2 research outputs found

    An Assessment Mental Workload and Its Associated Factor among Employees in Budhi Asih Mother and Child Hospital

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    Budhi Asih Mother and Child Hospital has experienced a high increase in the number of patients inrecent years. This study aims to determine the workload of employees at Budhi Asih Mother andChild Hospital and its associated factor as a reference for determining new employee recruitmentpolicies. This research is a descriptive-analytic study with a cross sectional design. The samplingmethod used in this research is the total sampling method, which included all 55 employees. Thisstudy uses the NASA-TLX (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index)questionnaire to determine the workload of employees. NASA-TLX consists of six dimensions,namely mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, effort, and frustration. The collecteddata were analyzed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (t-test, KruskalWallis, One-way Anova, Spearman) statistics. The data analysis was performed with SPSS version25. The mean NASA-TLX score for mental workload was reported 61.89 ± 21.90, where effortdimension had the highest score compared to other dimensions (Mean ± SD weight: 68.69 ± 24.40;Mean rate: 3.24 ± 1.20; Mean score: 14.97 ± 8.01). Mental workload of employee had a significantrelationship with the age of employees, and the work unit (P<0.05). In addition, the delivery roomreported the highest mental workload score (82.73 ± 11.20). Based on the results, hospitalmanagement needs to make the division of tasks and allocation of employees better so that theworkload of employees decreases and is more equitable.Keywords: Mental workload, NASA-TLX, hospita