14 research outputs found

    Profit Increase Efficiency Analysis; Production Approaches and Profit Approaches (Study on the Mining Sector in Indonesia)

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    Efficiency is the company's ability to maximize output by using certain inputs. This study aims to determine the level of efficiency and causes of inefficiency in mining sector companies listed on the IDX using the production approach and profit approach using quantitative Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methods and panel regression as measured using Eviews. The research object consists of 23 companies with data on the results of annual financial reports from 2017 to 2021. The test results show that there are differences in the results of company efficiency scores in the mining sector using the Production Approach and Profit approach. The results showed that from the production approach, only 2 companies were efficient and the remaining 21 companies were still experiencing inefficiencies from the results of cost of goods sold, selling expenses, operating expenses, and net sales which had a significant effect on efficiency, but total assets and general expenses & adm had no significant effect on efficiency. The results of the study using the profit approach were only 1 efficient company and the remaining 22 companies were still experiencing inefficiency, only total equity, selling expenses, and profit had a significant effect on efficiency, but the cost of sales, general & administrative expenses, operating expenses did not have a significant effect to be efficient. The number of companies that were not declared efficient in the year the company was researched had to do potential improvement by increasing assets, and equity, reducing the cost of goods sold, reducing selling expenses, general & administrative expenses, and operating expenses, and had to increase sales to increase profits and achieve efficiency in the company

    Integration of Social Media News Mining and Text Mining Techniques to Determine a Corporate鈥檚 Competitive Edge

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    Market globalization have triggered much more severe challenges for corporates than ever before. Thus, how to survive in this highly fluctuating economic atmosphere is an attractive topic for corporate managers, especially when an economy goes into a severe recession. One of the most consensus conclusions is to highly integrate a corporate鈥檚 supply chain network, as it can facilitate knowledge circulation, reduce transportation cost, increase market share, and sustain customer loyalty. However, a corporate鈥檚 supply chain relations are unapparent and opaque. To solve such an obstacle, this study integrates text mining (TM) and social network analysis (SNA) techniques to exploit the latent relation among corporates from social media news. Sequentially, this study examines its impact on corporate operating performance forecasting. The empirical result shows that the proposed mechanism is a promising alternative for performance forecasting. Public authorities and decision makers can thus consider the potential implications when forming a future policy

    Benchmarking of Academic Departments using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

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    Departmental rankings are a primary factor in assessing the organizational performance and quality. Peer Assessment Scores are one of few metrics by which academic departmental performances are quantified. There are different metrics to determine performances of academic departments, however, it does not indicate whether the departments are performing at their full potential with the resources available. Therefore, it is critical for university departments to assess the performance efficiency, and understand whether the resources are used efficiently. In this thesis, output-oriented Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models are used to evaluate the efficiency of the departments relative to its peers, and benchmark departments are provided for the less efficient departments. Furthermore, an Investment Model is developed based on DEA that helps decision makers with a support-system in deciding how much resources should be dedicated to increase one or more inputs in order to increase maximum potential efficiency of the departments, when an investment budget is provided. We examined the proposed models with an illustrative case study of eighteen Industrial Engineering Departments in the USA. Five inputs and one output were considered for the case study. The inputs were Number of Faculty, Research Expenditure per Faculty, Undergraduate Students per Faculty, Number of Graduate Students, and Average H-Index, whereas the only output was Peer Assessment Score. In addition, the results were discussed along with the sensitivity analysis. Finally, conclusions of the work were mentioned, along with the opportunities for future developments

    T茅cnica de benchmarking y el desempe帽o organizacional. Revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura

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    El presente art铆culo de revisi贸n tuvo como objetivo analizar el benchmarking como t茅cnica aplicada por las organizaciones. En un texto cambiante a trav茅s del avance cient铆fico y tecnol贸gico, las organizaciones empresariales sienten la necesidad de implementar diferentes mecanismos para optimizar los servicios que ofrecen y garantizar la sostenibilidad en el tiempo y el espacio. La investigaci贸n se llev贸 desde un enfoque cualitativo, dise帽o de revisi贸n sistem谩tica que consisti贸 en la b煤squeda minuciosa de informaci贸n relevante en diferentes bases datos tales como EBSCOhost, Scopus, Redalyc CienceDirect y ScieLO, en el intervalo de temporal de 2015 hasta el 2020; de los cuales, aplicando los criterios de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n se incorporaron 11 art铆culos para la revisi贸n. Se obtuvo como resultado que el benchmarking es una t茅cnica eficaz aplicada por las organizaciones para garantizar la calidad, eficiencia, eficacia y desempe帽o, toda vez que se trata de conocer las mejores pr谩cticas de otras organizaciones y aplicarlas las propias. Como conclusiones generales se establecen que el benchmarking es una herramienta que se aplica para mejorar la calidad, innovaci贸n, creaci贸n de cultura organizacional y optimizaci贸n de los procesos a fin de satisfacer al p煤blico objetivo