1,131 research outputs found

    Stability analysis of self-similar behaviors in perfect fluid gravitational collapse

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    Stability of self-similar solutions for gravitational collapse is an important problem to be investigated from the perspectives of their nature as an attractor, critical phenomena and instability of a naked singularity. In this paper we study spherically symmetric non-self-similar perturbations of matter and metrics in spherically symmetric self-similar backgrounds. The collapsing matter is assumed to be a perfect fluid with the equation of state P=αρP=\alpha\rho. We construct a single wave equation governing the perturbations, which makes their time evolution in arbitrary self-similar backgrounds analytically tractable. Further we propose an analytical application of this master wave equation to the stability problem by means of the normal mode analysis for the perturbations having the time dependence given by exp(iωlogt)\exp{(i\omega\log|t|)}, and present some sufficient conditions for the absence of non-oscillatory unstable normal modes with purely imaginary ω\omega.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, matched to the published versio

    Breakdown of self-similar evolution in homogeneous perfect fluid collapse

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    The stability analysis of self-similar solutions is an important approach to confirm whether they act as an attractor in general non-self-similar gravitational collapse. Assuming that the collapsing matter is a perfect fluid with the equation of state P=αρP=\alpha\rho, we study spherically symmetric non-self-similar perturbations in homogeneous self-similar collapse described by the flat Friedmann solution. In the low pressure approximation α1\alpha \ll 1, we analytically derive an infinite set of the normal modes and their growth (or decay) rate. The existence of one unstable normal mode is found to conclude that the self-similar behavior in homogeneous collapse of a sufficiently low pressure perfect fluid must terminate and a certain inhomogeneous density profile can develop with the lapse of time.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, references added, published in Physical Review

    Quantum Fluctuations of Black Hole Geometry

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    By using the minisuperspace model for the interior metric ofstatic black holes, we solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation to study quantum mechanics of the horizon geometry. Our basic idea is to introduce the gravitational mass and the expansions of null rays as quantum operators. Then, the exact wave function is found as a mass eigenstate, and the radius of the apparent horizon is quantum-mechanically defined. In the evolution of the metric variables, the wave function changes from a WKB solution giving the classical trajectories to a tunneling solution. By virtue of the quantum fluctuations of the metric evolution beyond the WKB approximation, we can observe a static black hole state with the apparent horizon separating from the event horizon.Comment: 18 pages, DPNU-93-3

    Superradiant scattering of electromagnetic waves emitted from disk around Kerr black holes

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    We study electromagnetic perturbations around a Kerr black hole surrounded by a thin disk on the equatorial plane. Our main purpose is to reveal the black hole superradiance of electromagnetic waves emitted from the disk surface. The outgoing Kerr-Schild field is used to describe the disk emission, and the superradiant scattering is represented by a vacuum wave field which is added to satisfy the ingoing condition on the horizon. The formula to calculate the energy flux on the disk surface is presented, and the energy transport in the disk-black hole system is investigated. Within the low-frequency approximation we find that the energy extracted from the rotating black hole is mainly transported back to the disk, and the energy spectrum of electromagnetic waves observed at infinity is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Asymptotic power-law tails of massive scalar fields in Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m background

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    We investigate dominant late-time tail behaviors of massive scalar fields in nearly extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m background. It is shown that the oscillatory tail of the scalar fields has the decay rate of t5/6t^{-5/6} at asymptotically late times. The physical mechanism by which the asymptotic t5/6t^{-5/6} tail yields and the relation between the field mass and the time scale when the tail begins to dominate, are discussed in terms of resonance backscattering due to spacetime curvature.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Relativistic Dynamos in Magnetospheres of Rotating Compact Objects

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    The kinematic evolution of axisymmetric magnetic fields in rotating magnetospheres of relativistic compact objects is analytically studied, based on relativistic Ohm's law in stationary axisymmetric geometry. By neglecting the poloidal flows of plasma in simplified magnetospheric models, we discuss self-excited dynamos due to the frame-dragging effect (originally pointed out by Khanna & Camenzind), and we propose alternative processes to generate axisymmetric magnetic fields against ohmic dissipation. The first process (which may be called induced excitation) is caused by the help of a background uniform magnetic field in addition to the dragging of inertial frames. It is shown that excited multipolar components of poloidal and azimuthal fields are sustained as stationary modes, and outgoing Poynting flux converges toward the rotation axis. The second one is self-excited dynamo through azimuthal convection current, which is found to be effective if plasma rotation becomes highly relativistic with a sharp gradient in the angular velocity. In this case no frame-dragging effect is needed, and the coupling between charge separation and plasma rotation becomes important. We discuss briefly the results in relation to active phenomena in the relativistic magnetospheres.Comment: 16 pages, AASLaTeX macros v4.

    Constraints on the Evolution of Black Hole Spin due to Magnetohydrodynamic Accretion

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    Stationary and axisymmetric ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) accretion onto a black hole is studied analytically. The accreting plasma ejected from a plasma source with low velocity must be super-fast magnetosonic before passing through the event horizon. We work out and apply a trans-fast magnetosonic solution without the detailed analysis of the regularity conditions at the magnetosonic point, by introducing the bending angle β\beta of magnetic field line, which is the ratio of the toroidal and poloidal components of the magnetic field. To accrete onto a black hole, the trans-magnetosonic solution has some restrictions on β\beta, which are related to the field-aligned parameters of the MHD flows. One of the restrictions gives the boundary condition at the event horizon for the inclination of a magnetic field line. We find that this inclination is related to the energy and angular momentum transport to the black hole. Then, we discuss the spin-up/down process of a rotating black hole by cold MHD inflows in a secular evolution timescale. There are two asymptotic states for the spin evolution. One is that the angular velocity of the black hole approaches to that of the magnetic field line, and the other is that the spin-up effect by the positive angular momentum influx and the spin-down effect by the energy influx (as the mass-energy influx) are canceled. We also show that the MHD inflows prevents the evolution to the maximally rotating black hole.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, submitted to PR