7 research outputs found


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    Phenol formaldehyde resin is mainly used as the adhesive in the production of plywood and particle boards. The resin is made by reacting phenol and formaldehyde. Phenol is commonly produced from crude oil, thus an alternative renewable resource of phenol is needed. Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) is a promising renewable resource of phenol. In order to be able to be used as the raw material for the production of phenol formaldehyde resin, CNSL needs to be oxidized beforehand. The oxidation is meant to cut the long chain alkyl in the molecular structure of CNSL. The purpose of this research is to study the effects of temperature and ultraviolet light towards the reaction kinetics of CNSL oxidation using hydrogen peroxide. CNSL was reacted with hydrogen peroxide with the mole ratio of 1:30 at 40oC, 45oC, and 50oC temperature. To study the effect of UV light, the reaction was run without any light and with UV irradiation using 1 and 2 10 Watt UV lamps. Sample analysis was performed by method of titration using sodium hydroxide solution as the titrant. The reaction equation of CNSL with hydrogen peroxide was elaborated mechanistically. The kinetics equations was derived using pseudo-steady-state hypothesis. The results showed that the overall reaction rate is controlled by the reduction of CNSL and the reaction rate follows pseudo-first-order kinetics towards CNSL concentration. It was also found that the reaction rate increases proportionally with the increase in UV light intensity for the intensity range of 0 to 0.32 lux


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    Bio-succinic acid (BSA) or 1,4-butanedioic acid is a chemical compound which is functioned as the main feedstock for plastic manufacturing, bio-degradable plastic production (Polybutylene succinate or PBS). Bio-succinic acid will reduce the dependency of fossil-based resources forthe plastic manufacturing. As a chemical compund with two carboxylic groups,the succinic acid chemical structure that consists of four carbon atoms in its chain, is similar to the structure of maleic anhydride. Because of their chemical structure similarity, succinic acid can stand in line with maleic anhydride and the other chemical platforms to synthesize several chemical products. BSA Plant is planned to operate for 331 days in a year with production capacity of 10,000 MTPY. The main feedstocks are 22,620 MTPY of molasses and 4,250 MTPY of CO2. The process of anaerobic fermentation which is supported by A. succinogenes as the biocatalyst, will be the main process in the synthesizing unit. Generally, the steps of producing succinic acid are (i) Fermentation process to produce Mg-succinate, (ii) Acidification to transform Mg-succinate into succinic acid, (iii) Direct crystallization (cooling crystallization) to crystallize the succinic acid solution, (iv) Crystal drying and size grouping. As the supporting unit, unit of utility provide steam supply as many as 16.924 ton/year, eletricity need 3.877,12 kW, and water supply 224 m3/hour. The economic evaluation to analyze the profitability of BSA plant results in the fixed capital required 84.824.082,00.Workingcapitalrequiredis 84.824.082,00. Working capital required is 33.155.795,00. Based on the feasibility studies, the Rate of Return On Investment (ROI) before tax is 23,61% % and ROI after tax is 17,71%. The Pay Out Time (POT) before tax is 3,04, years and POT after tax is 5,07 years. The Break Even Point (BEP) is 48,67 % and the Shut Down Point (SDP) is 20,98 %. The Discounted Cash Flow Rate Of Return (DCFROR) is 30,36 %. The Net Positive Value of the BSA Plant construction (2 years) and operation (10 years plant�s life) is $ 74.865.442,00. Based on consideration of the economical evaluation results, the BSA Plant with capacity of 10,000 MTPY is worth to be studied further


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    Bio-succinic acid (BSA) or 1,4-butanedioic acid is a chemical compound which is functioned as the main feedstock for plastic manufacturing, bio-degradable plastic production (Polybutylene succinate or PBS). Bio-succinic acid will reduce the dependency of fossil-based resources forthe plastic manufacturing. As a chemical compund with two carboxylic groups,the succinic acid chemical structure that consists of four carbon atoms in its chain, is similar to the structure of maleic anhydride. Because of their chemical structure similarity, succinic acid can stand in line with maleic anhydride and the other chemical platforms to synthesize several chemical products. BSA Plant is planned to operate for 331 days in a year with production capacity of 10,000 MTPY. The main feedstocks are 22,620 MTPY of molasses and 4,250 MTPY of CO2. The process of anaerobic fermentation which is supported by A. succinogenes as the biocatalyst, will be the main process in the synthesizing unit. Generally, the steps of producing succinic acid are (i) Fermentation process to produce Mg-succinate, (ii) Acidification to transform Mg-succinate into succinic acid, (iii) Direct crystallization (cooling crystallization) to crystallize the succinic acid solution, (iv) Crystal drying and size grouping. As the supporting unit, unit of utility provide steam supply as many as 16.924 ton/year, eletricity need 3.877,12 kW, and water supply 224 m3/hour. The economic evaluation to analyze the profitability of BSA plant results in the fixed capital required 84.824.082,00.Workingcapitalrequiredis 84.824.082,00. Working capital required is 33.155.795,00. Based on the feasibility studies, the Rate of Return On Investment (ROI) before tax is 23,61% % and ROI after tax is 17,71%. The Pay Out Time (POT) before tax is 3,04, years and POT after tax is 5,07 years. The Break Even Point (BEP) is 48,67 % and the Shut Down Point (SDP) is 20,98 %. The Discounted Cash Flow Rate Of Return (DCFROR) is 30,36 %. The Net Positive Value of the BSA Plant construction (2 years) and operation (10 years plant�s life) is $ 74.865.442,00. Based on consideration of the economical evaluation results, the BSA Plant with capacity of 10,000 MTPY is worth to be studied further

    PABRIK FENOL DARI CUMEN Kapasitas 200.000 Ton/Tahun

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    The process used in this plant is Cumene Process, namely by reacting cumeen (main raw material) obtained by imports from Thailand as 39248.6812 kg / h and oxygen from the air as much 16384.7150 kg / h at a flow stirred tank reactors with bubbling process which produces cumen hydroperoxide. Cumen hydroperoxide decomposed using sulfuric acid catalyst (adjuvant) as much as 19.4637 kg / h in flow stirred tank reactor as the reaction runs optimally at acidic conditions. After obtaining phenol (primary products) as much 26010.1010 kg / h and acetone (product side) as much 16048.7857 kg / hour of cracking the cumen hydroperoxide, solution is then reacted with a mixture of sodium hydroxide (adjuvant) of 0.9535 kg / hours to neutralize the acidic solution. This phenol plant is planned to be located in Cilegon and occupies a land area of 4 ha. Cilegon has the basics of considerations in the selection of the plant site infrastructures adequate transportation facilities, land and water needs are available, availability of labor, geographical and climatic conditions are stable. In the design of cumen phenol plant with a capacity of 200,000 tonnes / year requires a total energy requirement of 62,498,508.23 kj / hour. This plant needs water at 760,258.0102 tons / year. Calculation of economic evaluations obtained a fixed capital of U.S. 13,696,707.22+USD.10,239,882,859.10workingcapitalofU.S. 13,696,707.22 + USD. 10,239,882,859.10 working capital of U.S. 20,683,227.13 + USD. 1,469,652,694.80, yielding cost of U.S. 74,579,253.27+USD.8,570,012,955.04.PublicexpenditureofU.S. 74,579,253.27 + USD. 8,570,012,955.04. Public expenditure of U.S. 6,437,174.50 + Rp. 1,191,713,807.19. Profit before tax of Rp. 37,290,421,358.62 profit after tax of Rp. 18,645,210,697.31. ROI before taxes 26.31%, 13.16% ROI after tax. POT before tax of 2.75 years, 4.32 years after tax POT. BEP capacity by 51.41%, SDP 28.62% of capacity, and DCFRR of 24.87%. Based on the economic calculations, this phenol plant from cumene with a capacity of 200,000 tonnes / year interesting for further investigation

    Prarancangan Pabrik Heptena dari Propena dan Butena dengan Kapasitas 20.000 Ton/Tahun

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    Heptena is produced with co-dimerization method of propylene and butane with Ni-Alumina catalyst. Reaction takes place in liquid phase in a fixed bed multi stage reactor with operating conditions of 45 OC and 11 bar. Heat of reaction is taken from the system using a heat exchanger in each stage. Heptene production with capacity of 20.000 tons per year requires raw materials such as Propylene as much 26.265.916,51 kg/year and butylenes as much 59.802.885,65 kg/tahun. The catalyst requirement is 22.128,522 kg/year. Utility needs including cooling water as much 2.850.659,581 ton/year, steam as much 246.256,9402 ton/year, and fuel as much 1.047.998,16 m3/year, and electricity as much 1.267,7 kJ/s. This factory is planned to be build in Balongan, Indramayu, Jawa Barat with 156 employees to operate this factory. Fixed capital required to build this factory is US380.895.630+Rp150.721.918.621,173,whiletheworkingcapitalrequiredisUS 380.895.630+Rp 150.721.918.621,173, while the working capital required is US 13.267.864+Rp 7.468.144.626.955,00, total Manufacturing cost as much US79.607.187+Rp21.412.459.966.347,andGeneralexpenseasmuchUS 79.607.187+Rp 21.412.459.966.347, and General expense as much US 23.782.488,00+Rp 2.593.350.375.197,00. The result of economic evaluation indicates that the profit before tax is Rp 1.036.996.788.110,00 and the profit after tax is Rp 518.498.394.055,00. Return of Investment before tax is 27,1723 % and after tax is 13, 5862 %. Pay Out Time before tax is 2,69 years and after tax is 4,24 years. Break Event Point (BEP) from this factory is 58,70 % with Shut Down Point as much 37,42 % and its Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFRR) is 7,80 %. Based on the result of economic evaluation, this factory is not interesting for further evaluation because the value of DCFRR is less than 1,5 times bank interest. But, if we see from BEP, ROI, or POT , this factory is interesting for further evaluation. So, if we want to make it interesting, we need to evaluate the price of raw material or sales price based on sensitivity analysis

    PABRIK FENOL DARI CUMEN Kapasitas 200.000 Ton/Tahun

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    The process used in this plant is Cumene Process, namely by reacting cumeen (main raw material) obtained by imports from Thailand as 39248.6812 kg / h and oxygen from the air as much 16384.7150 kg / h at a flow stirred tank reactors with bubbling process which produces cumen hydroperoxide. Cumen hydroperoxide decomposed using sulfuric acid catalyst (adjuvant) as much as 19.4637 kg / h in flow stirred tank reactor as the reaction runs optimally at acidic conditions. After obtaining phenol (primary products) as much 26010.1010 kg / h and acetone (product side) as much 16048.7857 kg / hour of cracking the cumen hydroperoxide, solution is then reacted with a mixture of sodium hydroxide (adjuvant) of 0.9535 kg / hours to neutralize the acidic solution. This phenol plant is planned to be located in Cilegon and occupies a land area of 4 ha. Cilegon has the basics of considerations in the selection of the plant site infrastructures adequate transportation facilities, land and water needs are available, availability of labor, geographical and climatic conditions are stable. In the design of cumen phenol plant with a capacity of 200,000 tonnes / year requires a total energy requirement of 62,498,508.23 kj / hour. This plant needs water at 760,258.0102 tons / year. Calculation of economic evaluations obtained a fixed capital of U.S. 13,696,707.22+USD.10,239,882,859.10workingcapitalofU.S. 13,696,707.22 + USD. 10,239,882,859.10 working capital of U.S. 20,683,227.13 + USD. 1,469,652,694.80, yielding cost of U.S. 74,579,253.27+USD.8,570,012,955.04.PublicexpenditureofU.S. 74,579,253.27 + USD. 8,570,012,955.04. Public expenditure of U.S. 6,437,174.50 + Rp. 1,191,713,807.19. Profit before tax of Rp. 37,290,421,358.62 profit after tax of Rp. 18,645,210,697.31. ROI before taxes 26.31%, 13.16% ROI after tax. POT before tax of 2.75 years, 4.32 years after tax POT. BEP capacity by 51.41%, SDP 28.62% of capacity, and DCFRR of 24.87%. Based on the economic calculations, this phenol plant from cumene with a capacity of 200,000 tonnes / year interesting for further investigatio


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    Isopropyl acetate is an ester compound or an organic compound which is produced from esterification of acetic acid and propylene. It is usually used as a solvent in celulose industry, plastic, oil, and fats. It is volatile, so that it is often used in printing ink industry and parfume. The isopropyl acetate from acetic acid and propylene plant is planned to operate 330 days/year and 24 hours/day with capacity 30,000 ton/year. The product obtained is isopropyl acetate with 99.9% purity. This plant will be built in Cilegon, Banten, because the place of the main raw material, which is propylene. Isopropyle acetate is made by esterification of acetic acid and propylene in the bubble reactor. The outside product of reactor are purified using separator drum and distillation vessel to isopropyl acetate with 99.9% purity. The plant is built in 605 acres area and employs 258 employees. This plant requires 2548,2042 kg/hour acetic acid and 1823,0778 kg/hour propylene as the raw material. This plant demands 14143,0748 kg/hour steam, 76232,0238 kg/hour water, and 1842,7692 kVA electricity from generator. From calculation of economic evaluation results, fixed capital required is 17.883.909,11+Rp119.156.894.092,14andworkingcapitalrequiredis17.883.909,11 + Rp 119.156.894.092,14 and working capital required is 365.292,39 + Rp 131.938.317.752,94. At 100% production rate, obtained ROI before tax of 29,25%, ROI after tax of 14,63%, POT before tax of 2,62 years, POT after tax of 4,23 years, with BEP at 45,36%, SDP at 22,96%, and 23,63% for DCFRR. Based on consideration of the economic evaluation results, this isopropyl acetate plant with capacity 30.000 ton/year is worth to be studied further