14,735 research outputs found

    Increased expression of a microRNA correlates with anthelmintic resistance in parasitic nematodes

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    Resistance to anthelmintic drugs is a major problem in the global fight against parasitic nematodes infecting humans and animals. While previous studies have identified mutations in drug target genes in resistant parasites, changes in the expression levels of both targets and transporters have also been reported. The mechanisms underlying these changes in gene expression are unresolved. Here, we take a novel approach to this problem by investigating the role of small regulatory RNAs in drug resistant strains of the important parasite Haemonchus contortus. microRNAs (miRNAs) are small (22 nt) non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by binding predominantly to the 3′ UTR of mRNAs. Changes in miRNA expression have been implicated in drug resistance in a variety of tumor cells. In this study, we focused on two geographically distinct ivermectin resistant strains of H. contortus and two lines generated by multiple rounds of backcrossing between susceptible and resistant parents, with ivermectin selection. All four resistant strains showed significantly increased expression of a single miRNA, hco-miR-9551, compared to the susceptible strain. This same miRNA is also upregulated in a multi-drug-resistant strain of the related nematode Teladorsagia circumcincta. hco-miR-9551 is enriched in female worms, is likely to be located on the X chromosome and is restricted to clade V parasitic nematodes. Genes containing predicted binding sites for hco-miR-9551 were identified computationally and refined based on differential expression in a transcriptomic dataset prepared from the same drug resistant and susceptible strains. This analysis identified three putative target mRNAs, one of which, a CHAC domain containing protein, is located in a region of the H. contortus genome introgressed from the resistant parent. hco-miR-9551 was shown to interact with the 3′ UTR of this gene by dual luciferase assay. This study is the first to suggest a role for miRNAs and the genes they regulate in drug resistant parasitic nematodes. miR-9551 also has potential as a biomarker of resistance in different nematode species

    Continuum percolation theory of epimorphic regeneration

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    A biophysical model of epimorphic regeneration based on a continuum percolation process of fully penetrable disks in two dimensions is proposed. All cells within a randomly chosen disk of the regenerating organism are assumed to receive a signal in the form of a circular wave as a result of the action/reconfiguration of neoblasts and neoblast-derived mesenchymal cells in the blastema. These signals trigger the growth of the organism, whose cells read, on a faster time scale, the electric polarization state responsible for their differentiation and the resulting morphology. In the long time limit, the process leads to a morphological attractor that depends on experimentally accessible control parameters governing the blockage of cellular gap junctions and, therefore, the connectivity of the multicellular ensemble. When this connectivity is weakened, positional information is degraded leading to more symmetrical structures. This general theory is applied to the specifics of planaria regeneration. Computations and asymptotic analyses made with the model show that it correctly describes a significant subset of the most prominent experimental observations, notably anterior-posterior polarization (and its loss) or the formation of four-headed planaria.Comment: This author wish to retract the paper arXiv:1705.06720 because it began as part of a collaboration that later fell apart and it was published without the consent from the collaborators. Furthermore, the collaborators have managed to provide a better solution to this proble

    The tapeworm interactome: inferring confidence scored protein-protein interactions from the proteome of Hymenolepis microstoma

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    BACKGROUND: Reference genome and transcriptome assemblies of helminths have reached a level of completion whereby secondary analyses that rely on accurate gene estimation or syntenic relationships can be now conducted with a high level of confidence. Recent public release of the v.3 assembly of the mouse bile-duct tapeworm, Hymenolepis microstoma, provides chromosome-level characterisation of the genome and a stabilised set of protein coding gene models underpinned by bioinformatic and empirical data. However, interactome data have not been produced. Conserved protein-protein interactions in other organisms, termed interologs, can be used to transfer interactions between species, allowing systems-level analysis in non-model organisms. RESULTS: Here, we describe a probabilistic, integrated network of interologs for the H. microstoma proteome, based on conserved protein interactions found in eukaryote model species. Almost a third of the 10,139 gene models in the v.3 assembly could be assigned interaction data and assessment of the resulting network indicates that topologically-important proteins are related to essential cellular pathways, and that the network clusters into biologically meaningful components. Moreover, network parameters are similar to those of single-species interaction networks that we constructed in the same way for S. cerevisiae, C. elegans and H. sapiens, demonstrating that information-rich, system-level analyses can be conducted even on species separated by a large phylogenetic distance from the major model organisms from which most protein interaction evidence is based. Using the interolog network, we then focused on sub-networks of interactions assigned to discrete suites of genes of interest, including signalling components and transcription factors, germline multipotency genes, and genes differentially-expressed between larval and adult worms. Results show not only an expected bias toward highly-conserved proteins, such as components of intracellular signal transduction, but in some cases predicted interactions with transcription factors that aid in identifying their target genes. CONCLUSIONS: With key helminth genomes now complete, systems-level analyses can provide an important predictive framework to guide basic and applied research on helminths and will become increasingly informative as new protein-protein interaction data accumulate

    Exploiting Temporal Complex Network Metrics in Mobile Malware Containment

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    Malicious mobile phone worms spread between devices via short-range Bluetooth contacts, similar to the propagation of human and other biological viruses. Recent work has employed models from epidemiology and complex networks to analyse the spread of malware and the effect of patching specific nodes. These approaches have adopted a static view of the mobile networks, i.e., by aggregating all the edges that appear over time, which leads to an approximate representation of the real interactions: instead, these networks are inherently dynamic and the edge appearance and disappearance is highly influenced by the ordering of the human contacts, something which is not captured at all by existing complex network measures. In this paper we first study how the blocking of malware propagation through immunisation of key nodes (even if carefully chosen through static or temporal betweenness centrality metrics) is ineffective: this is due to the richness of alternative paths in these networks. Then we introduce a time-aware containment strategy that spreads a patch message starting from nodes with high temporal closeness centrality and show its effectiveness using three real-world datasets. Temporal closeness allows the identification of nodes able to reach most nodes quickly: we show that this scheme can reduce the cellular network resource consumption and associated costs, achieving, at the same time, a complete containment of the malware in a limited amount of time.Comment: 9 Pages, 13 Figures, In Proceedings of IEEE 12th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM '11

    The proteostasis network and its decline in ageing

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    Ageing is a major risk factor for the development of many diseases, prominently including neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease. A hallmark of many age-related diseases is the dysfunction in protein homeostasis (proteostasis), leading to the accumulation of protein aggregates. In healthy cells, a complex proteostasis network, comprising molecular chaperones and proteolytic machineries and their regulators, operates to ensure the maintenance of proteostasis. These factors coordinate protein synthesis with polypeptide folding, the conservation of protein conformation and protein degradation. However, sustaining proteome balance is a challenging task in the face of various external and endogenous stresses that accumulate during ageing. These stresses lead to the decline of proteostasis network capacity and proteome integrity. The resulting accumulation of misfolded and aggregated proteins affects, in particular, postmitotic cell types such as neurons, manifesting in disease. Recent analyses of proteome-wide changes that occur during ageing inform strategies to improve proteostasis. The possibilities of pharmacological augmentation of the capacity of proteostasis networks hold great promise for delaying the onset of age-related pathologies associated with proteome deterioration and for extending healthspan

    Combined flow cytometry and high-throughput image analysis for the study of essential genes in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Background: Advances in automated image-based microscopy platforms coupled with high-throughput liquid workflows have facilitated the design of large-scale screens utilising multicellular model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans to identify genetic interactions, therapeutic drugs or disease modifiers. However, the analysis of essential genes has lagged behind because lethal or sterile mutations pose a bottleneck for high-throughput approaches, and a systematic way to analyse genetic interactions of essential genes in multicellular organisms has been lacking. Results: In C. elegans, non-conditional lethal mutations can be maintained in heterozygosity using chromosome balancers, commonly expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the pharynx. However, gene expression or function is typically monitored by the use of fluorescent reporters marked with the same fluorophore, presenting a challenge to sort worm populations of interest, particularly at early larval stages. Here, we develop a sorting strategy capable of selecting homozygous mutants carrying a GFP stress reporter from GFP-balanced animals at the second larval stage. Because sorting is not completely error-free, we develop an automated high-throughput image analysis protocol that identifies and discards animals carrying the chromosome balancer. We demonstrate the experimental usefulness of combining sorting of homozygous lethal mutants and automated image analysis in a functional genomic RNA interference (RNAi) screen for genes that genetically interact with mitochondrial prohibitin (PHB). Lack of PHB results in embryonic lethality, while homozygous PHB deletion mutants develop into sterile adults due to maternal contribution and strongly induce the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR mt ). In a chromosome-wide RNAi screen for C. elegans genes having human orthologues, we uncover both known and new PHB genetic interactors affecting the UPR mt and growth. Conclusions: The method presented here allows the study of balanced lethal mutations in a high-throughput manner. It can be easily adapted depending on the user's requirements and should serve as a useful resource for the C. elegans community for probing new biological aspects of essential nematode genes as well as the generation of more comprehensive genetic networks.European Research Council ERC-2011-StG-281691Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2012–3550
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