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    n technical terms "Motion capture (Mocap) is sampling and recording motion of humans, animals, and inanimate objects as 3D data", but in simple terms "Recording of motion and playback" OR "One way of acting out an animation" is Motion Capture. So in this paper we are going to present technical as well as simple aspects of Motion Capture like from simple history of Mocap to technical process of Mocap, simple applications of mocap to technical aspects of Mocap.In this paper first thing that would be cleared is that Mocap is not new technology it is used since 1872 when Edward Muybridge performs Flying Horse experiment to know that if a horse ever had all four feet off the ground while trotting? So Muybridge placed cameras to capture movements of running horse and takes multiple pictures of horse and proved that statement true. After that Etienne -Jules Marey became the First person to analyze human and animal motion with video. After all these main -frame motion capture started when in 1915 Rotoscoping which is described in this paper later comes in an imation techniques and it changed whole meaning of animation. Then process of basic motion capture and some techniques used i.e. how motion or movements of an actor are captured using various markers, sensors, cameras and mechanical or magnetic suits and then how these recorded data is converted and applied on a virtual actor to perform same movements. Then some applications like films, animation, medical etc. are discussed and at last a brief about some pros and cons of Mocap is stated.so overall in this paper we tried to give basic knowledge on mocap so that a non-technical or normal person can also understand that how mocap is started and how it is useful or popular now days