5 research outputs found

    Optimising agile development practices for the maintenance operation:nine heuristics

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    Aumentar o interesse e aprendizado dos alunos nas disciplinas de programação e capacitar equipes de desenvolvimento de software são objetivos que tem motivado a academia e a indústria a encontrar alternativas mais eficientes para a fixação e aplicação de conceitos. Este trabalho apresenta a técnica de Dojos de programação ou coding dojo (em inglês) como uma alternativa para alcançar este objetivo, por meio de uma atividade dinâmica e colaborativa que permite maior integração entre os estudantes, compartilhamento de conhecimento e aprendizado. O trabalho relata um experimento que compara o desempenho de um grupo de controle, o qual foi exposto a uma abordagem mais tradicional de aula expositiva, com um grupo que foi exposto ao Dojo de programação. Foram aplicados pré e pós-testes para 30 alunos de um curso técnico em Eletrotécnica e Informática, no conteúdo de programação orientada a objetos. A partir das avaliações e tratamento estatístico das notas, percebeu-se que a média do grupo que participou do Dojo de programação foram significativamente maiores do que a média do grupo de controle

    Desarrollo integral de aplicaciones domóticas: una perspectiva metodológica

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    [SPA] Los rápidos avances en electrónica, informática y tecnologías de la comunicación (Solé, 2003.) (Que conduce a la miniaturización y mejora del rendimiento de los ordenadores, sensores y redes) han dado lugar al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías en el campo de la domótica (Espinoza, 2011). Las aplicaciones domóticas integran funciones de confort, ahorro energético, seguridad y comunicaciones. El objetivo principal de estos sistemas es dotar a las viviendas de un cierto grado de inteligencia que permita mejorar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes. Tareas tales como el encendido y regulación de luces de forma automática, control de la temperatura, corte de agua y gas cuando se detectan fugas o el control de los dispositivos del hogar de forma remota desde el móvil u ordenador con conexión a internet son algunas de las aplicaciones típicas del dominio domótico. Uno de los principales problemas en el desarrollo de sistemas domóticos es el hecho de que no hay un estándar de facto para implementar estas aplicaciones. Existen varios estándares y protocolos adoptados por las empresas que lideran el mercado. Por ejemplo KNX (ISO/IEC14543-3-X), Lonworks (ISO/IEC 14908) y X10. Como se indica en (Aenor, 2009), es improbable que se establezca una única tecnología dominante en el campo de la domótica a corto plaza. Además, cada uno de estos estándares proporciona su propio software con el que crear las aplicaciones domóticas y programar los dispositivos. Por lo tanto se debe seleccionar una tecnología en particular (plataforma) en la etapa de diseño inicial, puesto que las herramientas y dispositivos a usar dependen de esta elección. Estos hechos hacen que el desarrollo de aplicaciones domóticas sea totalmente dependiente de la plataforma, siendo muy complicado incrementar el nivel de abstracción y trabajar con conceptos del dominio domótico en lugar de trabajar con elementos de la tecnología. Por ello, y continuando con la línea de investigación iniciada del Dr. D. Manuel Jiménez en el campo de la domótica (Jiménez, 2009), donde se definió un marco general y los elementos iníciales de un DSL para domótica, se propone aplicar nuevas técnicas de la Ingeniería del Software que permitan la gestión integral del desarrollo del software en todas sus etapas. En concreto para este trabajo de Tesis se propone una metodología que sigue un enfoque de desarrollo dirigido por modelos (MDE) (Bézivin, 2005) (Favre, 2004) junto con un framework de soporte que proporciona los metamodelos y herramientas necesarias en cada nivel. A continuación, en el capítulo 2 se describen los objetivos estimados para el trabajo de Tesis. En el capítulo 3 se presenta el estado del arte, sobre el que se asienta el desarrollo de la nueva metodología propuesta, que se describe en el capítulo 4, haciendo especial hincapié en la gestión de requisitos y el soporte a la trazabilidad. A continuación, en el capítulo 5 se presentan los resúmenes del compendio de artículos incluidos en esta Tesis. Por último, el capítulo 6 resume las aportaciones realizadas por esta Tesis Doctoral y los resultados obtenidos.[ENG] (Solé, 2003) (Leading to miniaturization and improvement of performance of computers, sensor and networking) have given rise to de development of several Home Automation (HA) technologies (Espinoza, 2011). HA applications integrate comfort, energy saving, security and communications functions. The aim of an HA system is to provide homes with a certain degree of intelligence and to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. Task like automatically switching lights and heating, cutting off the supply when gas or water leaks are detected or controlling the home devices remotely from a mobile or a computer through an Internet connection are typical applications of HA domain. One of the main problems of HA development lies in the fact that there is no agreement in the standard to implement the applications. HA applications and devices currently belonging to different manufactures are isolated from each other thereby creating the main obstacle to HA market growth. Leading companies in this market have adopted several standards and protocols [8]. Some worth mentioning examples are the KNX (ISO/IEC14543-3-X), Lonworks (ISO/IEC 14908) and X10 technologies. Furthermore, as stated in (Aenor, 2009) it is improbable that there will be a single dominant technology for HA in the short term. Each of these technologies provides its own software suite to create HA applications and program the devices. Hence the particular technology (specific platform) must be selected at the initial design stages, inasmuch as the tools and devices to be used depend on this choice. These facts make the development of HA applications strongly platform dependent, making it very difficult to raise the abstraction level and work with HA domain concepts rather than technology elements. Therefore, and continuing the research initiated by Dr. D. Manuel Jimenez in the domain of home automation (Jimenez, 2009), which defined a general framework and initial elements of a DSL for home automation, intends to apply new techniques of software engineering to enable the integrated management of software development in all its stages. Specifically, for this thesis, proposes the use of the approach of modeldriven development (MDE) (Bézivin, 2005) (Fabre,2004) together with a set of management tools models ranging from requirements management, traceability, validation and verification , all integrated in a same methodology. This thesis is structured as follows: Section 2 deals with introducing the objectives. Section 3 presents the state of the art on which rests the development of the proposed new methodology which is described in Section 4, whit particular emphasis on requirements management and traceability support. Later, Section 5 presents the abstracts of the articles included in the compendium. Finally Section 6 summarizes the results and contributions of this thesis.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado en Técnicas Avanzadas en Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentari


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    Abstract Aim: The research aimed to explore how sustainable branding and big data analytics could enhance brand equity and sustainability in the market research industry. It reviewed existing literature, analysed branding strategies of data-driven companies, identified key attributes for sustainable positioning, used qualitative research methods to investigate competitive advantage, and created a theoretical framework to demonstrate how sustainable branding could improve performance in data-driven companies using big data and analytics. Methodology: This research used qualitative methods for a systematic review of sustainability, branding, and business analytics in the market research industry. It involved semi-structured interviews with 38 senior managers and directors from 24 companies across 8 countries. Despite the impact of COVID-19 on data collection due to changes in working patterns, this study showcased the potential of modern qualitative methods such as the 'inductive a priori' model. It utilized advanced technologies and multi-disciplinary research to tackle complex industry concepts. The research sought to bring about sustainable change in the market research industry. Results: The results of the study indicated that sustainable branding was positively related to consumer behaviour, corporate reputation, and financial performance. Big data and business analytics offered valuable insights into consumer preferences, attitudes, and behaviour which helped companies to develop and manage successful sustainable branding strategies. The study provided a comprehensive framework for understanding the role of sustainable branding, big data, and business analytics in the market research industry. Contribution to knowledge: The contribution of the study lies in identifying the importance of sustainable branding and its relationship with big data and business analytics. The study highlighted the potential benefits of integrating sustainability practices into branding strategies and suggested practical implications for companies to adopt sustainable branding approaches. The findings of the study offered insights into the value of big data and business analytics in the market research industry and provided a basis for future research in this field

    The Theory of One Team: Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams

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    Team co-location is a hallmark of Agile software development that advocates face-to-face interaction and close collaboration among team members. Distributed teams, however, use Agile methods despite the separation of team members through space, time and culture. Little is known about how distributed teams use Agile methods for software development. A Grounded Theory research study that involved 55 participants from 38 different software companies in the USA, India, and Australia was carried out to investigate the key concern of distributed teams in Agile software development. This thesis proposes “The Theory of One Team” which explains how a distributed team in Agile software development adopts explicit strategies for bridging spatial, temporal, and socio-cultural distances, while facing critical impact factors, in order to become one team. This thesis primarily describes how a distributed team resolves the key concern of becoming one team. This thesis also provides the members of a distributed team with techniques for building trust with one another. In addition, this thesis serves to inform senior managers about the importance of supporting distributed teams in Agile software development