2 research outputs found

    Análisis de una red de sensores en motos

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    Este proyecto se centra en el análisis y comprobación del funcionamiento de una red de sensores con tecnologías inalámbricas como Bluetooth o ZigBee colocada en una moto. El estudio consistirá en analizar el comportamiento del canal radioeléctrico de dicha red, para lo que se realizarán simulaciones deterministas con un software de trazado de rayos, que nos permitirá tanto estudiar la influencia que tiene un piloto en el funcionamiento de la red, así como averiguar la influencia de la frecuencia de trabajo en el funcionamiento de la red, o la mejor colocación para las distintas antenas que se deberán implantar en la moto, permitiendo de este modo a los conductores de diferentes motos recibir información sobre la humedad de la calzada o la velocidad del viento, o incluso comunicarse entre ellos mientras van conduciendo sobre la moto. De este modo se conseguirá extraer conclusiones de gran interés para la posterior implantación de la red de sensores en las motos.This project focuses on the analysis and of operation and performance of sensor networks implemented with wireless technologies such as Bluetooth or ZigBee placed on a motorcycle. The study aims to analyze the behavior of radio channel of this network, for which deterministic simulations were performed with the aid of a 3D Ray Launching code, thus allowing to study the influence of a person in the operation of the network and determine the influence of the carrier frequency in the operation of the network, or the best placement for the different antennas that must be implemented on the motorbike, thus allowing drivers of different motorbikes to receive information about moisture of the road or the speed of the wind, or even communicate with each other while they are driving on the bike.Graduado o Graduada en Ingeniería en Tecnologías de Telecomunicación por la Universidad Pública de NavarraTelekomunikazio Teknologien Ingeniaritzako Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Wireless Audio Communication Network for In-Vehicle Access of Infotainment Services In Motorcycles

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    In this work we describe the realization of a wireless audio communication system that makes available to the driver and the passenger of a motorcycle a wide range of attractive audio services such as an intercom, listening to FM radio or navigational messages from a GPS navigator, placing phone calls by means of a cellular phone. The novelty and the key point of this wireless system is the multi-point Bluetooth audio network formed and managed by the audio communication unit placed on the vehicle. This unit acts as an audio access-point to which the users, equipped with standard Bluetooth headsets, independently connect, register and access the available audio services. The demonstrator realized is also described to show that the proposed system efficiently provides significant and new infotainment features to the motorcycle riders