118 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Antena Wajan Bolic Untuk Uji Coba Kinerja Antena Wifi

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    Banyak beredar di website maupun blog mengenai antena eksternal yang digunakan oleh komputer atau laptop dalam mengakses internet, yaitu antena wajan bolic, yang fungsinya untuk memperluas jangkauan penerimaan sinyal hotspot. Wajan bolic adalah teknologi antena untuk menangkap gelombang wireless. Dari informasi yang diperoleh melalui internet dan beberapa artikel, antena wajan bolic yang terpasang pada komputer seperti laptop atau PC desktop dapat mengakses internet dengan jarak 1 - 2 km dari titik hotspot. Performa antena yang baik dan jangkauan antena yang luas memang selalu dicari orang dalam USAha mendapatkan sinyal hotspot yang lebih bai

    The Mapping of National Character in Science Concept of MI (Analysis Study on the Basic Competence of Science Subject of MI in Curriculum 2013)

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    This research aimed to finding out the national character values involved in science concept of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah MI and how is the mapping form of it. This is library research on Curriculum 2013 focusing on the basic competence offered in science subject of Class IV who uses the same book as their teacher. Things to be analyzed in this research are national character values in science subject. This research uses qualitative approach by describing the mapping of national character in science subject of MI. data analysis techniques such as data reduction, data display, dan conclusing drawing/verification.This research discovers that national characters in science concept of class 4 of MI are: spirituality, honesty, discipline, hard work, curiosity, responsibility, achievement respect, friendship and communication, love to country, nationalistic spirit, and care towards environment. The mapping form of national character values on basic competence follows the main competence that it implements which leads to spiritual, social, knowledge, and skill main competences. National character values of basic competence that implement religious and social main competence exist in all themes, while national character values that implement knowledge and skill main competence exist in particular themes depending on the materials

    Analisis Penerapan Fatwa MUI Wisata Halal (Studi Kasus Hotel Syariah Medan)

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    The purpose of this study was to find out whether sharia hotels in the Medan city had implemented the MUI Fatwa, related to halal tourism. The method used in the study is a qualitative method, comparing the theory with the events in the field. The results obtained, that sharia hotels in the city of Medan have implemented regulations issued by the MUI on halal tourism, which is regulated in No.108 / DSN-MUI / X / 2016. This is shown by the facilities of places of worship such as mushalah, the unavailability of food and drinks, the pornography sites that are on the internet access, not receiving guests who are not Muslims

    Market Anomaly Analysis: the Day of the Week Effect, January Effect, Rogalsky Effect and Weekfour Effect Testing in Indonesia Stock Exchange (Case Study on Companies Listed in Lq45 Index in 2013- 2017)

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    Financial theory explained that there are four types ofanomalies such as firm anomaly, seasonal anomaly, eventanomaly, and accounting anomaly. Seasonal anomalies aredivided into several parts such as The Day of The WeekEffect, the January Effect, Rogalsky Effect, and Week-FourEffect. The results of research in Indonesia show mixedresults related to this anomaly.The purpose of this research is to test wether The Day ofThe Week Effect, January Effect, Rogalsky Effect, andWeek-Four Effec market anomalyt occurred on theIndonesia Stock Exchange. This research is a study thatuses quantitative research methods with the purpose ofdescriptive-verification. The unit of analysis of this researchis the companies that registered consistently in the LQ45index for the period 2013-2017 using purposive samplingtechnique. This study used 37 research samples for 5 yearsof research and used a different test analysis with SPSSStatistics 25.The results showed that there was an anomaly of TheDay of The Week Effect on the Indonesia Stock Exchangeand there was no anomaly in the January Effect, RogalskyEffect, and Week-Four Effect on the Indonesia StockExchang

    Kontribusi Usaha Pengumpulan Limbah Penambangan Batubara Bagi Penghasilan Rumah Tangga Nelayan (Kasus Nelayan di Kelurahan Pasar Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu)

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    Later fishing village Bengkulu Bengkulu City Market preoccupied with collectingwaste (residual leaching) of coal waste in the river Bengkulu. The waste collection bringadditional income for the families of fishermen who collect it. This study aims todetermine how many additional (contributed) coal waste collection for the familyincome of fishermen. Based on the results of the study contribute to the waste collectionfishermen families are quite large, reaching 41.91 % of total family income. Justunfortunately not all of the fishing village of Bengkulu market perform these activities,although they are a lot of free time, not a good time and the time after return to sea tosea. It is recommended to fishermen who have a lot of spare time to use it do extraefforts producer, for example coal waste collection (residual leaching) of coal miners

    Model Kebijakan Indonesia Terhadap Australia Dalam Melindungi Industri Garam Nasional (2009-2011)

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    This study describes the model of the policy Indonesia to Australia in protecting national salt industry in 2009-2011. Through trade agreements Indonesia with Australia, namely IAFTA (Indonesia-Australia Free Trade Agreement) which affects the salt industry in the country, so that the salt imports be cheap and easier to done. This is evident from the increasing amount of Indonesian salt imports from Australia in the years 2010 1.621.594 tons and be 2,473,716 tons in 2011.Authors analyze and describe models of Indonesian policy against Australia in protecting national salt industry. The theoretical framework that writer use in this study is the perspective libralisasi by John Satuart Mill, Alexander Hamilton, and Friedrich List, by the theory of trading strategies "strategic trade theory" protecting is given the country based on libralisme by David Ricardo.This study proves that the policy taken by the Indonesian able to protect national salt commodities by reducing and ban the import of salt from Australia thsn processing national salt, comodity so as to meet the national salt consumption. In according theory that writer use, then the government should make policies that put salt as a strategic commodity in Indonesia. Because salt is used by everyone as a necessity, can notreplaced with other commodities and commodities that role-play in the mobilization of the economy.Development the model of policy national salt from policy proteksi become libralisme. By maximizing the national salt industry centers run protection policy properly, then Indonesia will reach sufficiency salt.Keywords: salt commodities, import, protection policies, IAFTA and sufficiency sal

    Komposisi dan Struktur Vegetasi Strata Pohon di Kawasan Wisata Hapanasan Desa Sialang Jaya-pasir Pengaraian sebagai Alternatif Pengembangan Handout pada Konsep Keanekaragaman Hayati di SMA

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    This research was to determine the composition and structure of vegetation strata tree in Tourism Regions Hapanasan Sialang Jaya village of Pasir Pengaraian and develop a handout to the concept of biodiversity in the senior high school. The study was conducted in November 2013 and June 2014. The study was carried out by two phases: biological research on the composition and structure of vegetation and tree strata, development stage handout. This study used a survey method. Mechanical conducting a survey conducted using the method with plot size 20x20m plots distributed on a line (transect). Sample was done by using purposive sampling. The study was conducted in zone A is the zone that should not be disturbed and there are two stations were selected as the study site. The results showed that the composition of the vegetation strata tree on two research stations in Area Tourism Hapanasan found 37 species of trees from 19 tribes. The highest importance value index spesies was Mahang 2 (Macaranga hypoleuca) with a value of 101.011% and the lowest spesies was Kiara Payung (Filicium decipiens) with a value of 2.696%. Diversity index (H') in station I was high (3.255) and at station II was medium (2.168). The results of the research have been developed as a handout that is the material of Biodiversity in high school class X
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