17 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Kontrol Diri Dengan Perilaku Konsumtif Online Shopping Pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Consumptive behaviour is a tendency to consume goods excessively and without much consideration. Female college students act consumptive because they enter a new period of their growth time and mind their looks more. One important element that determines the consumptive behaviour of female college student when online shopping is self control. One who has positive self control can manage their shopping behaviour that suits their needs.The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between self control and consumptive behaviour in female students of faculty of psychology in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The research is done with quantitative method with 100 female college students as subject. The sampling method is incidental sampling. The research used self control scale and consumptive behaviour scale to collect datas. The data analysis method used is product moment. The result of this research shows that correlation coefficient of rxy = 0,096 with p = 0,071 (p>0.05) means that there is no relation between self control with consumptive behaviour. The subjects of this research have a high level of self control with emprical average of 85.86 and hypothetical average of 75, the subjects have consumptive behaviour level that belong in moderate category with empirical average of 56.84 and hypothetical average of 60. Keywords: self control, consumptive behaviour, online shoppin

    Hubungan Antara Religiusitas Dengan Kecemasan Menghadapi Pernikahan

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    Phenomenon Happens When Cantor is the number of women and men in the age Enough And Living Conditions established yet Reluctant to review Married BECAUSE different reasons. Only one woman is interest in career field compared ON WITH Married. * According to the happiness index BPS The dikelurkan By 2014, showed that the population The status Unmarried happy Slightly MORE Than they Are Already Married. Happiness index is formulated based on the Ten Aspects of Life that Works, household income, housing conditions and assets, education, health, family harmony, social relations, the availability of leisure time, the state Environmental and Safety Conditions. Singer study aims to review Seeing Relations eligiosity BETWEEN THE Facing wedding anxiety. Population Research Singer is an adult male orangutan And Women Who are single, aged 19 Years To 40 Years, Muslim and work. Sampling Techniques Used Research hearts That singer is purposive sampling sampling techniques based on differences such as A Certain Consideration Qualities or haracteristics of the population is well known in advance. Timeframe The samples taken for a review of research singer is as much as 100. That data collection methods you anxiety and religiosity scale. Based on the findings of the analysis of IN oefficient (r) of -0398 WITH p = 0.000 (p <0.01). It Means Singer hypothesis The proposed ADA Writer Proven That The Very significant negative relationship between religiosity anxiety Facing wedding. Effective contribution of 15.9% of religiosity variable Against Confronting anxiety marriage. There are still 84.1% mean lying variables affecting the wedding Confronting anxiety. Facing the unknown variable anxiety empirical wedding had a mean of 43.58 and a mean of 69 Which Means hypothetical ON classified study subjects was low. CONCLUSION The TIN IN Research Singer is a negative correlation between religiosity WITH anxiety Facing wedding

    Hubungan Antara Kepribadian Big Five Terhadap Intensi Berwirausaha Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Indonesia is one country that has difficulties in economic growth and the amount of the unemployment rate among educated people. entrepreneurship can be used as a benchmark to measure the health of the economy that is built by a community. The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still small, about 1.58% of the total population. The ideal number of entrepreneurs in the country is 4% of the total population. One solution to reduce unemployment is to increase the number of ntrepreneurs. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the big five personality with the intention of ntrepreneurship, especially in psychology student UMS. This study population is students of Psychology UMS. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling, that the sampling technique based on a certain considerations such as population characteristics or traits that have been previously known. The number of samples taken for this study is as much as 100. The method of data collection that big five personality scale and intention scale entrepreneurship. Based on the analysis results obtained coefficient (r) of 0.596 with p = 0.000 (p<0.01). This means that the hypothesis is proven that the author is significant positive relationship between the big five personality with the intention of entrepreneurship. The effective contribution of big five personality with the intention of entrepreneurship is 41.2%, 58.8% means that there are other variabels that affect the intention of entrepreneurship outside the big five personality variabels. Entrepreneurial intentions had empirical mean is 145.3 and hypothetical average is 114 which means that research on the subject is high. The conclusion of this research is there is a significant positive relationship between the big five personality with the intention of entrepreneurshi

    Perilaku Merokok Pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    In today people see smoke everywhere, whether in the office, in the market or other public places or even among their own households, both men and women. in 2013 that the number of women smokers in Indonesia increased by 5 times more than men. There is a trend of increasing the number of female smokers while male smokers stable. Each year 1.5 million people died of smoking and the 25,000 people who die of them are passive smokers. In Indonesia, male smokers as much as 65.9% and 4.5% of women. Data Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, the number continues to rise, especially smokers perempuan.Tujuan this study describes the smoking behavior of student of the Faculty of Psychology University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The informants as many as five people selected by snowball sampling technique that is student of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta smoking with age range 17-25 years. The results showed that their motivation in student smoking behavior, and motivation is influenced by the presence of factors. The factors that influence the behavior of cigarette smoke is functioning in everyday life, which is related to feelings and psychological satisfaction. Factors associated addicted about the frequency of smoking and the effects of nicotine in the body. Social environmental factors related to maintaining the privacy and the influence of environmental modeling

    Efikasi Diri Pada Istri Jamaah Tabligh

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    Jemaah tabligh is an association of some poeplo who aim to spread the godness to others by preaching wich called as khuruj. Everyone who doing khuruj will leave thir house for a few days until months to leave their familly, especially their wife and children. Than, wife of jemaah tabligh is someone who have a husband as a active jemaah tabligh especially khuruj. When the husband did khuruj programe, there are some impact will happen to his familly. There are family, environtment and economics. Because of these impacts, the wife must have confidence in the ability of it. The purpose of this research are to know how the dynamics of self-efficacy is and the factors that influence it. Researcher using the phenomenological qualitative approach with five informants as a jemaah tabligh’s wife with a minimum times is 40 days khuruj an life in Surakarta. The informants in this research were selected by a purposive sampling. The result of this research indicated that the jemaah tabligh’s wife has their ability after getting the social support from groups and families. It will make informants feel sincere and able to interprate khuruj that make a religious personality. Than the informants was able to prove that that’s fine to let their husband leave their house for khuruj. It will be happen if the jemaah tabligh’s wife has the factor. Thera are social support, ikhlas, khuruj’s meaning, and religious

    Ayah Di Mataku “Orientasi Seksual Menjadi Gay Ditinjau Dari Persepsi Terhadap Peran Ayah”

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    This research aims to understand the sexual orientation being gay in terms of perception of the role of the father. This research used the descriptive qualitative approach, collecting data using a semi structured interview techniques. Informants in this study is selected by purposive sampling, that amounted to 5 people, 3 people are gay and 2 people are heterosexual. From this research obtained the results that the closeness of the relationship of the child with a father who is entwined with no good will made a bad experience between them, when the experience of the child with a bad dad, with along a bad stories about the father from his mother, then it will cause a bad perception by the son against the father, it can influential for a child's response to the establishment of his identity. A Son did not find their ideal father in the figure of his father, then the son will be trying to find a father figure should ideally be from other people who are older. At the age of adolescence, at the son are free to interact with the environment, has many friends and a lot of experience with people, when a son accidentally gets a good experience with gay men, and find the ideal father of his partner , will cause a child addicted to repeat the behavior of gays who settled. Keyword : Father figure, Gay, Perception of fathe

    Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Emosional Dengan Prestasi Belajar Pada Siswa

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to find out : 1) the relation between emotional intelligence and permormance study for students, 2) the role of emotional intteligency to performance students, 3)the level of emotional intelligence, 4) the level of performance study. The hypothesis of this research shows that there is a relation positive between emotional intelligence and performance study for students in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten Utara. The technique for sample of this research is purposive sampling technique. The criteria of the subjek is students class II Mechanical Engineering in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten Utara . Based of criteria a number of subjects of this research is 104 people. The results of data analysis shows that the value of correlation coefisien is (r) = 0,131 with sig 0,042 (p<0,05). In conclusion there is positive relation between emotional intelligence and performance study for students in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten Utara. The role emotional intelligence for performance study is 17,64% which means that there are many variables beyond emotional intelligence that can affect in performance study. The empirical average performance study 79,45 and hypothetical average is 75 which means that the performance study is medium. Meanwhile, the empirical average emotional intelligence is 92,46 and hypothetical average is 75 which means that the emotional itelligence is high. Keyword : Intelligence, Emotional, Performace stud

    Hubungan Antara Kontrol Diri Dengan Kecanduan Internet Pada Remaja Di Surakarta

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to find out : 1). the relation between self control and internet addiction for adult in Surakarta, 2). the role of self control to internet addiction, 3). level of self control, 4). level of internet addiction. The hypothesis of this research shows that there is a negative relation between self controland internet addiction for adolescence in Surakarta. Subjects of this research is 80 adolescence 15 until 18 years old. Instrument used on this research are self-control scale and internet addiction scale. The technique for analysis of this research is product moment.In conclusion there is negative relation between self control and internet addiction for adolescence in Surakarta. The results of data analysis shows that the correlation coefisien is (r) = -0,486 with sig 0,000 (p<0,01). The empirical average of self control 117,50 and hypothetical average is 130 which means that the self control is high. Meanwhile, the empirical average of internet addiction is 87,61 and hypothetical average is 130 which means that the internet addiction is medium. The role self control for internet addiction is 23,6% which means there are 76,4 % other variables beyond self control that can affect in internet addiction.. Keyword : Addiction, Internet, Self Contro

    Pengaruh Kepribadian Dan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Terhadap Interaksi Parasosial

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    This study aims to determine the effect of personality and academic achievement on parasocial interactions. This study involved 259 active students who had parasocial relationships for at least one year. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. In this study, using a quantitative approach, data was collected using Google Forms, which were distributed to the social media of the Indonesian K-pop fan community on Twitter @starfess. Data collection used student GPA and two scales, namely the Big Five Inventory (BFI) scale by John (1990), which has been modified and translated by Neila Ramadhani (2012), and the parasocial relationship scale by Firizkyna Putri Ardian (2023), based on aspects by Stever (2013). The analysis used is the Multiple Linear Regression test using the JASP application version The results of the analysis show that there is an influence of personality and academic achievement on parasocial relationships based on the F test of 0.01 and the F count of 23163.473. F table 3.031. personality on parasocial interaction results in a significant influence that is < 0.01. Academic achievement and parasocial interaction result in a significant influence of 0.017. On the personality dimension, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and Openness to Experience have an influence on parasocial interactions

    Regulasi Emosi Pada Siswa MTS Program Akselerasi Di Pondok Pesantren Modern Islam (PPMI) Assalam

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    Acceleration students faced more pressure and demand than reguler students, their need the ability to regulate their emotion espesially with boarding school system which make student became more independent in solving problem and socializing with other students. The purpose of this research is to know and understand how acceleration student in PPMI Assalam regulate their emotion. This research was done with qualitative methods. The population of acceleration student in PPMI Assalam about 10 (ten) students however acceleration student that can be intervied just 5 (five) because the others have extraculicular or OSIS or other boarding activity is called study of population. The result of this research showed that all acceleration student in PPMI Assalam can regulate their emotion with independent or dependents methods. Acceleration students regulate their emotion with the ability to adapt and communication