71,058 research outputs found

    A permanent formula for the Jones polynomial

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    The permanent of a square matrix is defined in a way similar to the determinant, but without using signs. The exact computation of the permanent is hard, but there are Monte-Carlo algorithms that can estimate general permanents. Given a planar diagram of a link L with nn crossings, we define a 7n by 7n matrix whose permanent equals to the Jones polynomial of L. This result accompanied with recent work of Freedman, Kitaev, Larson and Wang provides a Monte-Carlo algorithm to any decision problem belonging to the class BQP, i.e. such that it can be computed with bounded error in polynomial time using quantum resources.Comment: To appear in Advances in Applied Mathematic

    Bounds on the number of connected components for tropical prevarieties

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    For a tropical prevariety in Rn given by a system of k tropical polynomials in n variables with degrees at most d, we prove that its number of connected components is less than k+7n−

    Transitive Triangle Tilings in Oriented Graphs

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    In this paper, we prove an analogue of Corr\'adi and Hajnal's classical theorem. There exists n0n_0 such that for every n3Zn \in 3\mathbb{Z} when nn0n \ge n_0 the following holds. If GG is an oriented graph on nn vertices and every vertex has both indegree and outdegree at least 7n/187n/18, then GG contains a perfect transitive triangle tiling, which is a collection of vertex-disjoint transitive triangles covering every vertex of GG. This result is best possible, as, for every n3Zn \in 3\mathbb{Z}, there exists an oriented graph GG on nn vertices without a perfect transitive triangle tiling in which every vertex has both indegree and outdegree at least 7n/181.\lceil 7n/18\rceil - 1.Comment: To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B (JCTB

    Direct Interactions in Relativistic Statistical Mechanics

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    Directly interacting particles are considered in the multitime formalism of predictive relativistic mechanics. When the equations of motion leave a phase-space volume invariant, it turns out that the phase average of any first integral, covariantly defined as a flux across a 7n7n-dimensional surface, is conserved. The Hamiltonian case is discussed, a class of simple models is exhibited, and a tentative definition of equilibrium is proposed.Comment: Plain Tex file, 26 page

    On tt-core and self-conjugate (2t1)(2t-1)-core partitions in arithmetic progressions

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    We extend recent results of Ono and Raji, relating the number of self-conjugate 77-core partitions to Hurwitz class numbers. Furthermore, we give a combinatorial explanation for the curious equality 2sc7(8n+1)=c4(7n+2)2\operatorname{sc}_7(8n+1) = \operatorname{c}_4(7n+2). We also conjecture that an equality of this shape holds if and only if t=4t=4, proving the cases t{2,3,5}t\in\{2,3,5\} and giving partial results for t>5t>5