33 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Diet Gout Terhadap Pengetahuan Penyakit Gout Athritis di Posyandu Lansia Bagas Waras Kartasura

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    Gout arthritis is a disease that attacks the joints due to abnormal purine metabolism. One of the prevention of gout is to avoid consuming foods high in purines such as offal foods, foods that have been preserved, goose meat. Elderly who suffer from gout athritis often have a relapse; this is the case because it deals with the knowledge and awareness related atrhritis gout sufferers. of the value - the value of health or health behaviors so that, still play an optimal role in the provision of health education. This study as a research plan Quasi Experiment using pre-test and post-test control group design. Collection date usid a questionnaire while the test data analysis using Independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test. The test results Independent sample t-test pre-test treatment group and control group (p-value = 0.112). Post-test treatment group and control group (p-value = 0.001). The test results pairet sample t-test pre-test and post-test control group (p-value = 0.770), while the pre-test and post-test (p-value = 0.001) treatment group. Conclusion of the study is the level of knowledge about the disease gout arthritis before health education about gout diet is largely lacking and pretty, the level of knowledge about the disease gout arthritis after health education about gout diet is largely good, while the elderly who do not receive health education is largely self and there are significant health education about gout diet to decrease the knowledge about the disease gout arthritis in elderly Posyandu elderly Bagas Kartasura Sane

    Perbedaan Kejadian Insomnia Pada lansia Yang Tinggal Di Panti Wredha Dengan Yang Tinggal Bersama Keluarga

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    Insomnia is a condition where a person has difficulty to start sleeping, difficulty to maintain sleep, and dissatisfaction with sleep. Sleep disturbance is often found in elderly people living in nursing homes, especially the elderly who usually work and after the nursing home is not working, the mourning atmosphere, or living alone without family. Of the various problems that occur in the elderly, the family is the main system support for elderly in preventing the onset of insomnia. Family support has an active role in maintaining and improving the health status of the elderly, but some families prefer to leave the elderly in nursing homes when home care is felt increasingly difficult. Living in the orphanage can give pleasure to the elderly because good togetherness with peers can bury the loneliness that is usually experienced by the elderly. However, far from their hearts feel more comfortable to be near his family. This study aims to determine the difference between insomnia occurrence of elderly living in Panti Wredha and Living with Family. This research, using analytic observational method, through cross sectional approach. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique as many as 31 samples of elderly group living in the orphanage and 31 elderly living with family. The research was conducted in Panti Wredha Dharma Bhakti Surakarta and Posyandu Lansia Puspasari Abadi V Nilasari, Gonilan Village, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. Data analysis used in this study with Mann Whitney U test with the result of significance value (ρ = 0,013 <α = 0,05) which mean there is significant difference between insomnia incidence in elderly living in orphanage with living with family

    Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Genggam Jari Dan Dzikir Terhadap Kejadian Insomnia Pada LAnsia Di Panti Wredha Daerah Surakarta

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    Abstract Introduction Insomniais sleep disorders that are often experienced by the elderly is caused due to a degenerative process and can have an impact on the physical and psychological problems that can degrade the quality of the health of the elderly.With regard to the process of aging, there are changes that affect a decrease in activity of the elderly. Sleep is a form of activity that affect the quality of health of the individual. Insomnia is a symptom that can interfere with the activity and productivity in the elderly. Therefore, the elderly should get appropriate therapy. Therapy in people with insomnia can be either pharmacological or non-pharmacological. Pharmacological therapy such as benzodiazepine drug use that could cause side effects feel dizzy, hypotension as well as allowing recurrences after discontinuation of the drug. While in a non-pharmacological therapy with fingertips and hand-held Dhikr became the choice because the cost is cheaper and more effective than the pharmacological therapy, pharmacological therapy which can cause side effects. The purpose of This research is to know the influence of therapeutic hand-held fingers and Dhikr against incidents of insomnia in the elderly. The type of research being undertaken is the quasy alphabets experiment with the design of the research of non-equivalent control group with pre-post test.The sample used in this study was 30, with 15 samples of respondents as a group of 15 respondents and experiments as a control group.The use of sampling Techniquessimple random sampling.Research instrument used is KSBPJ-IRS interview sheet (insomnia rating scale).This research was carried out at the Wredha Dharma Bhakti Surakarta Surakarta Aisyiyah nursing homes and fit the criteria. Analysis of the data used in this study i.e. Test paired sample t-test and test independent sample t-test. Results of the study showed a handheld therapy and Dhikr to incidents of insomnia in the elderly in The Wredha Dharma Bhakti Surakarta i.e. pre testGroup and control group experiment of tcalculate 0.956 (p-value = 0.353). And post test control group and experimental group of tcalculate 5.449 (p-value = 0.000). The granting of a therapeutic hand-held fingers and Dhikr is effective in lowering the level of insomnia in the elderly are shown with the results of a test of paired sample t-test insomnia pre test and post test experimental group acquired for tcount 11.662 (p-value = 0.000) and test result of insomnia pre test and post test control group acquired for tcalculate 1.572 (p-value = 0.138)

    Efektivitas Pemberian Terapi Bekam Dan Terapi Pijat Refleksi Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi

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    Hypertension is one of the non-communicable diseases that is related with reduction number of patients life expectancy, increase in heart disease and the risk of stroke. Many non-pharmacological treatments have been found to help reduce the blood pressure, such as cupping therapy and reflexology therapy. Cupping therapy is able to repair the microcirculation of blood vessels and provide vasodilation effect which can reduce the blood preassure with stable. Whereas reflexology therapy is able to provide a stimulus that is capable to make blood circulate smoothly through the body. This research aim to determine the effectiveness of cupping theraphy and reflexology theraphy related with blood pressure in patients of hypertension. This research method uses pre-experiment design with two design group pre-post test design. Total sample in this study was 60 respondents that divided into 2 groups with 30 persons for cupping therapy and 30 persons for reflexology therapy. Data analysis techniques with paired sample t-test to measure pre-post test blood preassure and difference test between cupping and reflexology use independent sample t-test. From the result of independent sample t-test statistic test showed that p-value 0,018 so Ho is rejected, there are differences in effectiveness for systolic blood pressure and p-value of 0,978, so Ho is accepted there is no difference in effectiveness for diastolic blood pressure. There are differences in effectiveness of systolic blood preassure reduction, but there was no difference in effectiveness of diastolic blood pressure reduction. So it can be concluded that the cupping therapy more effective than reflexology therapy in reducing blood preassure. Cupping therapy and reflexology therapy uis good to be used in alternative therapies to controlling blood pressure to keep stable in patients with hypertension

    Hubungan Kepatuhan Menjalankan Diet Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Individu Dengan Riwayat Hipertensi Dan Penyakit Penyerta Diabetes Mellitus

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    Hypertension is a condition where the systolic blood pressure increases ≥140 mmHg and diastolic ≥90 mmHg. Hypertension is the leading cause of death worldwide when associated with comorbidities. Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood glucose levels due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or a combination of both. Appropriate dietary adherence is needed in individuals with comorbidities because it has an impact on reducing blood pressure so that it greatly affects the quality of life for individuals with a history of hypertension. This study aims to determine the relationship between adherence to a patient's diet and blood pressure in individuals with a history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus co-morbidities at the Pajang Health Center. This research is a quantitative type with a correlational descriptive design using a cross sectional approach. In this study, a sample of 48 respondents was required. The sampling method was carried out using total sampling and the research instrument used a dietary questionnaire. The data analysis used was bivariate analysis with Spearman's test which was processed with a data processing application with statistical test results obtained p value <0.005 (p=0.001). The variables used in this study are adherence to diet and blood pressure. The results showed that the level of compliance with the diet of patients suffering from hypertension who had diabetes mellitus as a co-morbidity in the Pajang Health Center, Surakarta City, was mostly in the good category (56.25%). Based on gender, women are more dominating. Then, based on the level of education, the respondents who dominated were junior high schools. Furthermore, the characteristics of the respondents were seen from the employment status of the respondents who dominated the work of housewives. The majority of respondents suffer from hypertension with a span of 1-5 years. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between dietary adherence and blood pressure in individuals with a history of hypertension who have diabetes mellitus as a co-morbidity

    Gambaran Depresi dan Harga Diri Pasien Hemodialisa yang Terpasang Cimino di RSUD Ir. Soekarno Sukoharjo

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    Hemodialysis is the process of cleaning the blood in patients with impaired kidney function. Hemodialysis is done to remove toxins and excess water that has failed to be filtered by the kidneys so that it can prevent death. However, this action is not able to eliminate kideny disease or replace the function of the kidney which is normally done.Patients usually undergo hemodialysis for lifetime with a frequency of at least 3 hours per theraphy for 2 time a week. Hemodialysis as a whole influences physical and psychological conditions. Psychological condition that may occur is depression and self-esteem problems. Depression gives signs such as loss of feelings anf feelings of subjective control in the form of problems or severe stressors. Self-esteem is an individual’s assessment of the result of the process he has done, by means of individuals will analyze how far his behavior meets the idela standards of self. This study aims to determine the description of depression and self-esteem of hemodialysis patients who are placed in cimino in the Regional General Hospital of Ir. Soekarno Sukoharjo. This research is quantitative study. The study sample of 88 patients using quota sampling technique. Data analysis is processed in descriptive quantitative manner. The result of this study indicate that the most respondents experienced moderate depression as many as 16 people (53%) and followed by respondents who experienced mild depression as many as 14 people (46,7%). Whereas the respondent’s self-esteem is mostly low self-worth as many as 20 people (66,7%) and high self-esteem patients are 10 people (33,3%). Suggestions for patients to maintain and increase motivation and social interaction to increase self-esteem and minimize the risk of depression


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    Fracture is a complete or incomplete disruption in the continuity of the bone structure which is defined according to its type and extent. Fractures are caused by direct blows, crushing forces, sudden twisting motions and extreme muscle contractions. The occurrence of a fracture will have a major effect on the patient's activities, especially related to the movement and function of the injured member due to the fracture. One type of fracture treatment is through surgery. Surgery can cause anxiety which is usually associated with all the procedures that must be carried out and also the threat of the consequences of surgery on life safety. One of the surgical procedures is Orthopedic Surgery, which is surgery related to correction of deformities of the musculoskeletal system and orthopedic problems aimed at improving function by restoring movement and stability as well as reducing pain and instability. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the respondents and the description of the anxiety level of patients with surgical fractures with hypertension. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive research. The sample of this study were patients with postoperative fractures who had hypertension at the Surakarta Orthopedic Hospital as many as 81 respondents with purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used univariate analysis. The results showed: 1) the characteristics of respondents with fracture patients with hypertension were dominated by male respondents aged between 46 and 65 years as many as 49 respondents (60.4%), with an elementary school education background (SD) 29 respondents (35.8% ); 2) description of the anxiety level of fracture patients with surgery accompanied by hypertension, the majority of respondents experienced severe anxiety as many as 49 respondents (60.5%), moderate anxiety category 30 respondents (37.0%), mild anxiety category 5 respondents (6.2%) and respondents who do not experience anxiety there are 2 respondents (2.5%)

    Pengaruh Relaksasi Progresif Terhadap Tekanan Darah Lansia Hipertensi Yang Mendapat Senam Lansia Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Purwosari

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    Hypertension is an abnormal increase in blood pressure in the arteries continuously for more than one period. Hypertensive disease ranks first in the group of elderly non-communicable diseases compared to other diseases. There are two ways of treatment of hypertension that is by pharmacological and non pharmacological. Pharmacological treatment can cause side effects that are not good for the body, while the non-pharmacological does not have side effects on the body. Non-pharmacological treatment may include gymnastics and progressive relaxation. This study aimed to determine the effect of progressive relaxation and exercise on blood pressure of elderly hypertensive elderly in Puskesmas Purwosari. This type of research is quantitative withdesign quasyexperiment with the design of the study one group pretest-posttest control design. The study was conducted in April 2017 for 3 weeks in Puskesmas Purwosari. The samples used by 30 respondents consisting of 15 experimental group and the control group 15 in accordance with the criteria and purposivesampling.Collecting data using mercury blood pressure meter by measuring blood pressure and analysis of data by WilcoxonSigned Rank Test. Based on the research results indicate that there is a progressive relaxation effect on the blood pressure of hypertensive elderly in Puskesmas Purwosari ie systolic pre test experimental group averaged 158,67mmHg then post test experimental group the average 150,33mmHg. As for the pre test diastole experimental group the average of 100,67mmHg, then to post test experimental group diastole the average of 94,00mmHg with significant values (p-value) 0,000 systole-diastole, while the significant value (p-value) 0,002 resulting in decreased blood pressure in the experimental group. Keywords: elderly, blood pressure, exercise elderly, progressive relaxation

    Gambaran Dukungan Keluarga Dan Kemandirian Lansia Dengan Diabetes Mellitus Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gatak Sukoharjo

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    Aging or aging process impact on the decline in the ability of body functions, including the onset of chronic diseases in the elderly such as diabetes mellitus. The emergence of diabetes mellitus has an impact on the existence of limitations in elderly people that cause disturbance in the independence of the elderly. The role of family support as the party closest to the elderly life is needed to maintain the independence of the elderly. This study aims to examine there illustrates the image of family support and independence of the elderly with diabetes mellitus in the Work Area of ​​Health Center Gatak Sukoharjo. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The study population was elderly with diabetes who routinely performed outpatient in Gatak Sukoharjo Public Health Center, 61 research samples of elderly were obtained by total sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive test. The study concluded that: (1) the characteristics of elderly with diabetes mellitus in the Working Area of ​​Gatak Sukoharjo Public Health Center are mostly 60-74 years old, female sex, have primary school education, mostly housewives, have monthly income less than 1 million , long suffering from DM less than 10 years, and family member who keep most of them are children, (2) family support with diabetes mellitus in Work Area of ​​Gatak Sukoharjo Public Health Center mostly high, and (3) independency of elderly with diabetes mellitus in Working Area Gatak Sukoharjo Public Health Center is largely independent

    Gambaran Aktivitas Fisik Pada Lansia Yang Menderita Rematik Di Desa Sendang, Donorojo, Pacitan

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    Limitations of physical activity such as stiffness in the morning, soft tissue swelling, fatigue, loss of energy, muscle aches and joint stiffness that occur in the elderly because rheumatic pain can lead to immobilization and decreased range of motion in the elderly, physiological effects of immobilization and inactivity are increased catabolism protein resulting in decreased range of motion and muscle strength. In Sendang Village, Donorojo, Pacitan August 2016, obtained the number of elderly in 2014 as many as 513 people and in 2015 as many as 427 2 people. From the number of elderly in 2015 as many as 427, who suffered rheumatic as many as 143 people. The disorder is often complained of elderly rheumatic sufferers such as joint pain, stiffness in the morning, fatigue, loss of energy, muscle pain and joint stiffness, so with such complaints physical activities such as eating and bathing should be helped his family. The purpose of this research is to know the description of physical activity in elderly suffering from rheumatic in Sendang Village, Donorojo, Pacitan. The type of research is field research (field research) with descriptive design. The population of all elderly who is indicated suffering from rheumatic in Sendang Village, Donorojo, Pacitan as many as 44 elderly, taken sample 30 people with purposive sampling technique. Single variable is physical activity, instrument used with Barthel ADL Index (BAI). Data analysis technique with descriptive analysis. The result of the research shows that most of the respondents are 60-70 years old (60%), female (63,3%) and long suffering for 2-5 years (56,7%) and respondent's picture based on physical activity in elderly people who suffer from rheumatic, the biggest amount of physical activity is classified as medium dependency that is as much as 16 people (53,3%), while the smallest physical activity is having heavy dependency activity of 6 people (20,0%) and others is to have physical activity of light dependence of 8 people (26,7%)