132 research outputs found

    About the cavity fields in mean field spin glass models

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    We give the explicit expression of the infinite volume limit for the random overlap structures appearing in the mean field spin glass model. These structures have the expected factorization property for the cavity fields, and enjoy invariance with respect to a large class of random transformations. These properties are typical of the Parisi Ansatz

    Open Superstrings

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    We review the basic principles of the construction of open and unoriented superstring models and analyze some representative examples

    On the Observation of the Cosmic Ray Anisotropy below 1015^{15} eV

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    The measurement of the anisotropy in the arrival direction of cosmic rays is complementary to the study of their energy spectrum and chemical composition to understand their origin and propagation. It is also a tool to probe the structure of the magnetic fields through which cosmic rays travel. As cosmic rays are mostly charged nuclei, their trajectories are deflected by the action of galactic magnetic field they propagate through before reaching the Earth atmosphere, so that their detection carries directional information only up to distances as large as their gyro-radius. If cosmic rays below 1015eV10^{15}{\rm\,eV} are considered and the local galactic magnetic field (3μG\sim3{\rm\,\mu G}) is accounted for, gyro-radii are so short that isotropy is expected. At most, a weak di-polar distribution may exist, reflecting the contribution of the closest CR sources. However, a number of experiments observed an energy-dependent \emph{"large scale"} anisotropy in the sidereal time frame with an amplitude of about 104^{-4} - 103^{-3}, revealing the existence of two distinct broad regions: an excess distributed around 40^{\circ} to 90^{\circ} in Right Ascension (commonly referred to as "tail.in" excess) and a deficit (the "loss cone") around 150^{\circ} to 240^{\circ} in Right Ascension. In recent years the Milagro and ARGO-YBJ collaborations reported the of a "medium" scale anisotropy inside the tail-in region. The observation of such small features has been recently claimed by the IceCube experiment also in the Southern hemisphere. So far, no theory of cosmic rays in the Galaxy exists which is able to explain the origin of these different anisotropies leaving the standard model of cosmic rays and that of the galactic magnetic field unchanged at the same time

    Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum with ARGO-YBJ

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    The ARGO-YBJ detector, located at high altitude in the Cosmic Ray Observatory of Yangbajing in Tibet (4300 m asl, about 600 g/cm2 of atmospheric depth) provides the opportunity to study, with unprecedented resolution, the cosmic ray physics in the primary energy region between 10^{12} and 10^{16} eV. The preliminary results of the measurement of all-particle and light-component (i.e. protons and helium) energy spectra between approximately 5 TeV and 5 PeV are reported and discussed. The study of such energy region is particularly interesting because not only it allows a better understanding of the so called 'knee' of the energy spectrum and of its origin, but also provides a powerful cross-check among very different experimental techniques. The comparison between direct measurements by balloons/satellites and the results by surface detectors, implying the knowledge of shower development in the atmosphere, also allows to test the hadronic interaction models currently used for understanding particle and cosmic ray physics up the highest energies

    Lattice QCD at maximal twist

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    In this review we discuss the general features of maximally twisted lattice QCD. In particular, we illustrate how automatic O(a) improvement can be achieved and how it is possible to set up a lattice regularization scheme where the problem of wrong chirality mixing (be it finite or infinite) affecting the computation of the matrix elements of the CP-conserving effective weak Hamiltonian is neatly avoided, while having at the same time a positive determinant even for non-degenerate quark pairs. The question of reducing the large cutoff effects that appear when the quark mass tends to zero as a consequence of parity and iso-spin breaking in the action is also addressed. It is shown that such dangerous lattice artifacts are strongly suppressed if the clover term is added to the action or, alternatively, the critical mass is chosen so as to enforce the restoration of parity

    The m W − m Z interdependence in the Standard Model: a new scrutiny

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    The m W − m Z interdependence in the Standard Model is studied in the M S ¯ M S \overline{M\ S} scheme at the two-loop level, including the known higher-order contributions. The relevant radiative parameters, Δ α ^ μ Δα^(μ) \varDelta \widehat{\alpha}\left(\mu \right) , Δ r ^ W Δr^W \varDelta {\widehat{r}}_W , ρ ^ ρ^ \widehat{\rho} are computed at O ( α 2 ) taking into account higherorder QCD corrections and the resummation of the reducible contributions. We obtain m W = 80 . 357 ± 0 . 009 ± 0 . 003 GeV where the errors refer to the parametric and theoretical uncertainties, respectively. A comparison with the known result in the On-Shell scheme gives a difference of ≈ 6 MeV. As a byproduct of our calculation we also obtain the M S ¯ M S \overline{M\ S} electromagnetic coupling and the weak mixing angle at the top mass scale, α ^ M t = 127.73 − 1 ± 0.0000003 α^(Mt)=(127.73)1±0.0000003 \widehat{\alpha}\left({M}_t\right)={(127.73)}^{-1}\pm 0.0000003 and sin 2 θ ^ W M t = 0.23462 ± 0.00012 sin2θ^W(Mt)=0.23462±0.00012 { \sin}^2{\widehat{\theta}}_W\left({M}_t\right)=0.23462\pm 0.00012

    On the soft limit of open string disk amplitudes with massive states

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    We discuss the soft behaviour of open string amplitudes with gluons and massive states in any dimension. Notwithstanding non-minimal couplings of massive higher spin states to gluons, relying on OPE and factorization, we argue that the leading and subleading terms are universal and identical to the ones in Yang-Mills theories. In order to illustrate this, we compute some 4-point amplitudes on the disk involving gluons, massive states and, for the bosonic string, tachyons. For the superstring, we revisit the structure of the massive super-multiplets at the first massive level and rewrite the amplitudes in D = 4 in the spinor helicity formalism, that we adapt to accommodate massive higher spin states. We also check the validity of a recently obtained formula relating open superstring amplitudes for mass-less states at tree-level to SYM amplitudes, by factorisation on two-particle massive poles. Finally we analyse the holomorphic soft limit of superstring amplitudes with one massive insertion

    Checking flavour models at neutrino facilities

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    In the recent years, the industry of model building has been the subject of the intense activity, especially after the measurement of a relatively large values of the reactor angle. Special attention has been devoted to the use of non-abelian discrete symmetries, thanks to their ability of reproducing some of the relevant features of the neutrino mixing matrix. In this Letter, we consider two special relations between the leptonic mixing angles, arising from models based on <math altimg="si1.gif" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><msub><mrow><mi>S</mi></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></msub></math> and <math altimg="si2.gif" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><msub><mrow><mi>A</mi></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></msub></math> , and study whether, and to which extent, they can be distinguished at superbeam facilities, namely T2K, NO ν A and T2HK

    TeO 2 bolometers with Cherenkov signal tagging: towards next-generation neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments

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    CUORE, an array of 988 TeO 2 bolometers, is about to be one of the most sensitive experiments searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay. Its sensitivity could be further improved by removing the background from α radioactivity. A few years ago it was pointed out that the signal from β s can be tagged by detecting the emitted Cherenkov light, which is not produced by α s. In this paper we confirm this possibility. For the first time we measured the Cherenkov light emitted by a CUORE crystal, and found it to be 100 eV at the Q -value of the decay. To completely reject the α background, we compute that one needs light detectors with baseline noise below 20 eV RMS, a value which is 3–4 times smaller than the average noise of the bolometric light detectors we are using. We point out that an improved light detector technology must be developed to obtain TeO 2 bolometric experiments able to probe the inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses

    The Integrable Dynamics of Discrete and Continuous Curves

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    We show that the following geometric properties of the motion of discrete and continuous curves select integrable dynamics: i) the motion of the curve takes place in the N dimensional sphere of radius R, ii) the curve does not stretch during the motion, iii) the equations of the dynamics do not depend explicitly on the radius of the sphere. Well known examples of integrable evolution equations, like the nonlinear Schroedinger and the sine-Gordon equations, as well as their discrete analogues, are derived in this general framework