong entrepreneur. Workers' salaries have decreased from 12% for fine materials and 9% for coarse materials. Raw material prices 16-20 million reach 50%, 16-20 million achieve a reduction of 30% and 25 million there is only 1 entrepreneur. (2) Production experienced a change in motifs, 60% and color 13% and no change, 27%, the price strategy of the goyor woven sarong entrepreneur, namely a 10% discount for one dozen, the promotion strategy of the goyor woven sarong entrepreneur, which has not yet been 86% because they have collaborated with people, 87% of goyor woven sarongs are marketed overseas

    Analisis Kesesuaian Persebaran Daerah Asal Siswa dengan Zonasi Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    The government applies the Zoning System in New Student Admissions (PPDB) so that the quality of education becomes better. One application of zoning is carried out in Karanganyar Regency especially at the State High School level. There are 9 public high schools in the Karanganyar Regency. This study examines the suitability of the distribution of areas of origin of students with high school zoning in Karanganyar Regency by selecting 3 favorite high schools based on the UN grade rating. The objectives of this study are (1) Analyzing the distribution of areas of origin of high school students in Karanganyar Regency, (2) Evaluating the suitability between the distribution of students' origins with the Public High School zones in Karanganyar Regency, and (3) Analyzing the factors that contribute to the distribution of student origins with zoning of Public High Schools in Karanganyar Regency. The method used in this study is the first overlay analysis method. Overlay analysis is an overlaying process between zonation area maps and student area distribution maps to determine the suitability of the two maps. And the nearest nearest average method of analysis is to find out the distribution patterns of high school students and triangulation analysis of data sources to conclude interviews with the school. The results of this study are 3, namely distribution patterns, suitability of students' origin with zoning, and conformity factors. The pattern of distribution of origin of 01 SMA Karanganyar students has a clustered distribution pattern, Kebakkramat Public High School has a random distribution pattern and has a dispersed distribution pattern, and for Karangpandan Public High School has a dispersed distribution pattern. The suitability of the origin of high school students with suitable zoning is Kebakkramat State High School in the Academic Year 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 with a percentage of 91.78% and a percentage of 96.91%. The suitability of students' origin with zoning that is not yet appropriate is 01 Karanganyar Public High School in the 2017/2018 Academic Year in zoning with a percentage of 66.10% and outside zoning with a percentage of 33.89% the second high school that does not match Karangpandan High School 2017 / Academic Year 2018 is in zoning with a percentage of 68.18% and outside zoning with a percentage of 31.81%. Factors that cause students' discrepancies with the zoning of 01 Karanganyar Public High School and Karangpandan Public High School are the presence of students entering the high school using the Certificate of Inability (SKTM), there is no clear distance limitation from the governmen

    Perencanaan Jaringan Transportasi Baru pada Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) untuk Mendukung Pariwisata Berkelanjutan di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Trans Jogja is urban transportation with the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Yogyakarta City which has 17 routes and 249 stops. Trans Jogja is one of the strategic elements in tourism activities that should be able to represent Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2010 concerning the Yogyakarta City Spatial Planning for 2010-2029 which is directed to become a culture-based tourism city. The purpose of this study is to assess the existing route network and the reach of stops for cultural tourism on the Trans Jogja Rapid Transit (BRT) Bus in the city of Yogyakarta and develop a new route network plan based on the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) standard of 45% overlapping and increasing the reach of stops for cultural tourism in the city of Yogyakarta. The data processing method used in determining the suitability of the location of the new bus stop is a binary quantitative approach. While the method used in determining the route is network analyst in ArcGIS 10.5 software. The results of the study were analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results of the research in the form of overlapping route values on the existing route network are 52.21% and the range of stops for cultural tourism is 77.42%. Whereas the new route network plan has a route overlapping percentage of only 23.62% and the reach of the bus stop to the cultural location becomes 100% visualized in the form of a map

    Analisis Kesesuaian Daerah Asal Siswa Kelas X Dengan Sistem Zonasi Sekolah Menengah Atas Di Kota Tegal Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

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    The government established a zoning system policy in the Admission of New Learners. The implementation of the zoning system is carried out by all State High Schools in Indonesia, one of which is Tegal City. Tegal City has 5 (five) State High Schools spread across the Tegal City area, three of which are located in one area, the area is the Kecamatan Tegal Timur. The schools, namely SMA N 1, SMA N 3, and SMA N 4. Other school is, namely SMA N 2 are located in Kecamatan Tegal Barat and SMA N 5 is located in Kecamatan Margadana. In Kota Tegal, lthere is an area that does not have a state high school, namely Kecamatan Tegal Selatan. The first purpose of this study to analyze the distribution pattern of students' origin, the second purpose is analyze zoning based on student distribution patterns, and the third goal to analyze the suitability of students' home areas. The research method for this study is a field survey with the population / object of research in 10th grade students in 5 (five) High School at Kota Tegal. The result of this study is that the distribution pattern of students' origins in The Horrified Senior High School shows a clustering pattern, students from Kecamatan Tegal Selatan have the opportunity to select the Admission of New Students for the Zoning Path, and the distribution of students origin according to the zoning system

    Penilaian Resiliensi Dimensi Sosial Masyarakat Kawasan Pesisir Desa Bedono Kecamatan Sayung Kabupaten Demak Berdasarkan Konsep Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI)

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    The determination of the direction of adaptation to the social conditions of the community is done by evaluating resilience as a reference in reducing the negative impact of a disaster. The concept of the Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) to assess the resilience of the study area. This resilience analysis is very useful to reduce vulnerability to hazards triggered by changes in the physical environment of natural resources, so that rescue and prevention efforts that are driven by the government, by building systems or institutions oriented towards solving problems. The purpose of this study is to assess community resilience to tidal flood disasters in coastal areas according to the social dimension based on the Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) and formulate directions for adaptation to increase community resilience to tidal flood disasters in coastal areas. The method used is a survey and In-depth interview to obtain the objectives in this study. The results of social resilience assessment in Bedono Village, which is 3.39, are in the medium category. The direction of adaptation to increase resilience to the tidal flood disaster in bedono village, namely increasing social capital and social unity and disaster preparedness

    Mobilitas Spasial Dan Sosial Penduduk Terdampak Pembangunan Bandara Yogyakarta International Airport (Kasus: Penduduk Dukuh Bapangan, Desa Glagah, Kecamatan Temon, Kabupaten Kulonprogo)

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    The construction of Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) uses administrative land in the villages of Jangkaran, Sindutan, Palihan, Kebonrejo, and Glagah. The land of the five villages consists of Pakualaman land (Sand Dunes area) and community-owned land (residential and agricultural areas). The process of developing Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) requires land acquisition. This forced relocation affects several residents doing both spatial and social mobility. This study aims to (1) study population characteristics, (2) analyze spatial mobility, and (3) analyze the social mobility of Bapangan Hamlet residents affected by the construction of Yogyakarta International Airport Kulonprogo airport. This study uses qualitative methods and the selection of informants in the form of a census. Data collection methods are in-depth interviews where the researcher becomes the main instrument. Data processing uses transcription, encoding, and categorization. The data obtained were analyzed by the method of data analysis in the form of transcripts and contextualization. The results showed that (1) the characteristics of the population Bapangan Hamlet according to the majority sex (67.6%) female family heads, (2) the spatial mobility of relocation of affected populations spread in 4 points including in Bebekan Village as many as 34 households, Kedundang Village has 23 households, Palihan Village has 18 households, and Janten Village has 17 households which are presented in the form of flow maps, (3) Social mobility is aimed at changes in livelihoods, wealth, and changes in social status