8,074 research outputs found

    Rigid cyclic polymer in solution: Cycloamylose tris(phenylcarbamate) in 1,4-dioxane and 2-ethoxyethanol

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    Terao K., Asano N., Kitamura S., et al. Rigid cyclic polymer in solution: Cycloamylose tris(phenylcarbamate) in 1,4-dioxane and 2-ethoxyethanol. ACS Macro Letters, 1(11), 1291-1294, October 18, 2012. Copyright © 2012, American Chemical Society. https://doi.org/10.1021/mz3004506

    Chain Dimensions and Stiffness of Cellulosic and Amylosic Chains in an Ionic Liquid: Cellulose, Amylose, and an Amylose Carbamate in BmimCl

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    Jiang X., Kitamura S., Sato T., et al. Chain Dimensions and Stiffness of Cellulosic and Amylosic Chains in an Ionic Liquid: Cellulose, Amylose, and an Amylose Carbamate in BmimCl. Macromolecules, 50(10), 3979-3984, May 8, 2017. Copyright © 2017, American Chemical Society. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.7b00389

    Local conformation and intermolecular interaction of rigid ring polymers are not always the same as the linear analogue: Cyclic amylose tris(phenylcarbamate) in θ solvents

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    Asano N., Kitamura S., Terao K.. Local conformation and intermolecular interaction of rigid ring polymers are not always the same as the linear analogue: Cyclic amylose tris(phenylcarbamate) in θ solvents. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117(32), 9576-9583, July 23, 2013. Copyright © 2013, American Chemical Society. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp406607w

    Big Mac parity, income, and trade

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    Nontraded inputs account for the lion's share of a Big Mac price (Ong 1997, Parsley and Wei 2003). Major departures from Big Mac PPP may then be explained by the Balassa-Samuelson income differences effect, as shown e.g. by Click (1996). But it has been argued that Click''s result is not robust to changing estimation methods, sample of countries, and time period (Fujiki and Kitamura 2003). Here we address a key theoretical distinction between high and low income countries for the Balassa-Samuelson effect to be properly evaluated. Since this distinction is missing in Click''s analysis, we revisit his finding and take a sample which is distinct (in terms of both set of countries and time period) to meet Fujiki-Kitamura''s criticism. We find that distinguishing high from low income makes no harm to Click''s result. But we also find that openness to trade (viewed as a proxy for trade barriers) helps to explain departures from Big Mac PPP.

    Supersymmetric Particle Production at HERA

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    In the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model and the RR-parity breaking model, we investigate various production processes of the supersymmetric partner at HERA energies. Our emphasis is paid upon the scalar top quark, the partner of top quark, characterized by its lighter mass than the top quark and other scalar quarks in a model. We propose experimentally feasible approaches to search for clean signals of the stop from either its production or decay processes.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 21 figures available upon reques

    Rotating dust solutions of Einstein's equations with 3-dimensional symmetry groups, Part 3: All Killing fields linearly independent of u^{\alpha} and w^{\alpha}

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    This is the third and last part of a series of 3 papers. Using the same method and the same coordinates as in parts 1 and 2, rotating dust solutions of Einstein's equations are investigated that possess 3-dimensional symmetry groups, under the assumption that each of the Killing vectors is linearly independent of velocity uαu^{\alpha} and rotation wαw^{\alpha} at every point of the spacetime region under consideration. The Killing fields are found and the Killing equations are solved for the components of the metric tensor in every case that arises. No progress was made with the Einstein equations in any of the cases, and no previously known solutions were identified. A brief overview of literature on solutions with rotating sources is given.Comment: One missing piece, signaled after eq. (10.7), is added after (10.21). List of corrections: In (3.7) wrong subscript in vorticity; In (3.10) wrong subscript in last term of g_{23}; In (4.23) wrong formulae for g_{12} and g_{22}; In (7.17) missing factor in velocity; In (7.18) one wrong factor in g_{22}; In (10.9) factor in vorticity; In (10.15) - (10.20) y_0 = 0; In (10.20) wrong second term in y. The rewriting typos did not influence result

    Development of the Engineering Test Satellite-3 (ETS-3) ion engine system

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    The ion engine system onboard the ETS-3 is discussed. The system consists of two electron bombardment type mercury ion engines with 2 mN thrust and 2,000 sec specific impulse and a power conditioner with automatic control functions. The research and development of the system, development of its EM, PM and FM, the system test and the technical achievements leading up to final launch are discussed
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