18 research outputs found

    Design and Evaluation of a Collective IO Model for Loosely Coupled Petascale Programming

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    Loosely coupled programming is a powerful paradigm for rapidly creating higher-level applications from scientific programs on petascale systems, typically using scripting languages. This paradigm is a form of many-task computing (MTC) which focuses on the passing of data between programs as ordinary files rather than messages. While it has the significant benefits of decoupling producer and consumer and allowing existing application programs to be executed in parallel with no recoding, its typical implementation using shared file systems places a high performance burden on the overall system and on the user who will analyze and consume the downstream data. Previous efforts have achieved great speedups with loosely coupled programs, but have done so with careful manual tuning of all shared file system access. In this work, we evaluate a prototype collective IO model for file-based MTC. The model enables efficient and easy distribution of input data files to computing nodes and gathering of output results from them. It eliminates the need for such manual tuning and makes the programming of large-scale clusters using a loosely coupled model easier. Our approach, inspired by in-memory approaches to collective operations for parallel programming, builds on fast local file systems to provide high-speed local file caches for parallel scripts, uses a broadcast approach to handle distribution of common input data, and uses efficient scatter/gather and caching techniques for input and output. We describe the design of the prototype model, its implementation on the Blue Gene/P supercomputer, and present preliminary measurements of its performance on synthetic benchmarks and on a large-scale molecular dynamics application.Comment: IEEE Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS08) 200

    Towards Loosely-Coupled Programming on Petascale Systems

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    We have extended the Falkon lightweight task execution framework to make loosely coupled programming on petascale systems a practical and useful programming model. This work studies and measures the performance factors involved in applying this approach to enable the use of petascale systems by a broader user community, and with greater ease. Our work enables the execution of highly parallel computations composed of loosely coupled serial jobs with no modifications to the respective applications. This approach allows a new-and potentially far larger-class of applications to leverage petascale systems, such as the IBM Blue Gene/P supercomputer. We present the challenges of I/O performance encountered in making this model practical, and show results using both microbenchmarks and real applications from two domains: economic energy modeling and molecular dynamics. Our benchmarks show that we can scale up to 160K processor-cores with high efficiency, and can achieve sustained execution rates of thousands of tasks per second.Comment: IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SuperComputing/SC) 200

    Kernel-Level Measurement for Integrated Parallel Performance Views: the KTAU Project

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    The effect of the operating system on application perfor-mance is an increasingly important consideration in high performance computing. OS kernel measurement is key to understanding the performance influences and the interre-lationship of system and user-level performance factors. The KTAU (Kernel TAU) methodology and Linux-based framework provides parallel kernel performance measure-ment from both a kernel-wide and process-centric perspec-tive. The first characterizes overall aggregate kernel per-formance for the entire system. The second characterizes kernel performance when it runs in the context of a partic-ular process. KTAU extends the TAU performance system with kernel-level monitoring, while leveraging TAU’s mea-surement and analysis capabilities. We explain the rational and motivations behind our approach, describe the KTAU design and implementation, and show working examples on multiple platforms demonstrating the versatility of KTAU in integrated system / application monitoring. 1

    Idle Period Propagation in Message-Passing Applications

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    Idle periods on different processes of Message Passing applications are unavoidable. While the origin of idle periods on a single process is well understood as the effect of system and architectural random delays, yet it is unclear how these idle periods propagate from one process to another. It is important to understand idle period propagation in Message Passing applications as it allows application developers to design communication patterns avoiding idle period propagation and the consequent performance degradation in their applications. To understand idle period propagation, we introduce a methodology to trace idle periods when a process is waiting for data from a remote delayed process in MPI applications. We apply this technique in an MPI application that solves the heat equation to study idle period propagation on three different systems. We confirm that idle periods move between processes in the form of waves and that there are different stages in idle period propagation. Our methodology enables us to identify a self-synchronization phenomenon that occurs on two systems where some processes run slower than the other processes.Comment: 18th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, IEEE, 201

    HARE: Final Report

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    This report documents the results of work done over a 6 year period under the FAST-OS programs. The first effort was called Right-Weight Kernels, (RWK) and was concerned with improving measurements of OS noise so it could be treated quantitatively; and evaluating the use of two operating systems, Linux and Plan 9, on HPC systems and determining how these operating systems needed to be extended or changed for HPC, while still retaining their general-purpose nature. The second program, HARE, explored the creation of alternative runtime models, building on RWK. All of the HARE work was done on Plan 9. The HARE researchers were mindful of the very good Linux and LWK work being done at other labs and saw no need to recreate it. Even given this limited funding, the two efforts had outsized impact: _ Helped Cray decide to use Linux, instead of a custom kernel, and provided the tools needed to make Linux perform well _ Created a successor operating system to Plan 9, NIX, which has been taken in by Bell Labs for further development _ Created a standard system measurement tool, Fixed Time Quantum or FTQ, which is widely used for measuring operating systems impact on applications _ Spurred the use of the 9p protocol in several organizations, including IBM _ Built software in use at many companies, including IBM, Cray, and Google _ Spurred the creation of alternative runtimes for use on HPC systems _ Demonstrated that, with proper modifications, a general purpose operating systems can provide communications up to 3 times as effective as user-level libraries Open source was a key part of this work. The code developed for this project is in wide use and available at many places. The core Blue Gene code is available at https://bitbucket.org/ericvh/hare. We describe details of these impacts in the following sections. The rest of this report is organized as follows: First, we describe commercial impact; next, we describe the FTQ benchmark and its impact in more detail; operating systems and runtime research follows; we discuss infrastructure software; and close with a description of the new NIX operating system, future work, and conclusions

    A multi-tier cached I/O architecture for massively parallel supercomputers

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    Recent advances in storage technologies and high performance interconnects have made possible in the last years to build, more and more potent storage systems that serve thousands of nodes. The majority of storage systems of clusters and supercomputers from Top 500 list are managed by one of three scalable parallel file systems: GPFS, PVFS, and Lustre. Most large-scale scientific parallel applications are written in Message Passing Interface (MPI), which has become the de-facto standard for scalable distributed memory machines. One part of the MPI standard is related to I/O and has among its main goals the portability and efficiency of file system accesses. All of the above mentioned parallel file systems may be accessed also through the MPI-IO interface. The I/O access patterns of scientific parallel applications often consist of accesses to a large number of small, non-contiguous pieces of data. For small file accesses the performance is dominated by the latency of network transfers and disks. Parallel scientific applications lead to interleaved file access patterns with high interprocess spatial locality at the I/O nodes. Additionally, scientific applications exhibit repetitive behaviour when a loop or a function with loops issues I/O requests. When I/O access patterns are repetitive, caching and prefetching can effectively mask their access latency. These characteristics of the access patterns motivated several researchers to propose parallel I/O optimizations both at library and file system levels. However, these optimizations are not always integrated across different layers in the systems. In this dissertation we propose a novel generic parallel I/O architecture for clusters and supercomputers. Our design is aimed at large-scale parallel architectures with thousands of compute nodes. Besides acting as middleware for existing parallel file systems, our architecture provides on-line virtualization of storage resources. Another objective of this thesis is to factor out the common parallel I/O functionality from clusters and supercomputers in generic modules in order to facilitate porting of scientific applications across these platforms. Our solution is based on a multi-tier cache architecture, collective I/O, and asynchronous data staging strategies hiding the latency of data transfer between cache tiers. The thesis targets to reduce the file access latency perceived by the data-intensive parallel scientific applications by multi-layer asynchronous data transfers. In order to accomplish this objective, our techniques leverage the multi-core architectures by overlapping computation with communication and I/O in parallel threads. Prototypes of our solutions have been deployed on both clusters and Blue Gene supercomputers. Performance evaluation shows that the combination of collective strategies with overlapping of computation, communication, and I/O may bring a substantial performance benefit for access patterns common for parallel scientific applications.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------En los últimos años se ha observado un incremento sustancial de la cantidad de datos producidos por las aplicaciones científicas paralelas y de la necesidad de almacenar estos datos de forma persistente. Los sistemas de ficheros paralelos como PVFS, Lustre y GPFS han ofrecido una solución escalable para esta demanda creciente de almacenamiento. La mayoría de las aplicaciones científicas son escritas haciendo uso de la interfaz de paso de mensajes (MPI), que se ha convertido en un estándar de-facto de programación para las arquitecturas de memoria distribuida. Las aplicaciones paralelas que usan MPI pueden acceder a los sistemas de ficheros paralelos a través de la interfaz ofrecida por MPI-IO. Los patrones de acceso de las aplicaciones científicas paralelas consisten en un gran número de accesos pequeños y no contiguos. Para tamaños de acceso pequeños, el rendimiento viene limitado por la latencia de las transferencias de red y disco. Además, las aplicaciones científicas llevan a cabo accesos con una alta localidad espacial entre los distintos procesos en los nodos de E/S. Adicionalmente, las aplicaciones científicas presentan típicamente un comportamiento repetitivo. Cuando los patrones de acceso de E/S son repetitivos, técnicas como escritura demorada y lectura adelantada pueden enmascarar de forma eficiente las latencias de los accesos de E/S. Estas características han motivado a muchos investigadores en proponer optimizaciones de E/S tanto a nivel de biblioteca como a nivel del sistema de ficheros. Sin embargo, actualmente estas optimizaciones no se integran siempre a través de las distintas capas del sistema. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es proponer una nueva arquitectura genérica de E/S paralela para clusters y supercomputadores. Nuestra solución está basada en una arquitectura de caches en varias capas, una técnica de E/S colectiva y estrategias de acceso asíncronas que ocultan la latencia de transferencia de datos entre las distintas capas de caches. Nuestro diseño está dirigido a arquitecturas paralelas escalables con miles de nodos de cómputo. Además de actuar como middleware para los sistemas de ficheros paralelos existentes, nuestra arquitectura debe proporcionar virtualización on-line de los recursos de almacenamiento. Otro de los objeticos marcados para esta tesis es la factorización de las funcionalidades comunes en clusters y supercomputadores, en módulos genéricos que faciliten el despliegue de las aplicaciones científicas a través de estas plataformas. Se han desplegado distintos prototipos de nuestras soluciones tanto en clusters como en supercomputadores. Las evaluaciones de rendimiento demuestran que gracias a la combicación de las estratégias colectivas de E/S y del solapamiento de computación, comunicación y E/S, se puede obtener una sustancial mejora del rendimiento en los patrones de acceso anteriormente descritos, muy comunes en las aplicaciones paralelas de caracter científico

    A Light-Weight Virtual Machine Monitor for Blue Gene/P

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