28 research outputs found


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    as Bamboo is known building material of high tensile and flexural strength but low modulus of elasticity. It causes bamboo structure element has high deflections when load applied, and function of bamboo for building can not be utilized optimally. One of the way is to make a composed bamboo beam use bolt connector in order that deflection does not exceed the recommended limits and achieve high stiffness. The research was conducted to examine the influence of installation bolt connector on the composed bamboo beam with variety of inclination to increase shear plane of the bamboo, so that can increase strength and stiffness of the composed bamboo beam. inclination Specimen is made single bamboo beam and two composed bamboo beam without filler and have 3 meters lenght and also with bolt connector variety of (α) 90�, 75�, 60�, and 45�. Each of variety is made 3 specimens. This testing is done by two point loads at 1/3 spans on pinned-roller supported beam. To determine the mechanical properties and physical material, conducted a preliminary testing based on ISO standard. s The research result showed that composed bamboo beam with the bolt connector installed in inclination 75� got optimum result. Increasing percentage of composed bamboo beam load with inclination 90�, 75� 60�, and 45� respectively is 44%, 139%, 58%, and 22% than single bamboo beam while increasing stiffness 3 %, 6.6%, 1%, and 1.7% than stiffness of single bamboo beam. In elastic condition, ratio of theoretical load decreasing to experiment for two composed bamboo beam with assumption that the installed bamboo beam perfectly for inclination varieties of bolt connector 90� , 75�, 60�, and 45� respectively is 0.27, 0.40, 0.20, and 0.22. while for composed bamboo beam with assumption that the installed bamboo beam is not perfectly (unmonolith) with bolt connector in inclination 90�, 75�, 60�, and 45� respectively is 0.95, 1.42, 0.72, and 0.78. In ultimate condition for composed bamboo beam got variety the failure pattern depend on bolt connector inclination


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    The Indonesian construction develop quite rapidly. It is marked by numerous physical development in Indonesia. Application of concrete material as the material used to make the availability of substitute materials. Steel is one of the material has some properties that could be better than concrete, can be a choice to building. Riss Hotel Yogyakarta that located in Jalan Gowongan Kidul No.33-34 Yogyakarta is reinforced concrete structural building. Redesign done by changing the structure of the building is a steel-concrete composite structures for steel plates and beams as well as for columns. This design is made for the implementation easier and faster. In the design of this structure using SAP2000 v.10 assistance program and analyzed manually. Result of analysis on RISS Hotel Yogyakarta after the redesign, the building still has ability to support the load on the building both bending and shear loads. Obtained from the calculation result, the initial structure weight (W) of 163.128,2 KN after the redesign it become 109.930,53 KN. The weight of the structure was reduced by 28%, so that the force (M, V and P) more less than before. Period that occured in the building generated by earthquake forces has increase 75% from the existing structure. This will cause the structure to receive smaller earthquake forces. However, the deflection of the building also increase 43% in the as-8

    Perilaku lentur pelat sistem satu arah beton bertulang berongga bola

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    Prestressed concrete bridge structure under construction phase using the balanced cantilever method is widely used in construction of bridge structure. The method is suitable method for the erection of long span segmental bridges. Balanced cantilever method is developed to minimize the need of scaffolding as the implementation of in-situ casting. However, it is required to consider the stress and deformation which may occur. This might happen because of the difference of concrete strength at each concrete segment connected to the last segment of the bridge. Realistic approach can be performed numerically by nonlinear finite element analysis using ATENA software. The objective of this study is to determine and compare the stress and deformation which occur in prestressed concrete bridge constructed under the balanced cantilever method based on the non-linear and linear analysis. This study reviewed the bridge of Tol Semarang - Solo (Span A1 - P1 - A2, Banyumanik I). This bridge was half-spans numerically modelled by using assumption of fixed pier placement (boundary condition). The numerical models of bridge box girder were analyzed using the ATENA software. The results of this study were then compared to the results of linear analysis of SAP 2000 software by Primajaya (2010). Further research on the maximum load and deflection of the cantilever box girder bridge structure was done until the collapse. The results showed the comparison between non-linear and linear analysis by the ATENA software and SAP 2000 software. The result showed the same maximum stresses occurred on the segment I of the bridge structure for both analyses. The differences of the stress on both results of analyses of the review on the top fiber for condition 1/3 span, 2/3 span and full span were 0,736 MPa, 2,353 MPa, 0,009 MPa, respectively. On the bottom fiber the differences were 0,284 MPa, 0,878 MPa, 2,518 MPa. Maximum load that can be held bridge structures during the balanced cantilever construction was 360 KN at the free end of the balanced cantilever with deflection of 180 mm by the time of the collapse


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    One of the advantages of I beam compared to solid square beam is that it more lighter but not differ greatly in structural ability. However, the reinforcement and formwork of I beam is more complex than common solid square beam. Hollow core beam, as an alternative type of beam, have advantages that lighter weight similar to I beam and simpler reinforcement and formwork like most of the solid square beam. With the shape similar to pipe, hollow core beam also have a better torque resistance than I beam. This research is intended to compare the hollow core beam with solid beam and I beam against torque in serviceability and limit state. The behavior that observed are pattern and crack angle, torque moment resistance, concrete and reinforcement strain, twisting angle, torsional shear stress and ductility factors of beam. The tested beams are consisted of 4 beams which are hollow core beam HCB-1 (h/b : 30/15 c