9,391 research outputs found

    Latent dirichlet markov allocation for sentiment analysis

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    In recent years probabilistic topic models have gained tremendous attention in data mining and natural language processing research areas. In the field of information retrieval for text mining, a variety of probabilistic topic models have been used to analyse content of documents. A topic model is a generative model for documents, it specifies a probabilistic procedure by which documents can be generated. All topic models share the idea that documents are mixture of topics, where a topic is a probability distribution over words. In this paper we describe Latent Dirichlet Markov Allocation Model (LDMA), a new generative probabilistic topic model, based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM), which emphasizes on extracting multi-word topics from text data. LDMA is a four-level hierarchical Bayesian model where topics are associated with documents, words are associated with topics and topics in the model can be presented with single- or multi-word terms. To evaluate performance of LDMA, we report results in the field of aspect detection in sentiment analysis, comparing to the basic LDA model

    Item Recommendation with Evolving User Preferences and Experience

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    Current recommender systems exploit user and item similarities by collaborative filtering. Some advanced methods also consider the temporal evolution of item ratings as a global background process. However, all prior methods disregard the individual evolution of a user's experience level and how this is expressed in the user's writing in a review community. In this paper, we model the joint evolution of user experience, interest in specific item facets, writing style, and rating behavior. This way we can generate individual recommendations that take into account the user's maturity level (e.g., recommending art movies rather than blockbusters for a cinematography expert). As only item ratings and review texts are observables, we capture the user's experience and interests in a latent model learned from her reviews, vocabulary and writing style. We develop a generative HMM-LDA model to trace user evolution, where the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) traces her latent experience progressing over time -- with solely user reviews and ratings as observables over time. The facets of a user's interest are drawn from a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model derived from her reviews, as a function of her (again latent) experience level. In experiments with five real-world datasets, we show that our model improves the rating prediction over state-of-the-art baselines, by a substantial margin. We also show, in a use-case study, that our model performs well in the assessment of user experience levels

    Exploring Latent Semantic Factors to Find Useful Product Reviews

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    Online reviews provided by consumers are a valuable asset for e-Commerce platforms, influencing potential consumers in making purchasing decisions. However, these reviews are of varying quality, with the useful ones buried deep within a heap of non-informative reviews. In this work, we attempt to automatically identify review quality in terms of its helpfulness to the end consumers. In contrast to previous works in this domain exploiting a variety of syntactic and community-level features, we delve deep into the semantics of reviews as to what makes them useful, providing interpretable explanation for the same. We identify a set of consistency and semantic factors, all from the text, ratings, and timestamps of user-generated reviews, making our approach generalizable across all communities and domains. We explore review semantics in terms of several latent factors like the expertise of its author, his judgment about the fine-grained facets of the underlying product, and his writing style. These are cast into a Hidden Markov Model -- Latent Dirichlet Allocation (HMM-LDA) based model to jointly infer: (i) reviewer expertise, (ii) item facets, and (iii) review helpfulness. Large-scale experiments on five real-world datasets from Amazon show significant improvement over state-of-the-art baselines in predicting and ranking useful reviews
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