9 research outputs found

    Configurable Strategies for Work-stealing

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    Work-stealing systems are typically oblivious to the nature of the tasks they are scheduling. For instance, they do not know or take into account how long a task will take to execute or how many subtasks it will spawn. Moreover, the actual task execution order is typically determined by the underlying task storage data structure, and cannot be changed. There are thus possibilities for optimizing task parallel executions by providing information on specific tasks and their preferred execution order to the scheduling system. We introduce scheduling strategies to enable applications to dynamically provide hints to the task-scheduling system on the nature of specific tasks. Scheduling strategies can be used to independently control both local task execution order as well as steal order. In contrast to conventional scheduling policies that are normally global in scope, strategies allow the scheduler to apply optimizations on individual tasks. This flexibility greatly improves composability as it allows the scheduler to apply different, specific scheduling choices for different parts of applications simultaneously. We present a number of benchmarks that highlight diverse, beneficial effects that can be achieved with scheduling strategies. Some benchmarks (branch-and-bound, single-source shortest path) show that prioritization of tasks can reduce the total amount of work compared to standard work-stealing execution order. For other benchmarks (triangle strip generation) qualitatively better results can be achieved in shorter time. Other optimizations, such as dynamic merging of tasks or stealing of half the work, instead of half the tasks, are also shown to improve performance. Composability is demonstrated by examples that combine different strategies, both within the same kernel (prefix sum) as well as when scheduling multiple kernels (prefix sum and unbalanced tree search)

    Data Structures for Task-based Priority Scheduling

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    Many task-parallel applications can benefit from attempting to execute tasks in a specific order, as for instance indicated by priorities associated with the tasks. We present three lock-free data structures for priority scheduling with different trade-offs on scalability and ordering guarantees. First we propose a basic extension to work-stealing that provides good scalability, but cannot provide any guarantees for task-ordering in-between threads. Next, we present a centralized priority data structure based on kk-fifo queues, which provides strong (but still relaxed with regard to a sequential specification) guarantees. The parameter kk allows to dynamically configure the trade-off between scalability and the required ordering guarantee. Third, and finally, we combine both data structures into a hybrid, kk-priority data structure, which provides scalability similar to the work-stealing based approach for larger kk, while giving strong ordering guarantees for smaller kk. We argue for using the hybrid data structure as the best compromise for generic, priority-based task-scheduling. We analyze the behavior and trade-offs of our data structures in the context of a simple parallelization of Dijkstra's single-source shortest path algorithm. Our theoretical analysis and simulations show that both the centralized and the hybrid kk-priority based data structures can give strong guarantees on the useful work performed by the parallel Dijkstra algorithm. We support our results with experimental evidence on an 80-core Intel Xeon system

    Programming Abstractions for Data Locality

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    The goal of the workshop and this report is to identify common themes and standardize concepts for locality-preserving abstractions for exascale programming models. Current software tools are built on the premise that computing is the most expensive component, we are rapidly moving to an era that computing is cheap and massively parallel while data movement dominates energy and performance costs. In order to respond to exascale systems (the next generation of high performance computing systems), the scientific computing community needs to refactor their applications to align with the emerging data-centric paradigm. Our applications must be evolved to express information about data locality. Unfortunately current programming environments offer few ways to do so. They ignore the incurred cost of communication and simply rely on the hardware cache coherency to virtualize data movement. With the increasing importance of task-level parallelism on future systems, task models have to support constructs that express data locality and affinity. At the system level, communication libraries implicitly assume all the processing elements are equidistant to each other. In order to take advantage of emerging technologies, application developers need a set of programming abstractions to describe data locality for the new computing ecosystem. The new programming paradigm should be more data centric and allow to describe how to decompose and how to layout data in the memory.Fortunately, there are many emerging concepts such as constructs for tiling, data layout, array views, task and thread affinity, and topology aware communication libraries for managing data locality. There is an opportunity to identify commonalities in strategy to enable us to combine the best of these concepts to develop a comprehensive approach to expressing and managing data locality on exascale programming systems. These programming model abstractions can expose crucial information about data locality to the compiler and runtime system to enable performance-portable code. The research question is to identify the right level of abstraction, which includes techniques that range from template libraries all the way to completely new languages to achieve this goal

    Runtime Management of Multiprocessor Systems for Fault Tolerance, Energy Efficiency and Load Balancing

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    Efficiency of modern multiprocessor systems is hurt by unpredictable events: aging causes permanent faults that disable components; application spawnings and terminations taking place at arbitrary times, affect energy proportionality, causing energy waste; load imbalances reduce resource utilization, penalizing performance. This thesis demonstrates how runtime management can mitigate the negative effects of unpredictable events, making decisions guided by a combination of static information known in advance and parameters that only become known at runtime. We propose techniques for three different objectives: graceful degradation of aging-prone systems; energy efficiency of heterogeneous adaptive systems; and load balancing by means of work stealing. Managing aging-prone systems for graceful efficiency degradation, is based on a high-level system description that encapsulates hardware reconfigurability and workload flexibility and allows to quantify system efficiency and use it as an objective function. Different custom heuristics, as well as simulated annealing and a genetic algorithm are proposed to optimize this objective function as a response to component failures. Custom heuristics are one to two orders of magnitude faster, provide better efficiency for the first 20% of system lifetime and are less than 13% worse than a genetic algorithm at the end of this lifetime. Custom heuristics occasionally fail to satisfy reconfiguration cost constraints. As all algorithms\u27 execution time scales well with respect to system size, a genetic algorithm can be used as backup in these cases. Managing heterogeneous multiprocessors capable of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling is based on a model that accurately predicts performance and power: performance is predicted by combining static, application-specific profiling information and dynamic, runtime performance monitoring data; power is predicted using the aforementioned performance estimations and a set of platform-specific, static parameters, determined only once and used for every application mix. Three runtime heuristics are proposed, that make use of this model to perform partial search of the configuration space, evaluating a small set of configurations and selecting the best one. When best-effort performance is adequate, the proposed approach achieves 3% higher energy efficiency compared to the powersave governor and 2x better compared to the interactive and ondemand governors. When individual applications\u27 performance requirements are considered, the proposed approach is able to satisfy them, giving away 18% of system\u27s energy efficiency compared to the powersave, which however misses the performance targets by 23%; at the same time, the proposed approach maintains an efficiency advantage of about 55% compared to the other governors, which also satisfy the requirements. Lastly, to improve load balancing of multiprocessors, a partial and approximate view of the current load distribution among system cores is proposed, which consists of lightweight data structures and is maintained by each core through cheap operations. A runtime algorithm is developed, using this view whenever a core becomes idle, to perform victim core selection for work stealing, also considering system topology and memory hierarchy. Among 12 diverse imbalanced workloads, the proposed approach achieves better performance than random, hierarchical and local stealing for six workloads. Furthermore, it is at most 8% slower among the other six workloads, while competing strategies incur a penalty of at least 89% on some workload

    Work-stealing with Configurable Scheduling Strategies

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    Work-stealing systems are typically oblivious to the nature of the tasks they are scheduling. They do not know or take into account how long a task will take to execute or how many subtasks it will spawn. Moreover, task execution order is typically determined by an underlying task storage data structure, and cannot be changed. There are thus possibilities for optimizing task parallel executions by providing information on specific tasks and their preferred execution order to the scheduling system. We investigate generalizations of work-stealing and introduce a framework enabling applications to dynamically provide hints on the nature of specific tasks using scheduling strategies. Strategies can be used to independently control both local task execution and steal order. Strategies allow optimizations on specific tasks, in contrast to more conventional scheduling policies that are typically global in scope. Strategies are composable and allow different, specific scheduling choices for different parts of an application simultaneously. We have implemented a work-stealing system based on our strategy framework. A series of benchmarks demonstrates beneficial effects that can be achieved with scheduling strategies

    Work-stealing with configurable scheduling strategies

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    Work-stealing with Configurable Scheduling Strategies

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    Work-stealing systems are typically oblivious to the nature of the tasks they are scheduling. They do not know or take into account how long a task will take to execute or how many subtasks it will spawn. Moreover, task execution order is typically determined by an underlying task storage data structure, and cannot be changed. There are thus possibilities for optimizing task parallel executions by providing information on specific tasks and their preferred execution order to the scheduling system. We investigate generalizations of work-stealing and introduce a framework enabling applications to dynamically provide hints on the nature of specific tasks using scheduling strategies. Strategies can be used to independently control both local task execution and steal order. Strategies allow optimizations on specific tasks, in contrast to more conventional scheduling policies that are typically global in scope. Strategies are composable and allow different, specific scheduling choices for different parts of an application simultaneously. We have implemented a work-stealing system based on our strategy framework. A series of benchmarks demonstrates beneficial effects that can be achieved with scheduling strategies