482 research outputs found

    Fire safety analysis of elementary school Zagradec

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    V magistrski nalogi sem preverila zasnovo požarne varnosti novozgrajene osnovne šole v občini Ivančna Gorica. Najpogostejši vzroki za nastanek požarov v šolah so napake na električnih napeljavah, nenadzorovano opravljanje vzdrževalnih del ali pa namerni požig, ki ga nevede lahko storijo med igro tudi otroci. Obstoječa študija požarne varnosti za OŠ Zagradec je bila narejena po tehnični smernici TSG-1-001:2010: Požarna varnost v stavbah (TSG), zato sem, za primerjavo, študijo požarne varnosti pripravila po nemški smernici Musterbauordnung (MBO). V prvem delu naloge sem predstavila splošna pravila za izdelavo študije požarne varnosti stavb za izobraževanje po nemških smernicah MBO, ki zajema ukrepe za preprečevanje širjenja požara na sosednje objekte, ukrepe za doseg ustreznega nivoja nosilnosti konstrukcije med požarom in preprečevanje širjenja požara po stavbi, pravila za ustrezne evakuacijske poti, sisteme za javljanje in alarmiranje, naprav za gašenje požara in varnega ter ustreznega dostopa interventnih enot do objekta. Nato je izdelana študija požarne varnosti obravnavanega objekta skladno s smernico MBO in njenimi podsmernicami. Med študijo požarne varnosti po nemških smernicah in po obstoječi študiji po smernici TSG je prišlo do nekaj razlik, ki so predstavljene v tretjem delu naloge. Na koncu za izbrane požarne scenarije sledi analiza razvoja požara v programu Pyrosim in s tem povezane evakuacije, analizirane v programu Pathfinder. Rezultati numeričnih študij kažejo, da lahko s pomočjo simulacij predvidimo ustrezen potek evakuacije, ki bistveno pospeši potek le-te, hkrati pa lahko te ugotovitve upoštevamo pri organizacijskih požarnovarstvenih ukrepih.Present master\u27s thesis deals with the fire safety analysis of the newly built elementary school in municipality of Ivančna Gorica. Most frequent reasons for fire in schools are flawed electrical wiring, uncontrolled maintenance work, or intentional arson, which can be caused unintentionally by children during their playtime. The existing fire safety study for elementary school in Zagradec was made according to the technical guideline TSG-1-001:2010: Požarna varnost v stavbah (TSG). This, in the master\u27s thesis for comparison study is made according to the German guideline Musterbauordnung (MBO). The first part of the thesis presents the general rules for conducting a fire safety study for buildings intended for education, according to the German MBO guidelines. These include the measures for preventing the fire from expanding over the building and to neighbouring buildings, measures for adequate level of structures fire resistance, rules for emergency exit routes, automatic fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing devices, and design of safe and adequate access routes to the building for intervention units. Next, a fire safety study on the discussed building is conducted, according to the MBO guidelines. The third part of the thesis presents some differences, which appeared between the existing, TSG-guided fire safety study and the fire safety study done according to the German guidelines. In the last part of the thesis results of numerical analyses for chosen fire scenarios, made in the Pyrosim software, and suitable emergency evacuation, analysed in the Pathfinder software are presented. The results demonstrate the ability of a numerical simulations to sufficiently predict and design the emergency exit routes. Additionally, these findings can be taken into account in the organisational fire-safety measures rules

    Moste - Završnica dam system safety analysis

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    The Moste-Završnica dam system along with the adjoining reservoir and its ability of rapid\ud integration into the electrical power system provides a large part of the necessary reserve\ud power; however, by keeping large amounts of water behind the dam, it presents a significant\ud risk for the downstream area.\ud The first part of the thesis presents the current status of the water potential available in\ud Slovenia, a short overview of the literature on the topic of ensuring dam safety, and the laws\ud on dam engineering. It also offers some insight into the history and the technical\ud characteristics of the HPP Moste and HPP Završnica dams.\ud The second part of the thesis explains the VOPREG methodology and the collapse risk\ud assessment based on the said methodology. The risk assessment of the HPP Moste and\ud HPP Završnica along with their influence on the population and environment has been\ud established with the help of the record sheets created as part of the VOPREG project,\ud consultation visits at the Savske elektrarne Ljubljana d.o.o. headquarters in Medvode, the\ud acquisition of the required documents, and the in situ observations of both dams. The\ud obtained information led to the conclusion that the dams present a high risk, which can be\ud regulated with proper management and maintenance, and can thus ensure a high degree of\ud security for these facilities

    Automatic fire detection systems

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    V diplomskem delu sem se posvetil samemu pojmu gorenja, vzrokom za nastanek požara, kako se le-ta razvija in seveda najpomembneje kako preprečiti, da pride do katastrofe. Ključno vlogo pri tem ima požarni sistem, ki je namenjen odkrivanju požara v začetni fazi. Sistem je v osnovi sestavljen iz požarne centrale, požarnih javljalnikov in naprav za alarmiranje.In my dissertation I have looked at the principle of burning, main causes of fire, how fire develops and how it grows and what can be done to stop it or prevent it from even starting in the first place. The key of prevention is use of fire prevention system which purpose is to detect fire in its early stage. System is a combination of main system, fire detectors and different signaling devices

    Overview of the systems for automatic fire detection and implementation of the system in practice

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    Diplomsko delo govori o sistemu AoJP, ki služi zgodnjemu odkrivanju in javljanju požara, njegovih sestavnih delih, tehnologijah delovanja in njegovi smiselni namestitvi. V delu je najprej opisan kratek pregled razvoja AoJP, standardi in določila, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri izvedbi sistema, ter tehnologi delovanja konvencionalnih in naslovljivih sistemov. Sledi podrobnejši opis zgradbe sistema AoJP, kjer se dotaknemo vsakega izmed funkcionalnih elementov in jih podrobneje predstavimo. Poseben poudarek je namenjen požarni centrali in javljalnim elementom, saj le z dobrim poznavanjem njihovega delovanja ustvarimo zanesljiv in funkcionalen sistem AoJP. Prikazana je tudi idejni načrt izvedbe sistema AoJP na konkretnem primeru realnega objekta vključno z izbiro in namestitvijo elementov ter njihovimi povezavami. V sklepu so opisane ugotovitve, prednosti ter tudi pomanjkljivosti pri načrtovanju in izvedbi sistema AoJP.The thesis is about so called \u27System of Automatic Fire Detection and Reporting\u27 (SAFDR) which serves for early detection and reporting of the fire. It talks about its components, technologies and operation, and its reasonable installation. The first part describes a brief overview of the development of \u27SAFDR\u27, standards and conditions that must be taken into account when implementing the system and the technology operation of conventional and addressable systems. Following on is a detailed description of the system where each of the functional elements are described and are then presented in detail. A special emphasis is given to the fire headquarters and reporting element, since only good knowledge of their operations creates a reliable and functional SAFDR. The thesis also shows the outline plan for the implementation of the SAFDR on a case study, including the selection and arrangement of elements and their connections. The conclusion describes the findings, the advantages as well as the shortcomings in planning and execution of SAFDR

    Control and supervision of a HVAC system for pharmaceutical industry

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    Diplomsko delo predstavlja potek razvoja nadzornega sistema za klimatizacijo in prezračevanje v farmacevtski industriji. Cilj projekta je doseganje (nastanek produkta) in vzdrževanje želenih parametrov (hranjenje produkta). V prvem delu so predstavljeni klimatski sistemi in njihovi gradniki. Vsak ima različno funkcionalnost. Opisani so vklopi, izklopi in statusi delovanja sistemov. Za logiko izvajanja programske logike skrbi krmilnik ameriškega proizvajalca. Drugi del diplomske naloge se osredotoča na grafično prikazovanje, zaščito, alarmiranje in arhiviranje podatkov. Predstavljen je centralno-nadzorni sistem in njegova zgradba. Na koncu je opisan postopek validacije sistema in testna dokumentacija. Slednja je zadnji del projektnih korakov, ki zagotavlja varnost in pripravljenost izvajanja zastavljenih funkcionalnosti.This thesis presents and explains the development and application of the control system for air conditioning and ventilation of a pharmaceutical factory. The goal of this project is to achieve the prescribed values, which determine the system’s schedule of operation. The first part of the thesis presents the air conditioning systems and their components, which gives them their functionality. Furthermore, the thesis also describes an operating schedule, which is used for system operation and presentation of real time information to the user. For execution of the developed programs, a PLC programmable logic controllers are used . The second part of the thesis is focused on graphical presentation, protection/safety, alarming and archiving information to be later used by the user. Furthermore, distributed control system and its structure are also described. The last part of the thesis describes the tests that are performed before the product commissioning. All performed tests are described also in a test documentation, which provides safety measures and protocols when the system is running

    Installation of electric piston pumps in hazardous area.

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    Zaščita in barvanje karoserij se smatrata kot pomembna tehnološka procesa pri izdelavi avtomobilov. Konec koncev avto kupujemo z očmi. Z namenom izboljšanja lakirniškega procesa se je podjetje Revoz d.d. odločilo za zamenjavo obstoječih pnevmatskih cirkulacijskih črpalk z elektrobatnimi črpalkami, saj so slednje bistveno varčnejše/učinkovitejše in predvidljivejše. Elektrobatne črpalke E-flo odlikuje preverjena kakovost, so enostavne za uporabo, imajo nizke obratovalne stroške glede na pnevmatske črpalke ter imajo visoko zanesljivost delovanja. V mešalnico barv podjetja Revoz d.d. smo vgradili 10 elektrobatnih črpalk E-flo z elektro-pnevmatsko omaro, prilagojeno kupčevim zahtevam. Pred zamenjavo črpalk smo izvedli testiranje ene črpalke E-flo, s čimer smo dokazali upravičenost predvidene investicije, saj je bila poraba električne energije celo 4,57 krat manjša kot z obstoječimi črpalkami.Body protection and painting are one of the most important technological process when a car is produced. At the end we are buying car with eyes. In order to improve painting process company Revoz d.d. decided to replace existing circulating pneumatic pumps with electric. Electric pumps are significantly more economical/efficient and predictable. Electric piston pumps E-flo are proven quality and easy to use and have low operating costs against pneumatic and have high reliability. In the mixing room of company Revoz d.d. we install 10 electric piston pumps E-flo with electrical cabinet adapted to the customer needs. Before replacing pumps we tested one E-flo pump. With testing we confirmed that energy consumption is 4.57 times smaller than with existing pneumatic pumps. Energy consumption was key for this investment

    Safety analysis of the Mavčiče - Medvode dam cascade

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    Dams have always been built because of the benefits they offer, however, they are a threat\ud to the environment and the people living nearby. To this end, ensuring the safety of dams\ud and being aware of the risks they pose to the environment are two of the main tasks of dam\ud engineering. As part of the thesis, we analysed the safety of the Mavčiče-Medvode dam\ud cascade. The thesis presents the main characteristics of the dams and deals with the\ud documentation and systems ensuring and monitoring their operational safety. Based on the\ud documentation and field inspection, the level of risk was determined using the methodology\ud of the VODPREG project. The risk assessment was not performed in strict accordance with\ud the definition, but rather by assessing the key parameters that accurately represent the level\ud of risk the dam poses to its vicinity

    Banke kao mjesta počinjenja kaznenih djela razbojništva

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    Banka je financijska institucija koja je od Hrvatske narodne banke dobila odobrenje za rad i koja je osnovana kao dioničko društvo sa sjedištem u Republici Hrvatskoj.1 Dakle, sukladno Zakonu o trgovačkim društvima, banke su organizirane kao dionička društva, te imaju svoje podružnice, poslovnice i ispostave. Sjedišta banaka (centrale) uglavnom se nalaze u velikim gradovima, dok se podružnice nalaze u manjim centrima (županijskim ili općinskim). Poslovnice su razmještene u gradovima i selima, prema tržišnoj orijentaciji banaka; dok se ispostave nalaze na graničnim prijelazima, u trgovačkim centrima, zračnim lukama i si. te u pravilu predstavljaju manje prostore s ograničenim poslovanjem. Banke su poslovne sredine u kojima osnovni vid poslovanja pretpostavlja skup ra¬zličitih transakcija s gotovim novcem i vrijednostima, dragocjenostima te vrijednosnim papirima. Prema tome, kako je u bankama novac primarno manipulativno sredstvo u procesu novčarskih transakcija (uplata/isplata, konverzija, mjenjački poslovi, krediti i si.), postale su zanimljive različitim kriminalnim krugovima koji žele na lak način doći do koristi. S obzirom na te činjenice, banke su postale mjesta kaznenih djela razbojništava, kao najčešćeg oblika kaznenog djela u novčarskim institucijama