58,725 research outputs found

    Multilayer gas cells for sub-Doppler spectroscopy

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    We have carried out theoretical research on ultra-high resolution spectroscopy of atoms (or molecules) in the suggested cell with a series of plane-parallel thin gas layers between spatially separated gas regions of this cell for optical pumping and probing. It is shown the effective velocity selection of optically pumped atoms because of their specific transit time and collisional relaxation in such a cell, which lead to narrow sub-Doppler resonances in absorption of the probe monochromatic light beam. Resolution of this spectroscopic method is analyzed in cases of stationary and definite nonstationary optical pumping of atoms by the broadband radiation versus geometrical parameters of given cells and pumping intensity. The suggested multilayer gas cell is the compact analog of many parallel atomic (molecular) beams and may be used also as the basis of new compact optical frequency standards of high accuracy.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Cooperative dynamics in doped manganite films: phonon anomalies in the ferromagnetic state

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    We present optical measurements of phononic excitations in La2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}MnO3_{3} (LCMO) and La2/3_{2/3}Sr1/3_{1/3}MnO3_{3} (LSMO) thin films covering the full temperature range from the metallic ferromagnetic to the insulating paramagnetic phase. All eight phonons expected for the R3ˉ\bar{3}c symmetry in LSMO and 17 out of the expected 25 phonons for the Pnma symmetry in LCMO have been determined. Close to the ferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic transition both compounds reveal an anomalous behavior but with different characteristics. Anomalies in the phononic spectra are a manifestation of the coupling of lattice degrees of freedom (DOF) to electronic DOF. Specifically, the low-frequency external group proves to be an indicator for lattice modifications induced by electronic correlations. The enhanced electron-phonon coupling in LCMO is responsible for Fano-like interference effects of distinct phonon modes with electronic continuum excitations: we observe asymmetric phonon line shapes, mode splitting and spectral weight transfer between modes.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Large and Small Polaron Excitations in La2/3(Sr/Ca)1/3MnO3 Films

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    We present detailed optical measurements of the mid-infrared (MIR) excitations in thin films of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO) and La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) across the magnetic transition. The shape of the excitation at about 0.2 eV in both samples is analyzed in terms of polaron models. We propose to identify the MIR resonance in LSMO as the excitation of large polarons and that in LCMO as a small polaron excitation. A scaling behavior for the low-energy side of the polaronic MIR resonance in LSMO is established

    QCD Thermodynamics with 2 and 3 Quark Flavors

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    We discuss the flavor dependence of the pressure and critical temperature calculated in QCD with 2, 2+1 and 3 flavors using improved gauge and staggered fermion actions on lattices with temporal extent Nt=4. For T > 2 Tc we find that bulk thermodynamics of QCD with 2 light and a heavier strange quark is well described by 3-flavor QCD while the transition temperature is closer to that of 2-flavor QCD. Furthermore, we present evidence that the chiral critical point of 3-flavor QCD, i.e. the second order endpoint of the line of first order chiral phase transitions, belongs to the universality class of the 3d Ising model.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX2e File, 7 EPS-figures, presented at SEWM 2000, Marseille, June 13-17th, 200

    Enhanced binding revisited for a spinless particle in non-relativistic QED

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    We consider a spinless particle coupled to a quantized Bose field and show that such a system has a ground state for two classes of short-range potentials which are alone too weak to have a zero-energy resonance

    Constant-temperature molecular-dynamics algorithms for mixed hard-core/continuous potentials

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    We present a set of second-order, time-reversible algorithms for the isothermal (NVT) molecular-dynamics (MD) simulation of systems with mixed hard-core/continuous potentials. The methods are generated by combining real-time Nose' thermostats with our previously developed Collision Verlet algorithm [Mol. Phys. 98, 309 (1999)] for constant energy MD simulation of such systems. In all we present 5 methods, one based on the Nose'-Hoover [Phys. Rev. A 31, 1695 (1985)] equations of motion and four based on the Nose'-Poincare' [J.Comp.Phys., 151 114 (1999)] real-time formulation of Nose' dynamics. The methods are tested using a system of hard spheres with attractive tails and all correctly reproduce a canonical distribution of instantaneous temperature. The Nose'-Hoover based method and two of the Nose'-Poincare' methods are shown to have good energy conservation in long simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    6^6Li in a Three-Body Model with Realistic Forces: Separable vs. Non-separable Approach

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    {\bf Background:} Deuteron induced reactions are widely used to probe nuclear structure and astrophysical information. Those (d,p) reactions may be viewed as three-body reactions and described with Faddeev techniques. {\bf Purpose:} Faddeev equations in momentum space have a long tradition of utilizing separable interactions in order to arrive at sets of coupled integral equations in one variable. However, it needs to be demonstrated that their solution based on separable interactions agrees exactly with solutions based on non-separable forces. {\bf Results:} The ground state of 6^6Li is calculated via momentum space Faddeev equations using the CD-Bonn neutron-proton force and a Woods-Saxon type neutron(proton)-4^4He force. For the latter the Pauli-forbidden SS-wave bound state is projected out. This result is compared to a calculation in which the interactions in the two-body subsystems are represented by separable interactions derived in the Ernst-Shakin-Thaler framework. {\bf Conclusions:} We find that calculations based on the separable representation of the interactions and the original interactions give results that agree to four significant figures for the binding energy, provided an off-shell extension of the EST representation is employed in both subsystems. The momentum distributions computed in both approaches also fully agree with each other