7 research outputs found

    Object detection and recognition with event driven cameras

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    This thesis presents study, analysis and implementation of algorithms to perform object detection and recognition using an event-based cam era. This sensor represents a novel paradigm which opens a wide range of possibilities for future developments of computer vision. In partic ular it allows to produce a fast, compressed, illumination invariant output, which can be exploited for robotic tasks, where fast dynamics and signi\ufb01cant illumination changes are frequent. The experiments are carried out on the neuromorphic version of the iCub humanoid platform. The robot is equipped with a novel dual camera setup mounted directly in the robot\u2019s eyes, used to generate data with a moving camera. The motion causes the presence of background clut ter in the event stream. In such scenario the detection problem has been addressed with an at tention mechanism, speci\ufb01cally designed to respond to the presence of objects, while discarding clutter. The proposed implementation takes advantage of the nature of the data to simplify the original proto object saliency model which inspired this work. Successively, the recognition task was \ufb01rst tackled with a feasibility study to demonstrate that the event stream carries su\ufb03cient informa tion to classify objects and then with the implementation of a spiking neural network. The feasibility study provides the proof-of-concept that events are informative enough in the context of object classi\ufb01 cation, whereas the spiking implementation improves the results by employing an architecture speci\ufb01cally designed to process event data. The spiking network was trained with a three-factor local learning rule which overcomes weight transport, update locking and non-locality problem. The presented results prove that both detection and classi\ufb01cation can be carried-out in the target application using the event data

    EventCLIP: Adapting CLIP for Event-based Object Recognition

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    Recent advances in zero-shot and few-shot classification heavily rely on the success of pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) such as CLIP. Due to a shortage of large-scale datasets, training such models for event camera data remains infeasible. Thus, adapting existing models across modalities is an important research challenge. In this work, we introduce EventCLIP, a novel approach that utilizes CLIP for zero-shot and few-shot event-based object recognition. We first generalize CLIP's image encoder to event data by converting raw events to 2D grid-based representations. To further enhance performance, we propose a feature adapter to aggregate temporal information over event frames and refine text embeddings to better align with the visual inputs. We evaluate EventCLIP on N-Caltech, N-Cars, and N-ImageNet datasets, achieving state-of-the-art few-shot performance. When fine-tuned on the entire dataset, our method outperforms all existing event classifiers. Moreover, we explore practical applications of EventCLIP including robust event classification and label-free event recognition, where our approach surpasses previous baselines designed specifically for these tasks.Comment: Better few-shot accuracy. Add results on 1) model fine-tuning 2) compare with concurrent works 3) learning from unlabeled data (unsupervised & semi-supervised

    Event-Based Algorithms For Geometric Computer Vision

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    Event cameras are novel bio-inspired sensors which mimic the function of the human retina. Rather than directly capturing intensities to form synchronous images as in traditional cameras, event cameras asynchronously detect changes in log image intensity. When such a change is detected at a given pixel, the change is immediately sent to the host computer, where each event consists of the x,y pixel position of the change, a timestamp, accurate to tens of microseconds, and a polarity, indicating whether the pixel got brighter or darker. These cameras provide a number of useful benefits over traditional cameras, including the ability to track extremely fast motions, high dynamic range, and low power consumption. However, with a new sensing modality comes the need to develop novel algorithms. As these cameras do not capture photometric intensities, novel loss functions must be developed to replace the photoconsistency assumption which serves as the backbone of many classical computer vision algorithms. In addition, the relative novelty of these sensors means that there does not exist the wealth of data available for traditional images with which we can train learning based methods such as deep neural networks. In this work, we address both of these issues with two foundational principles. First, we show that the motion blur induced when the events are projected into the 2D image plane can be used as a suitable substitute for the classical photometric loss function. Second, we develop self-supervised learning methods which allow us to train convolutional neural networks to estimate motion without any labeled training data. We apply these principles to solve classical perception problems such as feature tracking, visual inertial odometry, optical flow and stereo depth estimation, as well as recognition tasks such as object detection and human pose estimation. We show that these solutions are able to utilize the benefits of event cameras, allowing us to operate in fast moving scenes with challenging lighting which would be incredibly difficult for traditional cameras

    Wormhole Learning

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