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    Within the London Bomb incident in 2005, Government of Australia increased its attention toward domestic terorrism issues. Based on this concern, John Howard administration wanted a preventive law which capable to tackle that problem by issuing Anti-Terorrism Bill 2005. But it must be noticed that few of its provisions of the law was considered by the society to have to the potential to break already existing law and also breach to the principles of civil freedoms. In order to get the law through the legislative process, the government used contending strategy. They gave persuasive arguments to alter the stance of the oppositions and delivering deadline on the reading process. When the oppositions, dominated by the Labour Party was expected by the society to be able to amend the substances of the provisions to minimalize the aftermath ot the law, Labours in fact gave its support to the governments stance. Alas, the law passed through along with its aberrant provisions. This paper shows the implementation of contending strategy used by John Howard administratio