9,331 research outputs found

    From outer circle to center stage: The maturation of heterodox economics

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    This is chapter 2 of the book "Future Directions in Heterodox Economics" by John T. Harvey and Robert F. Garnett, Jr., Editors. The inner circle of neoclassical economics has limited its horizons, increasing the scope for heterodox economists to claim ever more of the most important issues. Two values contend for primacy: being scientific, and being relevant. These need not—and should not—be in conflict; an important goal for economics in the future is to bring them into better harmony.Heterodox economics, contextual economics, neoclassical theory, economic goals, history of economic thought

    Proceedings of International Workshop "Global Computing: Programming Environments, Languages, Security and Analysis of Systems"

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    According to the IST/ FET proactive initiative on GLOBAL COMPUTING, the goal is to obtain techniques (models, frameworks, methods, algorithms) for constructing systems that are flexible, dependable, secure, robust and efficient. The dominant concerns are not those of representing and manipulating data efficiently but rather those of handling the co-ordination and interaction, security, reliability, robustness, failure modes, and control of risk of the entities in the system and the overall design, description and performance of the system itself. Completely different paradigms of computer science may have to be developed to tackle these issues effectively. The research should concentrate on systems having the following characteristics: • The systems are composed of autonomous computational entities where activity is not centrally controlled, either because global control is impossible or impractical, or because the entities are created or controlled by different owners. • The computational entities are mobile, due to the movement of the physical platforms or by movement of the entity from one platform to another. • The configuration varies over time. For instance, the system is open to the introduction of new computational entities and likewise their deletion. The behaviour of the entities may vary over time. • The systems operate with incomplete information about the environment. For instance, information becomes rapidly out of date and mobility requires information about the environment to be discovered. The ultimate goal of the research action is to provide a solid scientific foundation for the design of such systems, and to lay the groundwork for achieving effective principles for building and analysing such systems. This workshop covers the aspects related to languages and programming environments as well as analysis of systems and resources involving 9 projects (AGILE , DART, DEGAS , MIKADO, MRG, MYTHS, PEPITO, PROFUNDIS, SECURE) out of the 13 founded under the initiative. After an year from the start of the projects, the goal of the workshop is to fix the state of the art on the topics covered by the two clusters related to programming environments and analysis of systems as well as to devise strategies and new ideas to profitably continue the research effort towards the overall objective of the initiative. We acknowledge the Dipartimento di Informatica and Tlc of the University of Trento, the Comune di Rovereto, the project DEGAS for partially funding the event and the Events and Meetings Office of the University of Trento for the valuable collaboration

    Economic Evaluation

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    Encore EDS Task Force Final Summary Report (6.4.14)

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    Final report of the Encore EDS Task Force recommending that, After careful consideration, trial and evaluation, the task force reached consensus that HELIN should move forward in switching from Serials Solutions to EBSCO\u27s A-Z with LinkSource product for 2014-2015. This will allow each HELIN library to decide for themselves whether to start using Encore Duet immediately, or to hold off until upcoming enhancements become available. In order to be ready for the beginning of the 2014 fall semester, the task force recommends that the transition to EBSCO A to Z with Linksource be made as soon as possible and that the HELIN Board and Central Office communicate a timeline for implementation of EBSCO A to Z with Linksource and Encore Duet to the HELIN Libraries

     Ocean Remote Sensing with Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    The ocean covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface, 90% of the biosphere and contains 97% of Earth’s water. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can image the ocean surface in all weather conditions and day or night. SAR remote sensing on ocean and coastal monitoring has become a research hotspot in geoscience and remote sensing. This book—Progress in SAR Oceanography—provides an update of the current state of the science on ocean remote sensing with SAR. Overall, the book presents a variety of marine applications, such as, oceanic surface and internal waves, wind, bathymetry, oil spill, coastline and intertidal zone classification, ship and other man-made objects’ detection, as well as remotely sensed data assimilation. The book is aimed at a wide audience, ranging from graduate students, university teachers and working scientists to policy makers and managers. Efforts have been made to highlight general principles as well as the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of SAR Oceanography
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