4 research outputs found

    Using Knowledge-based Information Systems to Support Management of Wireless Sensor Networking Systems

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    Currently, researches on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) mainly focus on how to efficiently gather sensing data from WSN, but little attention has been paid to how to effectively manage the large amount of collected sensing data. Information Systems (IS) are appropriatetools for data input, storage, processing, and output. Knowledge Management (KM) further transforms useful information into domain knowledge for decision making by domain experts. In this paper, we propose an approach to management of sensing data and transformation of sensing data into valuable knowledge using knowledge-based information systems. Firstly we propose a frameworkfor knowledge-based information systems which deals with internal and external information using intelligent agents to generate domain knowledge with KM methods. Then we definite a model of knowledge-based information system for WSN to implement intensive sensing data storage, knowledge discovery, statistical analysis, sharing, inquiry, decision support. Finally, a prototype system is developed and tested for the aforementioned ideas

    Izgradnja podatkovne mreže senzora u Internetu stvari

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    In the Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks (WSN) is in charge of gathering and transferring environment data. It is an essential work to mine data semantic in WSN in the data derived from sensors to improve the WSN. This paper proposes the Data Association Network of sensors (DAN) to organize the mined association semantic relations among sensors into an effective form. Because DAN holds the rich data semantic of WSN, it can improve WSN in some aspects, such as detecting the abnormal sensors, simulating the data of faulty sensors, or optimizing the topology of WSN. Experimental results show that the proposed method can mine the associated relations among sensor nodes effectively, and the DAN is helpful in solving some problems of WSN.Govoreći o Internetu stvari, bežična mreža senzora (WSN) ima ulogu prikupljanja i slanja podataka o okolini. Osnovni je zadatak analizirati semantiku podataka u WSN-u u podacima dobivenim sa senzora u svrhu unaprije.enja bežične mreže senzora. U ovom radu predloženo je mrežno udruženje podataka (DAN) sa senzora u svrhu organiziranja analiziranih udruženja semantičkih relacija izme.u senzora u djelotvorne forme. S obzirom da DAN sadrži dosta semantičkih podataka s WSN-a, može unaprijediti WSN u odre.enim aspektima kao npr. detekcija neispravnih senzora, simuliranje podataka sa senzora u kvaru ili optimiziranje topologije WSN-a. Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju da predložena metoda može efektivno analizirati udružene relacije izme.u senzorskih čvorova te da je DAN korisno u rješavanju određenih problema WSN-a

    Open Technologies for prototyping the Internet of Things

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    The worldwide "hyper-connection" of any object around us is the challenge that promises to cover the paradigm of the Internet of Things. If the Internet has colonized the daily life of more than 2000 million1 people around the globe, the Internet of Things faces of connecting more than 100000 million2 "things" by 2020. The underlying Internet of Things’ technologies are the cornerstone that promises to solve interrelated global problems such as exponential population growth, energy management in cities, and environmental sustainability in the average and long term. On the one hand, this Project has the goal of knowledge acquisition about prototyping technologies available in the market for the Internet of Things. On the other hand, the Project focuses on the development of a system for devices management within a Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network to offer some services accessible from the Internet. To accomplish the objectives, the Project will begin with a detailed analysis of various “open source” hardware platforms to encourage creative development of applications, and automatically extract information from the environment around them for transmission to external systems. In addition, web platforms that enable mass storage with the philosophy of the Internet of Things will be studied. The project will culminate in the proposal and specification of a service-oriented software architecture for embedded systems that allows communication between devices on the network, and the data transmission to external systems. Furthermore, it abstracts the complexities of hardware to application developers. RESUMEN. La “hiper-conexión” a nivel mundial de cualquier objeto que nos rodea es el desafío al que promete dar cobertura el paradigma de la Internet de las Cosas. Si la Internet ha colonizado el día a día de más de 2000 millones1 de personas en todo el planeta, la Internet de las Cosas plantea el reto de conectar a más de 100000 millones2 de “cosas” para el año 2020. Las tecnologías subyacentes de la Internet de las Cosas son la piedra angular que prometen dar solución a problemas globales interrelacionados como el crecimiento exponencial de la población, la gestión de la energía en las ciudades o la sostenibilidad del medioambiente a largo plazo. Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera tiene como principales objetivos por un lado, la adquisición de conocimientos acerca de las tecnologías para prototipos disponibles en el mercado para la Internet de las Cosas, y por otro lado el desarrollo de un sistema para la gestión de dispositivos de una red inalámbrica de sensores que ofrezcan unos servicios accesibles desde la Internet. Con el fin de abordar los objetivos marcados, el proyecto comenzará con un análisis detallado de varias plataformas hardware de tipo “open source” que estimulen el desarrollo creativo de aplicaciones y que permitan extraer de forma automática información del medio que les rodea para transmitirlo a sistemas externos para su posterior procesamiento. Por otro lado, se estudiarán plataformas web identificadas con la filosofía de la Internet de las Cosas que permitan el almacenamiento masivo de datos que diferentes plataformas hardware transfieren a través de la Internet. El Proyecto culminará con la propuesta y la especificación una arquitectura software orientada a servicios para sistemas empotrados que permita la comunicación entre los dispositivos de la red y la transmisión de datos a sistemas externos, así como facilitar el desarrollo de aplicaciones a los programadores mediante la abstracción de la complejidad del hardware

    Wireless sensor networks in knowledge management

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