2,946 research outputs found

    Dirty Paper Arbitrarily Varying Channel with a State-Aware Adversary

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    In this paper, we take an arbitrarily varying channel (AVC) approach to examine the problem of writing on a dirty paper in the presence of an adversary. We consider an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with an additive white Gaussian state, where the state is known non-causally to the encoder and the adversary, but not the decoder. We determine the randomized coding capacity of this AVC under the maximal probability of error criterion. Interestingly, it is shown that the jamming adversary disregards the state knowledge to choose a white Gaussian channel input which is independent of the state

    Physical Layer Service Integration in 5G: Potentials and Challenges

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    High transmission rate and secure communication have been identified as the key targets that need to be effectively addressed by fifth generation (5G) wireless systems. In this context, the concept of physical-layer security becomes attractive, as it can establish perfect security using only the characteristics of wireless medium. Nonetheless, to further increase the spectral efficiency, an emerging concept, termed physical-layer service integration (PHY-SI), has been recognized as an effective means. Its basic idea is to combine multiple coexisting services, i.e., multicast/broadcast service and confidential service, into one integral service for one-time transmission at the transmitter side. This article first provides a tutorial on typical PHY-SI models. Furthermore, we propose some state-of-the-art solutions to improve the overall performance of PHY-SI in certain important communication scenarios. In particular, we highlight the extension of several concepts borrowed from conventional single-service communications, such as artificial noise (AN), eigenmode transmission etc., to the scenario of PHY-SI. These techniques are shown to be effective in the design of reliable and robust PHY-SI schemes. Finally, several potential research directions are identified for future work.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Crystal-Amorphous Transformation Via Defect-Templating in Phase-Change Materials

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    Phase-change materials (PCM) such as GeTe and Ge-Sb-Te alloys are potential candidates for non-volatile memory applications, because they can reversibly and rapidly transform between a crystalline phase and an amorphous phase with medium-range order. Traditionally, crystal-amorphous transformation in these materials has been carried out via melt-quench pathway, where the crystalline phase is heated beyond its melting point by the rising edge of an electric pulse, and the melt phase is quenched by the falling edge into a glassy phase. Formation of an intermediate melt phase in this transformation pathway requires usage of large switching current densities, resulting in energy wastage, and device degradation issues. Furthermore, melt-quench pathway is a brute force strategy of amorphizing PCM, and does not utilize the peculiar structural properties in crystalline phase. It will be beneficial from a device perspective that crystal-amorphous transformation is carried out via subtler solid-state pathways. Single-crystalline nanowire phase-change memory, owing to its lateral geometry and large volumes of active material, offers a platform to construct a crystal-amorphous transformation pathway via gradually increasing disorder in the crystalline phase, and study it. Using in situ transmission electron microscopy on GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 systems, we showed that the application of an electric pulse (heat-shock) creates dislocations in the PCM that migrate with the hole-wind force, and interact with the already existing ferroelectric boundaries in case of GeTe, changing their nature. We adapted novel tools such as optical second harmonic generation polarimety to carefully study these defect interactions. These defects accumulate at a region of local inhomogeneity, and upon addition of defects beyond a critical limit to that region via electrical pulsing, an amorphous phase nucleates . We also studied the effect of defect dynamics on carrier transport using temperature dependent transport measurements in GeTe, which transforms from a metal to a weakly localized metal to finally an Andersons insulator, upon defect accumulation, prior to amorphization. Taking lessons from these fundamental studies, we defect-engineered GeTe into insulating crystalline states as the starting crystalline states, and demonstrated orders of magnitude drop in the power densities required for switching, compared with those required for melt-quench pathway