22 research outputs found

    Web service based Grid workflow application in quantitative remote sensing retrieval

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    Along with the unprecedented data-collecting capability, the higher algorithm accuracy and real-time application requirements, redundant spatial computing model had been implemented. Traditionally these spatial computing models are stored in different application centers. To avoid waste of resource, Grid workflow provides a powerful tool for sharing both remote sensing data and processing middleware. In order to enhance the interoperability of the heterogeneous quantitative remote sensing retrieval model in the Grid workflow environment, we propose a web service based Grid workflow framework to improve this situation. According to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and web service standards, we implement a prototype of this framework. Through the experiment, we can find that web service can work well with Grid workflow and provide a management ability of remote sensing model. Also this approach can separate the application logic and process logic, providing the interoperability ability both in application and process layers

    Cross-organisational workflow enactment via progressive linking by run-time agents

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    Driven by popular adoptions of workflow and requirements from the practice of virtual enterprise (VE), research in workflow interoperability is currently on the increase. Nonetheless, it is still in its early stage compared with the maturity of individual workflow technology. Some attempts have been tried, however results are not satisfactory especially in a VE context, where many of the partnerships are dynamic and temporary. Reasons include the rigidity and high initial coordination cost inherently associated with top-down modelling and enactment approaches. Therefore, this paper proposes a bottom-up and WfMS 1 Keywords: Multi-Agent Systems, Workflow Interoperability, Virtual Enterprise -independent approach towards cross-organisational workflow enactment, which is via progressive linking enabled by run-time agents. This is expected to pave the way for further cross-organisational workflow needs

    Visualizing Large Business Process Models: Challenges, Techniques, Applications

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    Large process models may comprise hundreds or thousands of process elements, like activities, gateways, and data objects. Presenting such process models to users and enabling them to interact with these models constitute crucial tasks of any process-aware information systems (PAISs). Existing PAISs, however, neither provide adequate techniques for visualizing and abstracting process models nor for interacting with them. In particular, PAISs do not provide tailored process visualizations as needed in complex application environments. This paper presents examples of large process models and discusses some of the challenges to be tackled when visualizing and abstracting respective models. Further, it presents a comprehensive framework that allows for personalized process model visualizations, which can be tailored to the specific needs of the different user groups. First, process model complexity can be reduced by abstracting the models, i.e., by eliminating or aggregating process elements not relevant in the given visualization context. Second, the appearance of process elements can be customized independent of the process modeling language used. Third, different visualization formats (e.g., process diagrams, process forms, and process trees) are supported. Finally, it will be discussed how tailored visualizations of process models may serve as basis for changing and evolving process models at a high level of abstraction

    Developing Web Services Using Workflow Model: An Inter-organizational Perspective

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    This paper discusses how a workflow model can be used in the design and development of web services composition. We particularly investigate the development of web services composition in an inter-organizational workflow environment. We discuss respectively how to design an inter-organizational workflow from scratch when there is no existing internal workflow, and how to make existing internal workflows work together in an inter-organizational workflow environment

    Cross-Organisational Workflow Enactment Via Progressive Linking by Run-Time Agents

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    workflow enactment via progressive linking by run-time agents This item was submitted to Loughborough University's Institutional Repository by the/an author

    PQL - A Descriptive Language for Querying, Abstracting and Changing Process Models

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    The increasing adoption of process-aware information systems (PAISs) has resulted in large process repositories comprising large and complex process models. To enable context-specific perspectives on these process models and related data, a PAIS should provide techniques for the flexible creation and change of process model abstractions. However, existing approaches focus on the formal model transformations required in this context rather than on techniques for querying, abstracting and changing the process models in process repositories. This paper presents a domain-specific language for querying process models, describing abstractions on them, and defining process model changes in a generic way. Due to the generic approach taken, the definition of process model abstractions and changes on any graph-based process notation becomes possible. Overall, the presented language provides a key component for process model repositories

    Data Flow Abstractions and Adaptations through Updatable Process Views

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    The increasing adoption of process-aware information systems (PAISs) has resulted in large process model collections. To support users having different perspectives on these processes and related data, a PAIS should enable personalized views on process models. Existing PAISs, however, do not provide mechanisms for creating such process views or even changing them. Especially, changing process models is a frequent use case in PAISs due to evolving needs or unplanned situations. While process views have been used as abstractions for visualizing process models, no work exists on how to change process models based on related views. This paper extends our approach for abstracting and changing process models based on updatable process views with a focus on the data perspective. In the context, of a view change we ensure up-to-dateness and consistency of all process views related to the same process model. To define process abstractions well-defined view creation operations can be applied. Further, updates on process views (including the data perspective) are correctly propagated to the underlying process model. Then, all other views related to this process model are migrated to the new version of the process model. Overall, our view framework enables domain experts to not only evolve the behavior of large processes based on appropriate model abstractions, but also the data perspective

    Towards Connecting Online Interfacing and Internal Core Business Processes

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    Nowadays, organisations tend to do more business online by enabling their business processes to interact with customers, suppliers, etc., via different online channels. On the other hand, their core business processes, such as production, engineering, etc., may still stay inside the organisation. As a consequence, this makes an organisation rely on the collaboration between these two types of business processes to conduct its business, and this collaboration brings issues like multiple instance correlation, process view, and process evolution, to the business process management (BPM) of the organisation. This paper reports our research in progress on these issues. It firstly identifies the requirements to fully support such collaboration, and then presents a framework to illustrate how the collaboration can be facilitated using latest BPM technologies. This framework provides a reference architecture to incorporating online interfacing and internal core business processes

    Updatable Process Views for User-centered Adaption of Large Process Models

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    The increasing adoption of process-aware information systems (PAISs) has resulted in large process model collections. To support users having different perspectives on these processes and related data, a PAIS should provide personalized views on process models. Existing PAISs, however, do not provide mechanisms for creating or even changing such process views. Especially, changing process models is a frequent use case in PAISs due to changing needs or unplanned situations. While process views have been used as abstractions for visualizing large process models, no work exists on how to change process models based on respective views. This paper presents an approach for changing large process models through updates of corresponding process views, while ensuring up-to-dateness and consistency of all other process views on the process model changed. Respective update operations can be applied to a process view and corresponding changes be correctly propagated to the underlying process model. Furthermore, all other views related to this process model are then migrated to the new version of the process model as well. Overall, our view framework enables domain experts to evolve large process models over time based on appropriate model abstractions

    Enabling Personalized Visualization of Large Business Processes through Parameterizable Views

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    Process-aware information systems (PAISs) need to support personalized views on business processes since different user groups have distinguished perspectives on these processes and related data. Existing PAISs, however, do not provide mechanisms for creating and visualizing such process views. Typically, processes are displayed to users in exactly the same way as originally modeled. This paper presents a flexible approach for creating personalized process views based on parameterizable operations. Respective view-building operations can be flexibly composed in order to hide process information or abstract from it in the desired way. Depending on the chosen parameterization of the operations applied, we obtain process views with more or less relaxed properties (e.g., regarding the degree of information loss or soundness). Altogether, the realized view concept enables a more flexible visualization of large business processes satisfying the needs of different user groups