43 research outputs found

    Karya Tulis Ilmiah Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Post Operasi Tendon Achilles Dextra

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    Latar Belakang : Robeknya Tendon Acilles Bagian Dextra Robeknya tendon achilles biasanya terjadi pada kasus olahraga yang cukup umum dan biasanya terjadi ketika seseorang inggin berlari dan mendorong tumitnya dengan kekuatan yang besar atau kuat hal itu bisa menyebabkan tendon achilles robek dikarnakan adanya tekanan yang cukup hebat atau kuat, contohnya Orang yang mengalami resiko Robek nya Tendon Achilles ini adalah Atlit olah raga. Pada kasus ini, digunakan metode operasi dimana tendon achilles di Jahit dan hal tersebut mengakibatkan adanya rasa nyeri tekan, nyeri gerak, penurunan MMT, muncul nya spasme, udem, keterbatasan LGS, dan penurunan aktivitas fungsional Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Fisioterapi dalam mengurangi nyeri, meningkatkan kekuatan otot, meningkatkan lingkup gerak sendi, menurunkan oedema, dan mengembalikan fungsional tangan pada kasus robeknya tendon achilles bagian dextar dengan menggunakan modalitas infra merah (IR), Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) dan Exercise. Hasil : setalah dilakuakan terapi selama 6 Di dapatkan hasil nyeri = T1=7 T6=2 Spasme = T1=36 T6=34 Keterbatasan LGS = T1= S 10 – 0– 45, F 10 – 0 – 0 T6= S 15 – 0– 45, F 45 – 0 – 0 Kekuatan otot – otot dorsi flexor ankle, plantar flexor ankle, invesor ankle, evesor ankle= T1=4 T6=5 Kemampuan fungsional pada saat berjalan, berlari dan naikturun tangga = T1= (70,9%) T6=(80,0%) Udem dari tuberositas tibia kanan= T1= 36 T6=33 dan dari tuberositas fibula kanan= T1= 36 T6=33 Kesimpulan : Infra Red (IR) dan Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) dan Exercis dapat mengurangi nyeri, meningkatkan kekuatan otot,meningkatkan lingkuap gerak sendi, penurunan udem serta meningkatkan kemampuan fungsional

    Pengaruh Senam Otak(Brain Gym) Terhadap Keseimbangan Dinamis Lanjut Usia

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    Background: Impaired balance is one of the important problems that cause the occurrence of fall in elderly. Exercise balance in elderly is needed for elderly in order to move well and not depend on others. Objectives: This study aims to determine the effect of brain gym training on the elderly in improving the dynamic balance. Method of Research: This research uses Quasi Experimental Design, with pre-test and post-test control group design, will be held in Panti Wredha Dharma Bhakti and in Posyandu Elderly Abadi IV Gonilan. The sample size are 30 people, 15 people as treatment group and 15 people as control group. The data obtained were tested by the Wilcoxon test and the Mann Whitney test. Result: The result of the test influence with Wilcoxon test obtained the result of training before and after the exercise of Brain Gym. in the treatment group obtained the value of sig (2-tailed) 0.0001 0.05. So it can be concluded there is influence of Brain Gym exercise on the dynamic balance of elderly. While the difference test of influence with Mann Whitney obtained p-value of 0.001. Conclusion: there is influence and increased of dynamic balance in the group given the Brain Gym exercise. Key words: Brain Gym, Elderly, Dynamic Balanc

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Kasus Pneumothorax Bilateral di RS Paru dr. Ario Wirawan Salatiga

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    Background: Pneumothorax is condition in which the lung collapse caused by entry of air in the pleural cavity (cavum pleura) that causes disorders such us shortness of breath, sputum, muscle spasm, change in respiratory pattern, decreased thoracic expansion, and decreased activity. Purpose: To determine the implementation of physiotherapy in reducing shortness of breath, remove sputum, relaxation muscle, normalization of breathing patterns, increase thoracic expansion, and increase activity training. Result: After 6 times of therapy, the results of the assessment of shortness of breath T0: 7 to T6: 4, sputum location T0: lung dextra lobe media and inferior anterior segment becomes T6: lung dextra lobe media anterior segment, decreased pain in silent pain T0: 2 to T6: 1, tenderness T0: 3 to T6: 1, and motion pains T0: 4 to T6: 1, changes in respiratory pattern T0: prolonged expiration to T6: normal,increased thoracic expansion in axila T0: 1 cm to T6: 1,5 cm, on ICS 4 T0: 1 cm to T6: 1,5 cm, and on processus of xiphoideus T0: 1 cm to T6: 1,5 cm, and increased activity T0: independent 1 function in 1 category to T6: independent 3 functions in 3 categories. Conclusion: infra red, massage, chest physiotherapy, and exercise increased activity can overcome the existing disorders in cases of bilateral pneumothorax. Keywords: Chest physiotherapy, infra red, massage, increased activity training, and bilateral pneumothorax

    Penatalaksanaan Kasus Down Syndrome dengan Neurosenso dan Neurodevelopment Treatment di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul

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    DOWN SYNDROME CASE MANAGEMENT WITH NEUROSENSO AND TREATMENT OF NEURODEVELOPMENT IN RS PKU MUHAMMADIYAH BANTUL (Indra Prabowo, 2018, 41 Page) Abstract Background: Down Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that is the formation of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21) due to failure of a pair of chromosomes to separate each other during division. Clinical symptoms are often found in children with Down syndrome in the form of developmental delays, mental retradasi, and typical physical characteristics. Delay development is a significant delay in two or more developmental domains or it can be said the child does not reach the age-appropriate stage of development of the child. One of the methods that can be given to address problems that arise in Delay Development e.c down syndrome children is Neurosenso and Neuro Development Treatment (NDT). Objective: To find out the benefits of Neurosenso to increase reflex and the benefits of Neuro Develoment Treatment to increase muscle strength and functional ability in children with Down syndrome condition. Result: After therapy 6 times, there was an increase in muscle strength in the upper extremities of the elbow region. Where there is an increase in T5 and T6 which previously had a value of 3 to a value 4. While the evaluation of muscle strength in the lower extremities did not change. DDST indicates a developmental delay and does not change. Conclusion: Neuro Development Treatment (NDT) can increase muscle strength in Down syndrome children. Keywords: Down Syndrome, Delay Development, Neurosenso Neuro Development Treatmen

    Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan pada Kasus Fraktur 1/3 Distal Humeri Dextra Post Orif (Open Reduction Internal Fixation) di RST DR. Soedjono

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    Background: The fracture of 1/3 distal humeri is bone fracture occurring in right part of humeri bone located in 1/3 throw part of bone. The fracture is a trauma causing pain, limited range of joint movement, edema and limitation of functional ability of right arm. Purpose: To know physiotherapeutic administration in relieving pain, enhancing range of movement, reducing edema, and restoring elbow function in the case of 1/3 distal humeri dextra fracture by using modality of exercise therapy. Results: After 6 times therapy, it was found that painfull silence (T1: 2 turned into T6: 1), motion pain (T1: 6 turned into T6: 2), pressure pain (T1: 4 turned into T6: 2); enhancement range of active elbow joint movement (T1 S: 5-0-70 turned into S: 0-0-145), range of passive elbow joint movement (T1 S: 5-0-85 turned into S: 0-0-145), reduction of right edema (T1 : 20 turned into T6: 19), reduction of left edema (T1: 19 turned into T6: 19). Conclusion: Exercise therapy can relieve pain, improve range of movement, reduce edema and enhance functional of elbow

    Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan Pada Post Operasi Fraktur Colles sinistra di rs. Ortopedi prof. Dr. R. Soeharso surakarta

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    Background: Colles fracture is a fracture that often occurs in the elderly patients with falling position resting on the stretched hands so that a fracture happened on radius distal to dorsal. Formulation of the Problem: Can exercise therapy reduce the pain, the oedema, and increase the muscle strength and add LGS on colles sinistra fracture? Objective: To examine the effect of exercise therapy of active passive movement in the colles sinistra fracture case. Results: After doing four times treatment, the result showed reduction on some pains which are; the silent pain T1: 3,7cm T4: 1.5 cm, the pressure pain T1: 5,6cm T4: 3,2cm, the movement pain T1: 7,9cm T4: 5,4cm, the decrease of figure of eight oedema T1: 45cm T4: 44cm, the Proc. Styloideus central point 5cm, 10cm, 15cm and above T1: 17cm, 20cm, 21cm into T4: 16cm, 19cm, 21cm, the increase of flexor and extensor muscle strength T1: 3 into T4: 4, the increase of LGS joints Wrist active movement T1 (s) 10 ° -0 ° -20 °, (f) 5 ° -0 ° -10 ° T4 (s) 15 ° -0 ° -25 °, (f) 5 ° -0 ° -15 ° the the increase of LGS joints Wrist passive movement T1 (s ) 15 ° -0 ° -25 °, (f) 10 ° -0 ° -15 ° T4 (s) 20 ° -0 ° -30 °, (f) 10 ° -0 ° -20 °, the elbow joint active movement T1 (s) 5 ° -0 ° -80 ° T4 (s) 5 ° -0 ° -85 ° the elbow joint passive movement T1 (s) 5 ° -0 ° -90 ° T4 (s) 5 ° - 0 ° -95 °, the LGS of active fingers MCP of the 2nd finger until the 5th finger increased about 2-5 °, the PIP of the of the 1st finger until the 5th finger increase about 2-5 °, the DIP of the 1st finger until the 5th finger increased about 2-5 °, the passive movement of MCP of the 2nd finger until the 5th finger increased 5-8 °, the PIP of the 1st finger until the 5th finger increased 5-10 ° and the DIP of the 1st finger until the 5th finger increased 3-8 °. Conclusion: From the results above, it shows that there is a decrease of pain, an addition of LGS, a decrease of oedema, and an increase of muscle strength by using active passive movement exercise therapy

    Pengaruh Pemberian Muscle Energy Technique Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Plantar Fasciitis Pada Sales Promotion Girl

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    Background: The use of high heels as one of the demands of the job on sales promotion girl where in their work is required to continue to stand. It can cause heel pain that’s often associated with plantar fasciitis. Based on research of International Journal of Physiotherpy and Research in 2014, plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults and estimated to affect as much as 10%of the total population. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia surface caused by repeated microtrauma and a result of overuses. Objective: The purpose of this study to determine the effect of giving muscle energy technique to the reduction of plantar fasciitis pain in sales promotion girl. Method: The research method was used quasi experiment with control group (comparison) and using pre-test and post-test. Sampling using purposive sampling method that meets inclusion and exclusion criteria. The number of research samples were 18 respondents. Result: The data obtained from the normality test were normally distributed because of p> 0,05, the statistical test used for the influence test was paired-sample t-test with the effect test on treatment group p = 0,000 and control group p = 0,000. Statistical test for different test of muscle energy technique and stretching effect using independent sample t-test obtained p = 0,083. Conclusion: Based on these data it can be concluded that muscle energy technique and stretching give effect to the decrease of plantar fasciitis pain. Key words: Muscle Energy Technique, Plantar Fasciitis, Sales Promotion Girl

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi pada Kasus Tennis Elbow Dextra di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Wonosari

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    PHYSIOTHERAPY MANAGEMENT OF TENNIS ELBOW DEXTRA CASES IN REGIONAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL WONOSARI (Rena Fillias Afinii, 2018, 48 pages) Background: tennis elbow is an inflammatory disorder that occurs at the lateral epicondyles as the effects of the muscles are too extended when be used and excess activity that is repetitive in quite a long time. Objectives: to determine the benefits of using the grastron technique and eccentric strengthening exercise for tennis elbow dextra cases. Results: after the 6th therapy has given, there was decrease of pain in motion T0: 4 to T6: 1, decrease of trigger point T0: 5 to T6: 1, range of motion (ROM) increasing at elbow flexion-extension from T0 : S 0áµ’-0áµ’-120áµ’ to T6 : S 0áµ’-0áµ’-140áµ’, ROM increasing of forearm pronation-supination T0 : R 75áµ’-0áµ’-80áµ’ to T6 : R 85áµ’- 0áµ’-90áµ’, ROM increasing of wrist flexion-extension T0 : S 50áµ’-0áµ’-70áµ’ to T6 : S 70áµ’- 0áµ’-80áµ’, and muscle strength increasing for flexor-extensor of elbow muscles group T0: 4- to T6: 4+, for pronator-supinator of forearm muscles group T0: 4 to T6: 5, and for wrist flexor-extensor muscles group T0: 4 to T6: 5 for flexor and 4+ extensor. Conclusions: modality of grastron technique and eccentric strengthening exercise can reduce the pain, increase the Range of Motion (ROM), and increase the muscle strength of arm and wrist

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Post Operasi Ruptur Anterior Craciatum Ligament (Acl)Di RS. Al. Dr Ramelan Surabaya

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    This study aims to determine the role of physiotherapy on the handling of post-operative ligament and determine through TENS physiotherapy and exercise therapy (TL) in overcoming problems in ACL injuries. To find out from an injury in need assessment of the history of the disease, either history or examination. Well directed anamnesis thorough examination can be obtained a proper diagnosis. Examination was conducted in order to determine the existing problems in athletes post ACL surgery, prepare therapeutic purposes and determine appropriate modalities. Screening measures include anamnesis, physical examination of a specific examination is the subjective examination and objective examination. Furthermore, the implementation of physiotherapy by means of TENS, which is a way of useful electrical energy to stimulate the nervous system through the skin surface and proven effective for reducing various types of pain. The conclusion of this study were: 1) Provision of TENS in the case of post ruptured anterior ligament carciatum aims to reduce pain through the mechanism of segmental and 2) a reduction in pain after treatment action for six times. Exercise therapy can provide pain reduction effect, both directly and break the cycle of pain spasm→ pain. Light and movement will slowly stimulate propioceptor which is the activation of large diameter afferent fibers. Granting Therapeutic Exercise in the case of post rekrontruksi craciatum anterior ligament which is to improve balance and improve muscle strength. Keywords: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Physiotherapy. TENS. Exercise therap

    Pengaruh Penambahan Latihan Core Stability Pada Latihan Squat Jump Terhadap Peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai

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    In a sport event competition, power is one of the essential elements to achieve a maximum performance. Exercises conducted to increasethe leg power must also be aimed in the leg muscles in particular. In the mid-teens is very precise in the development of basic skills in sports. To determine the effect of jump squats exercise to increased the power of leg muscles, to determine the effect of core stability exercise in jump squats to increased the power of leg muscles, to determine differences in the effects of squat jump exercise and increased core stability exercise in jump squats to increase the leg muscles power. This research is a quasi experimental study design with pre-test and post-test. sample of 30 students. Jump squat exercises and core stability given to respondents 3 times in 1 week. Measurement instruments used were standing board jump. This study used a measuring tool in the form of leg muscle power Standing Board Jump. Based on statistical test paired sample t-test showed the effect of squat jump with significant value 0.000 0.05 (p). There is the influence of squats jump to the increased power limb muscles, there is the effect of increased exercise core stability in squats jump to the increased power of leg muscle and There is a difference of influence, where the addition of exercise core stability in squats jump better than just training methods squat jump to increased leg muscle power