3,286 research outputs found

    Addendum: Neutrino Mass Hierarchy Determination Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    We update our study of neutrino mass hierarchy determination using a high statistics reactor electron anti-neutrino experiment in the light of the recent evidences of a relatively large non-zero value of \theta_{13} from the Daya Bay and RENO experiments. We find that there are noticeable modifications in the results, which allow a relaxation in the detector's characteristics, such as the energy resolution and exposure, required to obtain a significant sensitivity to, or to determine, the neutrino mass hierarchy in such a reactor experiment.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP

    Neutrino Mass Hierarchy Determination Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Building on earlier studies, we investigate the possibility to determine the type of neutrino mass spectrum (i.e., "the neutrino mass hierarchy") in a high statistics reactor electron antineutrino experiment with a relatively large KamLAND-like detector and an optimal baseline of 60 Km. We analyze systematically the Fourier Sine and Cosine Transforms (FST and FCT) of simulated reactor antineutrino data with reference to their specific mass hierarchy-dependent features discussed earlier in the literature. We perform also a binned \chi^2 analysis of the sensitivity of simulated reactor electron antineutrino event spectrum data to the neutrino mass hierarchy, and determine, in particular, the characteristics of the detector and the experiment (energy resolution, visible energy threshold, exposure, systematic errors, binning of data, etc.), which would allow us to get significant information on, or even determine, the type of the neutrino mass spectrum. We find that if \sin^2 2\theta_{13} is sufficiently large, \sin^2 2\theta_{13} \gtap 0.02, the requirements on the set-up of interest are very challenging, but not impossible to realize.Comment: 32 pages, 27 figures, accepted in Journal of High Energy Physic

    On the relation between p-adic and ordinary strings

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    The amplitudes for the tree-level scattering of the open string tachyons, generalised to the field of p-adic numbers, define the p-adic string theory. There is empirical evidence of its relation to the ordinary string theory in the p_to_1 limit. We revisit this limit from a worldsheet perspective and argue that it is naturally thought of as a continuum limit in the sense of the renormalisation group.Comment: 13 pages harvmac (b), 2 eps figures; v2: revtex, shortened, published versio

    Resolving the Mass Hierarchy with Atmospheric Neutrinos using a Liquid Argon Detector

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    We explore the potential offered by large-mass Liquid Argon detectors for determination of the sign of Delta m_{31}^2, or the neutrino mass hierarchy, through interactions of atmospheric neutrinos. We give results for a 100 kT sized magnetized detector which provides separate sensitivity to \nu_\mu, \bar{\nu}_\mu and, over a limited energy range, to \nu_e, \bar{\nu}_e.We also discuss the sensitivity for the unmagnetized version of such a detector. After including the effect of smearing in neutrino energy and direction and incorporating the relevant statistical,theoretical and systematic errors, we perform a binned \chi^2 analysis of simulated data. The \chi^2 is marginalized over the presently allowed ranges of neutrino parameters and determined as a function of \theta_{13}. We find that such a detector offers superior capabilities for hierarchy resolution, allowing a > 4\sigma determination for a 100 kT detector over a 10 year running period for values of \sin^2 2\theta_{13} \ge 0.05. For an unmagnetized detector, a 2.5\sigma hierarchy sensitivity is possible for \sin^2 2\theta_{13} = 0.04.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, typing error in the abstract corrected, no other chang

    Form-factors computation of Friedel oscillations in Luttinger liquids

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    We show how to analytically determine for g1/2g\leq 1/2 the "Friedel oscillations" of charge density by a single impurity in a 1D Luttinger liquid of spinless electrons.Comment: Revtex, epsf, 4pgs, 2fig

    On the Boundary Entropy of One-dimensional Quantum Systems at Low Temperature

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    The boundary beta-function generates the renormalization group acting on the universality classes of one-dimensional quantum systems with boundary which are critical in the bulk but not critical at the boundary. We prove a gradient formula for the boundary beta-function, expressing it as the gradient of the boundary entropy s at fixed non-zero temperature. The gradient formula implies that s decreases under renormalization except at critical points (where it stays constant). At a critical point, the number exp(s) is the ``ground-state degeneracy,'' g, of Affleck and Ludwig, so we have proved their long-standing conjecture that g decreases under renormalization, from critical point to critical point. The gradient formula also implies that s decreases with temperature except at critical points, where it is independent of temperature. The boundary thermodynamic energy u then also decreases with temperature. It remains open whether the boundary entropy of a 1-d quantum system is always bounded below. If s is bounded below, then u is also bounded below.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 1 eps-figure; v2: some expository material added, a slightly more condensed version of the paper is publihed in Phys. Rev. Let

    Kink-boundary collisions in a two dimensional scalar field theory

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    In a two-dimensional toy model, motivated from five-dimensional heterotic M-theory, we study the collision of scalar field kinks with boundaries. By numerical simulation of the full two-dimensional theory, we find that the kink is always inelastically reflected with a model-independent fraction of its kinetic energy converted into radiation. We show that the reflection can be analytically understood as a fluctuation around the scalar field vacuum. This picture suggests the possibility of spontaneous emission of kinks from the boundary due to small perturbations in the bulk. We verify this picture numerically by showing that the radiation emitted from the collision of an initial single kink eventually leads to a bulk populated by many kinks. Consequently, processes changing the boundary charges are practically unavoidable in this system. We speculate that the system has a universal final state consisting of a stack of kinks, their number being determined by the initial energy

    Large Matter Effects in νμντ{{\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau}} Oscillations

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    We show that matter effects change the νμντ{\rm {\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau}} oscillation probability by as much as 70% for certain ranges of energies and pathlengths. Consequently, the νμνμ{\rm {\nu_\mu \to \nu_\mu}} survival probability also undergoes large changes. A proper understanding of νμ\nu_\mu survival rates must consider matter effects in PμτP_{\mu \tau} as well as PμeP_{\mu e}. We comment on a) how these matter effects may be observed and the sign of Δ31\Delta_{31} determined in atmospheric neutrino measurements and at neutrino factories and b) how they lead to heightened sensitivity for small θ13\theta_{13}.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Boundary states for a free boson defined on finite geometries

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    Langlands recently constructed a map that factorizes the partition function of a free boson on a cylinder with boundary condition given by two arbitrary functions in the form of a scalar product of boundary states. We rewrite these boundary states in a compact form, getting rid of technical assumptions necessary in his construction. This simpler form allows us to show explicitly that the map between boundary conditions and states commutes with conformal transformations preserving the boundary and the reality condition on the scalar field.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX (uses AMS components). Revised version; an analogy with string theory computations is discussed and references adde