18 research outputs found
Morphology and variability of the facial nerve trunk dependent on branching pattern, gender, anthropometric type and side of the head in Moldovan population
Background: Knowledge concerning variability of the facial nerve trunk (FNT) direction after its exit through the stylomastoid foramen is of a great clinical significance for maxillofacial surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists, oncologists, specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery. The aim of our study was to establish the variation of the FNT direction and its peculiarities dependent on branching pattern, gender, anthropometric type and side of the head.
Materials and methods: The direction of the FNT and its branching pattern were studied on 75 dissected hemifaces of adult formalized cadavers (59 male/16 female), and the morphometry of the FNT length, width and bifurcation angle was carried out.
Results: Seven branching patterns of the facial nerve were established: Type I – 18.7%, Type II – 14.7%, Type III – 20%, Type IV – 14.6%, Type V – 5.3%, Type VI – 18.7%, and Type-NI – 8% (bizarre types). The FNT had a descending direction in 73.3% of cases; ascending FNT – 9.3% (including 5.3% of very short diffuse branching trunks and 1.3% of arch-shaped FNT); horizontal FNT – 10.7%; number variants – 6.7%. The male/female ratio of the descending FNT was 69.5%/87.4%; ascending – 10.2%/6.3%; horizontal – 11.9%/6.3%; number variants – 8.4% (only in male). The right/left ratio of the descending FNT was 62.9%/82.5%; ascending – 11.4%/7.5%; horizontal – 11.4%/10%; number variants – 14.3% (only on the right side). The ratio of the descending FNT in mesocephalic type (MCT) / brachycephalic type (BCT) / dolichocephalic type (DCT) was respectively 70.6%/100%/66.7%; ascending – 12.1%/0%/0%; horizontal – 12.1/0%/11.1%. Numerical variants in MCT – 5.2%, in DCT – 22.2%. The mean number of FNT in MCT/BCT/DCT was respectively 1.07/1.0/1.22.
Conclusions: Three main directions are characteristic for FNT: the descending, ascending and horizontal ones, which vary dependent on branching pattern, gender, shape and side of the head
Frequency and specificity of red cell antibodies in thalassemia patients in Albania
Introduction Thalassemia major is a common hemoglobinopathy in Albania. However, there are no data available on the frequency of RBC alloimmunization and autoimmunization in transfusion-dependent Albanian patients with thalassemia. MethodsA total of 118 patients with thalassemia receiving regular transfusions were studied during 5years with antibody screening. During this period, they were exclusively transfused with blood matched for ABO, Rhesus and Kell system. These patients were previously exposed to unmatched blood because of blood shortages. ResultsFourteen of 118 (11, 8%) patients developed alloantibodies. Twelve (10, 1%) were already present at the start of the study. Only 2 (1, 7%) were formed after the application of a strict Rh and Kell matching policy. The most common antibody was anti-K, followed by anti-D, anti-C, anti-E, anti-c, anti-e, anti-Jk(b), and anti-C-w. Three patients developed anti-D plus anti-C. Anti-K was combined with Rh antibodies in two of five cases. Anti-c was combined with anti-E in two of three cases. The majority of antibodies (10/14) belonged to the Rh blood group system. With the exception of the anti-Jk(b) and the anti-C-w, all antibodies were already present at the beginning of the follow-up period. During our follow-up, 27 patients (22.8%) developed autoantibodies. A strong coincidence was found between the presence of alloantibodies and autoantibodies. Eleven of 14 (78%) of the patients with alloantibodies had also autoantibodies, whereas autoantibodies were found in 16 of 104 (15%) of patients with thalassemia without autoantibodies. The rate of alloantibody formation dropped from 10.1% to 1.7% after application of a strict Rh and Kell matching policy. ConclusionA policy of Rhesus and Kell matching without occasional exceptions greatly reduced the development of new alloantibodies and autoantibodies. Self-sufficiency through regular blood donation is necessary for the full implementation of an extended match policy and the prevention of antibody formation in our patients
Iodine deficiency is the most prevalent micronutrient deficiency in the world today. Food fortification is an important compliment to food-based approaches, and iodine fortification of foods as one of the strategies for the control of iodine deficiency. Manufacturing and consumption of sunflower oil fortified with iodine as well as derivative products on it basis is a perspective direction for elimination of alimentary dependent iodine deficiency disorders. The present work examines morphological changes in the thyroid system of rats at the experimental mercatholile-induced hypothyroidism. As well it determines the influence of iodinated oil and margarine on the thyroid system of rats. It specifies the safe value of iodinated oil and margarine for rats. In-vivo study demonstrated the efficacy of fortification of lipid products with iodine under iodine deficiency status
An analysis of complications of rightsided hemicolonectomy in 289 patients has been made. 7 patients died after the operation. Most of the complications are due to a separation of the sufures of ileotransverse anastomoses of the "side to side" type.Проанализированы осложнения оперативного лечения рака правой половины толстой кишки у 289 больных. После операции умерло 7 человек, большинство осложнений обусловлено расхождением швов илеотрансверзоанастомозов типа "бок в бок".Проаналізовані ускладнення оперативного лікування раку правої половини товстої кишки у 289 хворих. Після операції померло 7 осіб, більшість ускладнень зумовлена розходженням швів ілеотрансверзоанастомозів типу "бік у бік"
Паліативна терапія раку шлунка (досвід 1 року)
The authors have analyzed palliative therapy of gastric cancer in 39 patients who were treated at the Chernivtsi Regional Clinical Oncologic Dispensary in 2010. The patients’ survival rate was better after chemotherapy or radiotherapy (13 out of 17 and 6 out 8 persons died within a year), 15 out of 16 patients died within a year following symptomatic therapy. Symptomatic therapy was carried out without nutritive support.Проанализирована паллиативная терапия рака желудка у 39 больных, пролеченных в 2010 году в Черновицком обласном клиническом онкологическом диспансере. Выживание больных лучше после химиотерапии или лучевой терапии (до года умерло 13 из 17 и 6 из 8 больных) после симптоматической терапии до года умерло 15 из 16 больных. Больным не проводилась нутритивная терапия.Проаналізована паліативна терапія раку шлунка в 39 хворих, яких лікували у 2010 році в Чернівецькому обласному клінічному онкологічному диспансері. Виживання хворих краще після хіміотерапії або променевої терапії (до року померло 13 із 17 і 6 із 8 осіб), після симптоматичної терапії до року померло 15 із 16 пацієнтів. Симптоматична терапії проводилася без нутритивної підтримки