10 research outputs found

    Teennagers anxiety, progressiveness and problematic behavior

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    The main task of this work was to make the research of the connection of teenagers’ anxiety, progressiveness and problematic behavior. During the research there was analyzed the connection of schoolchildren’ anxiety, progressiveness and problematic behavior. Children were from two Vilnius Russian- speaking schools, from sixth till tenth classes. Also there were compared the exertion of anxiety, progressiveness, behavior between girls and boys from different classes. In the work there were used anxiety scale, behavior scale, yearly marks average. The research data were processed by SPSS computer program. In the research there participated 216 children, who were from Vilnius elementary and Vilnius high schools, from sixth till tenth classes. Schoolchildren were examined by questionnaire at schools, during the classes. The results of this research show, that general school anxiety is very low. During the research it was found the connection of progressiveness with problematic behavior, it was proved, that for those classes, which are characteristic for particular behavior reactions, have lower progressiveness. Also it was proved, that the progressiveness of boys is lower than girls, and general school anxiety is higher than girls. The statically reliable connection between all tree-analyzed factors is not proved because of researches’ particularity.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Investigation of Risk Factors when Working at Height

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    Lietuvoje, kaip ir visame pasaulyje, plačiai naudojamos darbų aukštyje technologijos. Darbai aukštyje atliekami įvairiose ekonomikos srityse: statybose (pastatų sienų sandarinimas ir dažymas, stogų dangos klojimas), montuojant įrenginius (įvairių matmenų įrenginių surinkimas, renovacija ir kt.), energetikoje (elektros įrenginių, dūmtraukių priežiūra, taisymas ir kt.), transporte (krovinių krovimas, tiltų, viadukų priežiūra ir taisymas), paslaugų teikimo srityje (televizijos antenų, reklamos įrengimas, priežiūra, keitimas ir kt.) ir t.t. Dirbant aukštyje įvyksta daugybė sunkių ir mirtinų nelaimingų atsitikimų. Norint jų išvengti ir kontroliuoti darbuotojus bei darbdavius būtina įvertinti tokių darbų riziką ir diegti jos prevencines priemones. Darbe nagrinėjami galimi rizikos veiksniai dirbant aukštyje, siūlomos prevencinės priemonės, galinčios užkirsti kelią nelaimingiems atsitikimams darbe.Work at height technologies are widely used in Lithuania, like throughout the world. Works at height carried out in various areas of the economy: construction (sealing and of painting building walls, installation of roof coating), installation of equipment (assembly and renewal of various dimensions equipment, etc.), energetic (maintenance and repair of electrical equipment, chimney, etc.), transport (loading of loads, maintenance and repair of bridges, viaducts), rendering of services (installation, maintenance, replacement of television antennas, advertisement means, etc.) and so on. Large number of serious and fatal accidents occurs when working at height. In order to avoid these accidents and control workers and employers it is necessary to assess risk such works and to implement preventive measures. The article deals with potential risk factors when working at height and preventive measures designed to prevent accidents are suggested.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Lietuvos vyrų ir moterų vidutinės tikėtinos gyvenimo trukmės netolygumai bei juos lemiančios mirties priežastys

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    Tyrimo tikslas. Įvertinti Lietuvos vyrų ir moterų vidutinės tikėtinos gyvenimo trukmės (VGT) netolygumų pokyčius 1990–2006 m. ir nustatyti juos lemiančias mirties priežastis. Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Tyrimui naudoti duomenys apie mirusiuosius ir gyventojus, gauti iš Lietuvos statistikos departamento. Įvertinti vyrų ir moterų VGT netolygumai. Pagal išgyvenamumo lenteles apskaičiuotas vyrų ir moterų prarastų dėl svarbiausių mirties priežasčių VGT metų skaičius. Pagrindinių mirties priežasčių įtaka vyrų ir moterų VGT pokyčiams bei skirtumams nustatyta komponentinės analizės metodu. VGT pokyčių kritiniai laikotarpiai vertinti jungiamųjų taškų regresinės analizės metodu. Rezultatai. Vyrų ir moterų VGT pokyčiams 1990–2006 m. būdingi du lūžio taškai, VGT kreivę suskirsčius į tris laikotarpius: mažėjančios, didėjančios ir vėl mažėjančios VGT. Vyrų VGT pokyčiai visais laikotarpiais buvo intensyvesni nei moterų. Bendras vyrų VGT pokytis 1990–2006 m. buvo statistiškai nereikšmingas, o moterų VGT didėjo vidutiniškai 0,2 proc. per metus. Ir vyrai, ir moterys daugiausia VGT metų prarado dėl mirčių nuo širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų, kurių reikšmė buvo didesnė moterims. Darbingo amžiaus (15–65 metų) vyrų ir moterų VGT labiausiai trumpino nelaimingi atsitikimai, apsinuodijimai ir traumos. Nors vyrų ir moterų VGT skirtumas nuo 1994 m. iki 2006 m. sumažėjo nuo 12,3 iki 11,8 metų, jis yra vienas didžiausių Europoje. Nuo 1991 m. svarbiausia mirties priežastimi, lemiančia vyrų ir moterų VGT skirtumus, tapo nelaimingi atsitikimai, apsinuodijimai ir traumos, kurių reikšmė vyrų ir moterų VGT skirtumams pastaraisiais metais sumažėjo. 2006 m., palyginus su 1994 m., padidėjo širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų bei piktybinių navikų įtaka vyrų ir moterų VGT skirtumui. Išvados. Demografi nių ir socialinių gyventojų grupių sveikatos netolygumų mažinimas turi tapti valstybės socialinės ir sveikatos politikos prioritetu. Sveikatos, socialinių bei kitų valstybinių arba regioninių programų įgyvendinimo vertinimo kriterijuose turėtų atsispindėti vyrų ir moterų lygių sveikatos galimybių užtikrinimo aspektai

    Clinical cosmobiology: distribution of deaths during 180 months and cosmophysical activity. The Lithuanian study, 1990–2004 The role of cosmic rays

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    The aim of this study is a next step of our previous, initial, publications – to explore the links between monthly death number (total, and for the major death causes and each gender) with levels of monthly cosmophysical activity in a long-term, big cohort observation. Methods. Death number during 180 consecutive months from the National Registry of Lithuania for years 1990–2004 were studied. A total of 630 205 deaths were analyzed (333 035 males). For comparison, monthly indices of solar activity, geomagnetic activity, and cosmic ray activity and year and month (1–12) of the study were used. The cosmophysical data were obtained from space research centers in the USA, Russia, and Finland. Statistics. Pearson correlation coefficients (r) and their probabilities (P) between compared parameters were calculated. A multivariate model of prediction was designed. Results. It was a significant correlation between total monthly death number and indices of cosmic ray activity and, inverse, of solar activity; in men stronger than in women. Monthly geomagnetic activity was significantly correlated with traffic accidents, ischemic heart disease/ stroke ratio, suicide victim number. Deaths from stroke, noncardiovascular causes, suicide, traffic accidents were related with cosmic ray activity and, inverse, with solar activity. Relationship of ischemic heart disease/stroke ratio to year of observation showed additional evidence for the growing role of stroke in cardiovascular mortality. Conclusions. Monthly death number is linked to cosmic ray activity, and inverse, to solar activity. Central place of stroke-related deaths in cardiovascular mortality is emerging. Geomagnetic activity, in monthly account, plays a relatively minor role. We presume that forces antagonistic to cosmic ray activity, like solar activity and geomagnetic activity, can prevent some negative biologic effects of cosmic ray

    Epistatic analysis of the contribution of Rabs and Kifs to CATCHR family dependent Golgi organization

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    Multisubunit members of the CATCHR family: COG and NRZ complexes, mediate intra-Golgi and Golgi to ER vesicle tethering, respectively. We systematically addressed the genetic and functional interrelationships between Rabs, Kifs, and the retrograde CATCHR family proteins: COG3 and ZW10, which are necessary to maintain the organization of the Golgi complex. We scored the ability of siRNAs targeting 19 Golgi-associated Rab proteins and all 44 human Kifs, microtubule-dependent motor proteins, to suppress CATCHR-dependent Golgi fragmentation in an epistatic fluorescent microscopy-based assay. We found that co-depletion of Rab6A, Rab6A', Rab27A, Rab39A and two minus-end Kifs, namely KIFC3 and KIF25, suppressed both COG3- and ZW10-depletion-induced Golgi fragmentation. ZW10-dependent Golgi fragmentation was suppressed selectively by a separate set of Rabs: Rab11A, Rab33B and the little characterized Rab29. 10 Kifs were identified as hits in ZW10-depletion-induced Golgi fragmentation, and, in contrast to the double suppressive Kifs, these were predominantly plus-end motors. No Rabs or Kifs selectively suppressed COG3-depletion-induced Golgi fragmentation. Protein-protein interaction network analysis indicated putative direct and indirect links between suppressive Rabs and tether function. Validation of the suppressive hits by EM confirmed a restored organization of the Golgi cisternal stack. Based on these outcomes, we propose a three-way competitive model of Golgi organization in which Rabs, Kifs and tethers modulate sequentially the balance between Golgi-derived vesicle formation, consumption, and off-Golgi transpor

    MicroRNAs influence the migratory ability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells

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    To identify miRNAs that are involved in cell migration in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), we employed RNA sequencing under high glucose incubation and text mining within the databases miRWalk and TargetScanHuman using 83 genes that regulate HUVECs migration. From both databases, 307 predicted miRNAs were retrieved. Differentially expressed miRNAs were determined by exposing HUVECs to high glucose stimulation, which significantly inhibited the migratory ability of HUVECs as compared to cells cultured in normal glucose. A total of 35 miRNAs were found as differently expressed miRNAs in miRNA sequencing, and 4 miRNAs, namely miR-21-3p, miR-107, miR-143-3p, and miR-106b-5p, were identified as overlapping hits. These were subjected to hub gene analysis and pathway analysis using the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), identifing 71 pathways which were influenced by all four miRNAs. The influence of all four miRNAs on HUVEC migration was phenomorphologically confirmed. miR21 and miR107 promoted migration in HUVECs while miR106b and miR143 inhibited migration. Pathway analysis also revealed eight shared pathways between the four miRNAs. Protein–protein interaction (PPI) network analysis was then performed to predict the functionality of interacting genes or proteins. This revealed six hub genes which could firstly be predicted to be related to HUVEC migration