3,440 research outputs found

    Gerhardt\u27s The Cross and Gendercide: A Theological Response to Global Violence Against Women and Girls (Book Review)

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    A Review of The Cross and Gendercide: A Theological Response to Global Violence Against Women and Girls, by Elizabeth Gerhardt. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2014. 181 pp. $22.00. ISBN 978083084049

    Quarles\u27 Buried Hope or Risen Savior: The Search for the Jesus Tomb (Book Review)

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    In the article it was pointed out the need to form management school in Poland.Briefly the history of creating shareholding in Poland and legislation connected with it werequoted. For streamlining running a company in 1991 fixed-term management contracts wereenforced. On example of opencast mining sector enterprises an effectiveness and efficiency ofmanagers employed according to this form were demonstrated.management, fixed-term management contracts, management effectiveness, enterprises ofopencast mining sector

    Ordway\u27s Not God\u27s Type: An Atheist Academic lays down Her Arms (Book Review)

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    Do You Have Tips For Safely Operating My Snow Blower?

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    Dust Bowl Dichotomy: Voting trends in Morton and Osborne County during the Great Depression

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    Morton County and Osborne County consistently held strong political affiliations with the Republican Party prior to the 1930s. This changed in the 1932 and 1936 presidential elections when Morton County changed political affiliation by voting for the Democratic candidate. Osborne County, however, did not switch political parties and instead voted once again for the Republican nominee. This thesis will examine why Morton County changed political affiliation during this time, whereas Osborne County stayed the same. In the 1932 presidential campaign, President Herbert Hoover was re-nominated on the Republican ticket and Franklin Roosevelt ran on the democratic ticket. When the Great Depression hit in 1929, Morton County residents suffered a tremendous downfall in their economy, which continued on into the 1932 presidential campaign. This economic downfall weighed heavily on the minds of Morton County citizens and ultimately led them to switch from their Republican affiliation to a Democratic vote in this campaign. Osborne County had not suffered the same drastic economic decline that Morton County had, and therefore their citizens felt confident in holding true to their party, and voted once again for the Republican nominee. Following his election in 1932, Roosevelt began initiating his New Deal legislation. Morton County remained heavily reliant during this time on federal relief money. Osborne County also accepted relief money, but not as readily as Morton County. Osborne County also had trouble with corruption among their New Deal workers. During the 1936 campaign, Morton County voted for the Democratic ticket in hopes for the continuance of federal aid and New Deal legislation. Osborne County, however, was not impressed with the New Deal programs and their economy had started to show signs of improvement. Their citizens chose to vote once again for the Republican ticket. The economic conditions in each county determined how their citizens would vote in the 1932 and 1936 presidential elections

    Book Review: Law Books in Print: Volume II

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    The appearance of the first volume ofLaw Books in Print was noted as an importantbibliographical event by this reviewerin the Law Librayy Journal forMay, 1958, at page 170. The publicationof this second volume substantiates thatobservation. With its appearance, law librarianscan now be assured of a continuingsource of current bibliographical informationabout law books.The scope of the work has been expandedby volume two to include all lawbooks in the English language publishedanywhere in the world-a welcome improvementin view of the increasing interestin international, foreign, and comparativelaw by the legal profession. Moreand more materials in the English languageare being published which analyze,compare and translate laws and legal mattersof foreign countries. The availabilityof a fine bibliographical tool such as wehave here will be invaluable in ascertainingwhat is at hand to meet the demandsfor such publications