557 research outputs found

    Batching of Tasks by Users of Pseudonymous Forums: Anonymity Compromise and Protection

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    There are a number of forums where people participate under pseudonyms. One example is peer review, where the identity of reviewers for any paper is confidential. When participating in these forums, people frequently engage in "batching": executing multiple related tasks (e.g., commenting on multiple papers) at nearly the same time. Our empirical analysis shows that batching is common in two applications we consider \unicode{x2013} peer review and Wikipedia edits. In this paper, we identify and address the risk of deanonymization arising from linking batched tasks. To protect against linkage attacks, we take the approach of adding delay to the posting time of batched tasks. We first show that under some natural assumptions, no delay mechanism can provide a meaningful differential privacy guarantee. We therefore propose a "one-sided" formulation of differential privacy for protecting against linkage attacks. We design a mechanism that adds zero-inflated uniform delay to events and show it can preserve privacy. We prove that this noise distribution is in fact optimal in minimizing expected delay among mechanisms adding independent noise to each event, thereby establishing the Pareto frontier of the trade-off between the expected delay for batched and unbatched events. Finally, we conduct a series of experiments on Wikipedia and Bitcoin data that corroborate the practical utility of our algorithm in obfuscating batching without introducing onerous delay to a system

    Scheduling for a Processor Sharing System with Linear Slowdown

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    We consider the problem of scheduling arrivals to a congestion system with a finite number of users having identical deterministic demand sizes. The congestion is of the processor sharing type in the sense that all users in the system at any given time are served simultaneously. However, in contrast to classical processor sharing congestion models, the processing slowdown is proportional to the number of users in the system at any time. That is, the rate of service experienced by all users is linearly decreasing with the number of users. For each user there is an ideal departure time (due date). A centralized scheduling goal is then to select arrival times so as to minimize the total penalty due to deviations from ideal times weighted with sojourn times. Each deviation is assumed quadratic, or more generally convex. But due to the dynamics of the system, the scheduling objective function is non-convex. Specifically, the system objective function is a non-smooth piecewise convex function. Nevertheless, we are able to leverage the structure of the problem to derive an algorithm that finds the global optimum in a (large but) finite number of steps, each involving the solution of a constrained convex program. Further, we put forward several heuristics. The first is the traversal of neighbouring constrained convex programming problems, that is guaranteed to reach a local minimum of the centralized problem. This is a form of a "local search", where we use the problem structure in a novel manner. The second is a one-coordinate "global search", used in coordinate pivot iteration. We then merge these two heuristics into a unified "local-global" heuristic, and numerically illustrate the effectiveness of this heuristic

    Data-Driven Robust Optimization in Healthcare Applications

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    abstract: Healthcare operations have enjoyed reduced costs, improved patient safety, and innovation in healthcare policy over a huge variety of applications by tackling prob- lems via the creation and optimization of descriptive mathematical models to guide decision-making. Despite these accomplishments, models are stylized representations of real-world applications, reliant on accurate estimations from historical data to jus- tify their underlying assumptions. To protect against unreliable estimations which can adversely affect the decisions generated from applications dependent on fully- realized models, techniques that are robust against misspecications are utilized while still making use of incoming data for learning. Hence, new robust techniques are ap- plied that (1) allow for the decision-maker to express a spectrum of pessimism against model uncertainties while (2) still utilizing incoming data for learning. Two main ap- plications are investigated with respect to these goals, the first being a percentile optimization technique with respect to a multi-class queueing system for application in hospital Emergency Departments. The second studies the use of robust forecasting techniques in improving developing countries’ vaccine supply chains via (1) an inno- vative outside of cold chain policy and (2) a district-managed approach to inventory control. Both of these research application areas utilize data-driven approaches that feature learning and pessimism-controlled robustness.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Industrial Engineering 201

    Determining The Optimal Order Picking Batch Size In Single Aisle Warehouses

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    This work aims at investigating the influence of picking batch size to average time in system of orders in a one-aisle warehouse under the assumption that order arrivals follow a Poisson process and items are uniformly distributed over the aisle's length. We model this problem as an M/G[k]/1 queue in which orders are served in batches of exactly orders. The average time in system of the M/G[k]/1 queue is difficult to obtain for general service times. To circumvent this obstacle, we perform an extensive numerical experiment on the average time in system of the model when the service time is deterministic (M/D[k]/1) or exponentially distributed (M/M[k]/1). These results are then compared with the corresponding times in system of the actual model taken from simulation runs. A variance analysis is carried out and its result elicits that the M/D/[k]/1 queue is a very good approximation for the average time in system of orders. Correspondingly, the optimal picking batch size of the real system ca
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