13,590 research outputs found

    Motion of charged test particles in Reissner--Nordstr\"om spacetime

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    We investigate the circular motion of charged test particles in the gravitational field of a charged mass described by the Reissner-Nordstr\"om (RN) spacetime. We study in detail all the spatial regions where circular motion is allowed around either black holes or naked singularities. The effects of repulsive gravity are discussed by finding all the circles at which a particle can have vanishing angular momentum. We show that the geometric structure of stable accretion disks, made of only test particles moving along circular orbits around the central body, allows us to clearly distinguish between black holes and naked singularities.Comment: 58 pages, 41 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. D. This work follows the paper "Circular motion of neutral test particles in Reissner-Nordstr\'om spacetime" published in Phys.\ Rev.\ D \ Vol.83, No.2 with DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.024021 (arXiv:1012.5411v1 [astro-ph.HE]

    Measuring the neutron star equation of state using X-ray timing

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    One of the primary science goals of the next generation of hard X-ray timing instruments is to determine the equation of state of the matter at supranuclear densities inside neutron stars, by measuring the radius of neutron stars with different masses to accuracies of a few percent. Three main techniques can be used to achieve this goal. The first involves waveform modelling. The flux we observe from a hotspot on the neutron star surface offset from the rotational pole will be modulated by the star's rotation, giving rise to a pulsation. Information about mass and radius is encoded into the pulse profile via relativistic effects, and tight constraints on mass and radius can be obtained. The second technique involves characterising the spin distribution of accreting neutron stars. The most rapidly rotating stars provide a very clean constraint, since the mass-shedding limit is a function of mass and radius. However the overall spin distribution also provides a guide to the torque mechanisms in operation and the moment of inertia, both of which can depend sensitively on dense matter physics. The third technique is to search for quasi-periodic oscillations in X-ray flux associated with global seismic vibrations of magnetars (the most highly magnetized neutron stars), triggered by magnetic explosions. The vibrational frequencies depend on stellar parameters including the dense matter equation of state. We illustrate how these complementary X-ray timing techniques can be used to constrain the dense matter equation of state, and discuss the results that might be expected from a 10m2^2 instrument. We also discuss how the results from such a facility would compare to other astronomical investigations of neutron star properties. [Modified for arXiv]Comment: To appear in Reviews of Modern Physics as a Colloquium, 23 pages, 9 figure

    Constraining the neutron star equation of state using Pulse Profile Modeling

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    One very promising technique for measuring the dense matter Equation of State exploits hotspots that form on the neutron star surface due to the pulsar mechanism, accretion streams, or during thermonuclear explosions in the neutron star ocean. This article explains how Pulse Profile Modeling of hotspots is being used by the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), an X-ray telescope installed on the International Space Station in 2017 - and why the technique is a mission driver for the next, larger-area generation of telescopes including the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP) mission and the Spectroscopic Time-Resolving Observatory for Broadband Energy X-rays (STROBE-X).Comment: To appear in the AIP Conference Proceedings of the Xiamen-CUSTIPEN Workshop on the EOS of Dense Neutron-Rich Matter in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy (January 3 - 7, 2019, Xiamen, China

    Tomographic Constraints on High-Energy Neutrinos of Hadronuclear Origin

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    Mounting evidence suggests that the TeV-PeV neutrino flux detected by the IceCube telescope has mainly an extragalactic origin. If such neutrinos are primarily produced by a single class of astrophysical sources via hadronuclear (pppp) interactions, a similar flux of gamma-ray photons is expected. For the first time, we employ tomographic constraints to pinpoint the origin of the IceCube neutrino events by analyzing recent measurements of the cross correlation between the distribution of GeV gamma rays, detected by the Fermi satellite, and several galaxy catalogs in different redshift ranges. We find that the corresponding bounds on the neutrino luminosity density are up to one order of magnitude tighter than those obtained by using only the spectrum of the gamma-ray background, especially for sources with mild redshift evolution. In particular, our method excludes any hadronuclear source with a spectrum softer than E−2.1E^{-2.1} as a main component of the neutrino background, if its evolution is slower than (1+z)3(1+z)^3. Starburst galaxies, if able to accelerate and confine cosmic rays efficiently, satisfy both spectral and tomographic constraints.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter
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