18 research outputs found

    Al-Dakhil Dalam Tafsir Jalalain Surat Al-Kahfi Ayat 60-82

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    In the tafseer, Al-dakhil is the inclusion of baseless interpretation into the book of tafseer. Thebaseless inclusion to interpretations is motivated by several of elements israiliyyat, hadis da’if, hadis maudhu’, baseless ta’wil or interpretations which defend to the interest of a certain groups or madzab. Al-dakhil in the tafseer was exist since Prophet era and has been sphreading until now. The effect of al-dakhilin to tafseer are can lead to the assumption that Islamic religion are no longer authentic (bias), the unificationof Islamic and other doctrine, and the aumption that the Al-Qur’an is a book in which there are many tahayyul and khurafat.The problem formulation of this research is about “How the kind of Al-Dakhilin the Jalalain Tafseer Chapter Al-Kahfi verses 60-82?”. This is a qualitative research that uses an interpretive criticism approach, which aims to determine the authenticity of text, then it is analyzed using descriptive-analysis methods to describe the results of research that was found.The result of this research is that the kind of al-dakhilthat contained in the Jalalain TafseerChapter Al-Kahfi verses 60-82 is al-dakhil bi al-ma’tsur with the type of israiliyyat found in the story: prophet Khidhir have had killed a child while debark from a boat; the story name of the country visited by Musa and Khidhir with his son and the walls of house are hundred cubits heights the story of the boat owner working at marine are ten persons; the story of substitute child who was killed is a woman who married with the Prophet, then gave birth a prophet and Allah made him a guide for people; and story of the treasures of two orphans were gold and silver. From this research, it was expected become an academic contribution, in the scientific of Al-Qur’an and Tafseer, especially on the theme al-dakhil fi al-tafsir

    Tinjauan Tafsir Ahkam Rawai’ Al Bayan Tafsir Ayat Al Ahkam Min Al Qur’an Terhadap Fatwa Mui Nomor: 18 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pedoman Pengurusan Jenazah (Tajhiz Al-Jana’iz) Muslim Yang Terinfeksi Covid-19

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    The fatwa commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (IUC) issued a fatwa regarding the guidelines for managing Muslim corpses infected with the Covid-19 virus in March 2020 as a reference for medical personnel and all Indonesian people in the corpses management. However, many people still ignored these guidelines in the community because it was considered inhuman or not in accordance with the guidance of Islamic law. This attitude still raised doubts and questions for other people. This paper attempted to analyze how appropriate the Indonesian Ulema Council (IUC) fatwas regarding the guidelines for managing Muslim corpses in the review of ahkam interpretation. In order to support this analysis, this paper reviewed the verses related to corpses management in the ahkam interpretation of Rawai'ul Bayan Tafsir Ayatil Ahkam Minal Qur'an on the Indonesian Ulema Council (IUC) fatwa number 18 of 2020

    Komparasi Kitab Tafsir Tokoh Muhammadiyah Dalam Metode Dan Coraknya (Studi Kitab Tafsir Al-hidayah, Tafsir Sinar, Dan Tafsir Qur'an An-nur)

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    Tafsir Muqarran (comparison), is a method used to compare interpretations which attempts to explain the directions and tendencies of each mufassir in interpreting the Qur'an, analyzes the background factors of a mufassir and analyzes the directions and tendencies of the mufassir. In this way, it is intended to be able to find interpreters who are influenced by certain sources, methods and patterns of interpretation as well as differences in schools of thought in their interpretation. In this study, the ideally formulated problem is that the interpreter should have sources, methods and patterns in his interpretation. However, there are many books of interpretation whose sources, methods and styles are not mentioned in the muqaddimah of the book of interpretation. So that the reader needs a separate study to reveal the sources, methods and patterns of interpretation of a book of interpretation. Researchers used qualitative methods (library research). Qualitative research is also called naturalistic research because the nature of the data collected is qualitative, not quantitative because it does not use measuring devices. In this study, the researcher focused on the object of study on the book of commentary al-Hidayah, Tafsir Sinar and Book of Tafsir an-Nur, each of which was written by a Muhammadiyah figure. Nevertheless, the three commentaries have different sources, styles and methods, in which the interpretation of al-Hidayah takes its sources from the book of interpretations written by Muhammad abduh, al-Maraghy and al-Qasimiy, the interpretation of al-Hidayah uses the izdiwajiy method in compiling the book his interpretation so that this interpretation has the character of ijtihadi even though it is not the result of pure ijtihad of the author of the book of interpretations. Tafsir Sinar takes sources from the Koran, hadith, qaul companions and tabi'in and uses 3 methods of interpretation namely Bi al-ma'tsur, Bi al-ra'yi and Bi al-iqtirany, this interpretation is adab al- ijtima'i (social community). And the last one is the book of interpretation of an-Nur whose source is almost the same as the interpretation of Sinar, the difference is in the method and style. Tafsir an-Nur does not use any of the existing interpretation methods but Hasbi is more adaptive and flexible depending on the context of discussion of a verse in the Qur'an so that this interpretation is general. Keywords: Muhammadiyah interpretation, sources, methods, styl

    Kajian Tafsir Mafatihul Ghaib Terhadap Qur’an Surat An-Nisa’ayat 34 Tentang Pemukulan Istri

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    Al- Qur’ an terdiri dari susunan lafaz- lafaz yang berarti. Tiap dasar lafaz pada Al- Qur’ an itu mempunyai keterkaitan teologis yang mendalam. Rumah tangga ialah lafaz yang memiliki uraian dengan cara besar serta global pada mengarungi tiap pandangan kehidupan berumah tangga orang. KDRT dikatakan didalam Al- Qur’ an sebesar 7 kali. KDRT ialah suatu kekerasan pada rumah tangga yang terjalin diakibatkan oleh pemikiran seseorang suami yang mempunyai anggapan kalau selaku kepala keluarga dirinya memiliki kewenangan penuh kepada istri serta anak buah hatinya. Dengan alibi pengulangan itu beliau juga berperan sekehendaknya yang sering- kali hingga tidak mempertimbangkan perasaan keluarganya itu. Pada pemikiran syari’ at, KDRT memiliki banyak arti dengan cara besar serta melingkupi banyak bidang pemahaman. Ruang lingkupnya mencakup melindungi harta barang, melindungi keburukan, menjaga keyakinan dan melingkupi seluruh suatu yang dipercayakan kepadanya atas bawah pemahaman kalau dirinya bertanggung jawab dihadapan Allah swt. Skripsi ini berupaya mendapatkan pemikiran mengenai pengertian arti KDRT pada Al- Qur’ an yang dikaji dari pengertian Fakhruddin al- Razi. Kasus utama yang dinaikan selaku amatan penting merupakan gimana penjelasan Fakhruddin al- Razi pada memaknakan bagian Q.S An- nisa (4) bagian 34. Misi dari riset skripsi ini dimaksudkan guna mendapatkan sesuatu hasil analisis yang menyeluruh, mendalam kepada pengertian arti pemukulan terhadap wanita bagi perspektif Fakhruddin al- Razi dan objek- objek kajiannya. Riset skripsi ini ialah riset kualitatif, yang berjenis daftar pustaka ataupun library research, dengan pendekatan pemilihan ataupun dengan berburu serta mengakumulasi bermacam informasi yang berhubungan dengan riset ini. Riset ini mangulas Al- Qur’ an dengan cara langsung yang dibantu dengan sebagian buku pengertian yang representatif, kamus dan Al- Qur’ an terjemah yang dipakai buat berburu ayat- ayat mengenai pemukulan terhadap wanita dalam rumah tangga. Bersumber pada hasil akhir dari pengertian arti KDRT dalam Q. S An- nisa (4) bagian ayat 34 pemukulan terhadap wanita perspektif Fakhruddin al- Razi dengan telaah Mafatihul Ghaib lebih menekankan pada bagaimana asal ide karena timbulnya bagian serta peran pembeda antara pria dengan wanita, berasal dari perbandingan seperti itu bagian insan antara pria dengan wanita terpaut dengan seluruh wujud keyakinan, bagus berbentuk harta barang, kedudukan, melindungi keburukan serta lain serupanya telah jadi kewajiban tiap- tiap. Alhasil hasil kesimpulannya merupakan melaksanakan kewajiban cocok dengan yang diamanatkan serta silih memenuhi merupakan suatu yang elementer pada membuat aturan keluarga yang madani serta aman, paling utama buat kondisi kehidupan dikala ini

    Analisis Diksi wasatiyyah dalam terjemahan Al-Qur'an kementrian agama dalam mewujudkan toleransi antar umat beragama di Indonesia

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    This research is motivated by the translation carried out by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag RI) in translating verses that contain wasatiyyah meaning in them. In translating verses of the Qur'an, the mufassir is required to be objective and to be able to choose a language that is suitable for the translation. A good translation is one that the reader can understand, so it is not recommended to use diction that is difficult to understand, as there is a possibility that mistakes will occur in interpreting the verse and there will be multiple interpretations. This study uses a content analysis approach. A content analysis approach is used to analyze wasatiyah diction in the translation of the Koran published by the Ministry of Religion and evaluate how much wasatiyah diction can create tolerance between religious communities. The results of this study indicate that the translation carried out by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia has included the concept of wasatiyyah; this can be seen from the choice of translation vocabulary used, which does not use difficult language, and from the fact that there is an explanation of the secondary meaning of the verse, which is marked with a footnote or brackets. Furthermore, the Ministry of Religion's translation accommodates the scholars' differences of opinion and includes different opinions in the explanation marked in the footnote so that readers can find out more clearly the scholars' differences of opinion

    Annawaazilu Wal qodhooyaa Almuaashiratu Fii Tajmiili Badhi Aadhooil Jismi Linnisai Wa Ahkamuha Alfiqhiyyah

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    This research is a qualitative desk research, based on the inductive analytical method, on the issue of the judgment of calamities and contemporary issues in the beautification of some body parts among scholars and jurists. The problem of this research revolves around the following issues: What are the scholars' opinions on this emerging issue and the beautification of women? And how were the methods and methods of deriving rulings in that calamity? What are the legal controls for facelift body parts? And after reviewing the sayings of scholars and jurists in their approved books, and making extrapolations and analyzing them, the researcher concluded that there are different terms of calamity among the four schools of thought, and it was said that they are fatwas and incidents, and according to the Malikis in the sense of districts, and among the jurists in general that they are the new, current issues. And the fact that they differed from the definition of calamities in the ancient and modern era and methods of deducing them in the rulings of the calamity, as well as there are several issues about the calamities and contemporary issues in cosmetology and that these issues have their rulings based on proven evidence from their legitimate sources from the Qur’an, the Sunnah, consensus and analogy, and also the majority of scholars agreed in cosmetic and adornment, but they differ In cosmetic surgery, some of them claimed that it is permissible according to the conditions of a controlling law, aiming to remove defects and natural events and to bring great interest, and some of them went on the prohibition of it due to a known cause they have, which is the change of God’s creation

    Kaidah Al-Wujuh Wa An-Nazair dalam Tarjamah Tafsiriyah terhadap Kata Awliya dalam Terjemah Al-Qur'an Kemenag Edisi Tahun 2019

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    This research discusses a study of the rules of al-wujūh wa an-naẓāir in the interpretation of the interpretation of lafaẓ awliyā in the al-Qur'an translation of the 2019 edition of the Ministry of Religion. The verses of the Qur'an which were revealed in Arabic have many unique words and a variety of meanings according to the context of the verse, so that a study is needed regarding the meaning of the lafaẓ to make it easier for Muslims to understand the verse. The rule of al-wujūh wa an-naẓāir is a study of the science of the Qur'an which discusses the meaning and pronunciation. The spread of Muslims outside the Arab nation requires translation of verses of the Qur'an into their native language. There are two translation methods, namely literal translation and interpretive translation. With the formulation of how to apply al-wujūh wa an-naẓāir and tarjamah tafsiriyah from the word awliyā in the Qur'an, researchers used the maudhu'I method and a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research are the mention of awliyā in the Qur'an 42 times with ten different meanings according to the context of the discussion of the verse. The ten forms of the word awliyā are protectors, helpers, loyal friends, comrades, caretakers, guardians, allies, brothers in religion, offerings, and lovers

    Self Healing Dalam Kitab Tafsir Lathaif Al-Isyarat

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    Self-healing is one of the most widely applied mental health therapies at this time, this is because self-healing is a mental health therapy that is very simple and easily accessible to individuals. But in fact, many individuals misinterpret self-healing as an activity that is synonymous with pleasure or recreation. Even though self-healing is a mental healing effort due to pain or trauma in the individual's soul. The purpose of this research is to try to explain the true meaning of self-healing and see self-healing based on the Koran. The type of this research is qualitative research through an analytical descriptive approach and the primary data source used is the book of Tafsir Lathaif Al-Isign. The data collection method used is in the form of documentation and the data analysis method used is analytical descriptive. The results of this study are; First, the Al-Quran as a self-healing method, Imam Al-Qusyairi said that the Al-Quran is a medicine for all diseases that humans suffer, both physically and psychologically. Second, prayer as a method of self-healing, Imam Al-Qusyairi explained that by praying and being patient, Allah will provide help to humans. Third, fasting as a self-healing method, explained that fasting which is done both physically and mentally can provide physical and spiritual health. Fourth, patience as a method of self-healing, patience with God's decrees followed by faith can give peace to the soul. Fifth, remembrance as a self-healing method, with remembrance of Allah can give peace and serenity in the heart

    Tafsiir Aayaati Ribaa Inda Syeikh Abdul Qoodir Al Jaulany Fii Kitaabi At Tafsiir Al Jailany Wa Atsaruhuu Fii Ahkammi Indal Fuqohaa

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    The Qur’an is the word of God and has meanings in its letters and verses, it is like the sea that has no shore in revealing a content. With the possibility of God, people differ in the consideration and interpretation of one verse because of the multiplicity of its meanings. These verses of the Al-Qur'an can be interpreted by the method of tafsir bil ma'tsur (history) or bir ro'yi (reason) and it can also be intuition. The scholars still disagreed about the existence of this method, as the Sufis interpret it and do not rely on the necessary controls among the commentators, but rather they reveal the Qur’anic verse with a sign, which is a divine revelation that God the Blessed and Almighty sheds in their hearts without an acquired or sensory reason. Al-Jilani, through his book called “al-fawaatih al ilaahiyah wal mafaatih al ghoibiyah al muwadhihah lil kalim al qur’aniyah wal hikam al furqoniyah” is one of tafsir isyari interpreted by intuition. This book includes everything that is in the Qur'an, including the verses of the law, So from this will a problem arise if the law verses are interpreted using the Isyari method of interpretation? As there are differences in opinion of the scholars about the law of usury and their accusations of new things