12 research outputs found

    Writing on Dirty Paper with Resizing and its Application to Quasi-Static Fading Broadcast Channels

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    This paper studies a variant of the classical problem of ``writing on dirty paper'' in which the sum of the input and the interference, or dirt, is multiplied by a random variable that models resizing, known to the decoder but not to the encoder. The achievable rate of Costa's dirty paper coding (DPC) scheme is calculated and compared to the case of the decoder's also knowing the dirt. In the ergodic case, the corresponding rate loss vanishes asymptotically in the limits of both high and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and is small at all finite SNR for typical distributions like Rayleigh, Rician, and Nakagami. In the quasi-static case, the DPC scheme is lossless at all SNR in terms of outage probability. Quasi-static fading broadcast channels (BC) without transmit channel state information (CSI) are investigated as an application of the robustness properties. It is shown that the DPC scheme leads to an outage achievable rate region that strictly dominates that of time division.Comment: To appear in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 200

    On Capacity of the Dirty Paper Channel with Fading Dirt in the Strong Fading Regime

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    The classical writing on dirty paper capacity result establishes that full interference pre-cancellation can be attained in Gelfand-Pinsker problem with additive state and additive white Gaussian noise. This result holds under the idealized assumption that perfect channel knowledge is available at both transmitter and receiver. While channel knowledge at the receiver can be obtained through pilot tones, transmitter channel knowledge is harder to acquire. For this reason, we are interested in characterizing the capacity under the more realistic assumption that only partial channel knowledge is available at the transmitter. We study, more specifically, the dirty paper channel in which the interference sequence in multiplied by fading value unknown to the transmitter but known at the receiver. For this model, we establish an approximate characterization of capacity for the case in which fading values vary greatly in between channel realizations. In this regime, which we term the strong fading regime, the capacity pre-log factor is equal to the inverse of the number of possible fading realizations

    Filter and nested-lattice code design for fading MIMO channels with side-information

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    Linear-assignment Gel'fand-Pinsker coding (LA-GPC) is a coding technique for channels with interference known only at the transmitter, where the known interference is treated as side-information (SI). As a special case of LA-GPC, dirty paper coding has been shown to be able to achieve the optimal interference-free rate for interference channels with perfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). In the cases where only the channel distribution information at the transmitter (CDIT) is available, LA-GPC also has good (sometimes optimal) performance in a variety of fast and slow fading SI channels. In this paper, we design the filters in nested-lattice based coding to make it achieve the same rate performance as LA-GPC in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. Compared with the random Gaussian codebooks used in previous works, our resultant coding schemes have an algebraic structure and can be implemented in practical systems. A simulation in a slow-fading channel is also provided, and near interference-free error performance is obtained. The proposed coding schemes can serve as the fundamental building blocks to achieve the promised rate performance of MIMO Gaussian broadcast channels with CDIT or perfect CSITComment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communications, Feb, 200

    On the Dirty Paper Channel with Fast Fading Dirt

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    Costa`s "writing on dirty paper" result establishes that full state pre-cancellation can be attained in the Gel`fand-Pinsker problem with additive state and additive white Gaussian noise. This result holds under the assumptions that full channel knowledge is available at both the transmitter and the receiver. In this work we consider the scenario in which the state is multiplied by an ergodic fading process which is not known at the encoder. We study both the case in which the receiver has knowledge of the fading and the case in which it does not: for both models we derive inner and outer bounds to capacity and determine the distance between the two bounds when possible. For the channel without fading knowledge at either the transmitter or the receiver, the gap between inner and outer bounds is finite for a class of fading distributions which includes a number of canonical fading models. In the capacity approaching strategy for this class, the transmitter performs Costa`s pre-coding against the mean value of the fading times the state while the receiver treats the remaining signal as noise. For the case in which only the receiver has knowledge of the fading, we determine a finite gap between inner and outer bounds for two classes of discrete fading distribution. The first class of distributions is the one in which there exists a probability mass larger than one half while the second class is the one in which the fading is uniformly distributed over values that are exponentially spaced apart. Unfortunately, the capacity in the case of a continuous fading distribution remains very hard to characterize