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    National tourism development aimed at aleviating poverty through community based tourism and sustainable development that emphasizing people involvement, especially those living around tour destination areas. People, as development subjects, became important actors who were actively involved in planning and developing tourism activities. It is expected that the people as beneficiaries of Program National Pemherdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri Pariwisata would gain significant economic values fTomthe tourism development in order to improve their living standard and prosperity. Government tried through the program to alleviate poverty and unemployment both in rural and urban areas. HoweI 'er, it was necessary to study the implementation of the program becaue the program was completely financed by the government in the form of social grant that the transparancy in financing the program was warranted. The study aimed at investigating the implementation process of the PNPM lvlandiri Pariwisata program of the Tourism Agency of Ende District, precisely in Koanara village and finding out the influencing factors. It was a descriptive and qualitative study with the samples of 95 respondents who were all of the people playing their respective roles in agriculture or agro-tourism in Koanara village. The data was collected using questionnaire and in-depth interview and then analyzed using descriptive method and tabulated in order to fiund out the correlation between the implementation process of the program and the influencing factors. Tpp results of the study showed that all of the respondents considered the PNPM Mandiri Pariwisata as providing Koanara villagers with the opportunity to make advancement and to develop their livelihood in agriculture sector. They also considered that the program was very important and highly required. Therefore. it was necessry to maintain and to sustain the program. The implementation of the PNPA4Mandiri Pariwisata progam in Koanara village of Ende district has been succesfully realized, though the results and the objective of the program have not been maximal. However, the first step of the program has met the target because there were some supporting factors in addition to the obstacles found in human resources, communications, the behavior of the people toward the program. It was necessary to pay more serious attention to the structure and infTastructruethat the program could meet the predetennined targets