15 research outputs found

    A P2P Integration Architecture for Protein Resources

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    The availability of a direct pathway from a primary sequence (denovo or DNA derived) to macromolecular structure to biological function using computer-based tools is the ultimate goal for a protein scientist. Today\u27s state of the art protein resources and on-going research and experiments provide the raw data that can enable protein scientists to achieve at least some steps of this goal. Thus, protein scientists are looking towards taking their benchtop research from the specific to a much broader base of using the large resources of available electronic information. However, currently the burden falls on the scientist to manually interface with each data resource, integrate the required information, and then finally interpret the results. Their discoveries are impeded by the lack of tools that can not only bring integrated information from several known data resources, but also weave in information as it is discovered and brought online by other research groups. We propose a novel peer-to-peer based architecture that allows protein scientists to share resources in the form of data and tools within their community, facilitating ad hoc, decentralized sharing of data. In this paper, we present an overview of this integration architecture and briefly describe the tools that are essential to this framework

    Finding a Needle in the Haystack: A Technique for Ranking Matches Between Components

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    Abstract. Searching and subsequently selecting reusable components from com-ponent repositories has become a key impediment for not only component-based development but also for achieving the overall usability of component develop-ment environments and the ultimate re-usability of the components themselves. Component matching, a fundamental aspect of the component search problem, has been a well-studied problem, resulting in many different matching technique


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    ABSTRACT XML (Extensible Mark up language) is emerging as a too

    Multimodality Data Integration in Epilepsy

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    An important goal of software development in the medical field is the design of methods which are able to integrate information obtained from various imaging and nonimaging modalities into a cohesive framework in order to understand the results of qualitatively different measurements in a larger context. Moreover, it is essential to assess the various features of the data quantitatively so that relationships in anatomical and functional domains between complementing modalities can be expressed mathematically. This paper presents a clinically feasible software environment for the quantitative assessment of the relationship among biochemical functions as assessed by PET imaging and electrophysiological parameters derived from intracranial EEG. Based on the developed software tools, quantitative results obtained from individual modalities can be merged into a data structure allowing a consistent framework for advanced data mining techniques and 3D visualization. Moreover, an effort was made to derive quantitative variables (such as the spatial proximity index, SPI) characterizing the relationship between complementing modalities on a more generic level as a prerequisite for efficient data mining strategies. We describe the implementation of this software environment in twelve children (mean age 5.2 ± 4.3 years) with medically intractable partial epilepsy who underwent both high-resolution structural MR and functional PET imaging. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach will lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms of epileptogenesis and might ultimately have an impact on treatment. Moreover, our software environment holds promise to be useful in many other neurological disorders, where integration of multimodality data is crucial for a better understanding of the underlying disease mechanisms

    Automatisierte Umsetzung von komplexen XML-Schemaänderungen

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    Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Frage, wie komplexe Änderungen bei der Evolution von XML-Schemas automatisiert unterstützt werden können. Hierzu werden mögliche Änderungen an XML-Schemas durch Evolutionsoperatoren beschrieben, klassifiziert und beurteilt. Im Speziellen wird die Verschiebung (Move) von Elementen innerhalb von XML-Schemas analysiert. Die automatisierte Generierung und Ausführung von Transformationsregeln zur Migration von Instanzda-ten und die Beurteilung möglicher Informationsverluste während einer Transformation wird allgemein, wie auch anhand von Publikationsdaten untersucht

    A data warehouse-oriented methodology for qualitative semi-structured web information and social networking sites' user status search

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    Finding most desired and useful information from the diverse information and content embedded on webpages has become more challenging due to the rapid growth of websites and webpages, dynamic changes and updates of information and content on webpages, the lack of well-formed structure of webpage content and so on. Information search seems a trivial task when plain text, hyperlink texts, embedded images, videos that all make up webpage content remain in semistructured form. Semi-structured webpage content do not have predefined structure and remains in hierarchically nested HTML tags of a webpage body. Unlike structured webpage content, heterogeneous semi-structured webpage content can’t be neatly formatted, organized and modeled directly into relational database. One of the most important information types on the web is web user’s emotion expressed in user-posted status on Social Networking Sites like Facebook, Twitter. Publicly posted user status is informative enough to know user’s daily thoughts, feelings, emotions through textual self-description. The data warehouse-oriented methodology of semi-structured webpage content extraction and modeling into database introduces a simplified and less labor intensive XML-based semi-structured webpage content extraction technique that overcomes the limitations of existing pre-defined specification file and Wrapper-based techniques to adapt rapid changes of webpage content and to extract same piece of information on different webpages having differentiated nested HTML structure. This methodology also introduces Multidimensional Fact data modeling technique for semi-structured webpage content storage into relational database. Our implemented methodology ensures qualitative search result in terms of hyperlinks to most desired webpages appearing first with a relatively very low fractional amount of minute. [...