2 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of low-complexity welch power spectral density for automatic frequency analyser

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the performance of the Low Complexity Welch Power Spectral Density Computation (PSDC). This algorithm is an improvement from Welch PSDC method to reduce the computational complexity of the method. The effect of the sampling rate and the input frequency toward to accuracy of frequency detection is being evaluated. From the experiment results, sampling rate nearest to the twice of the input frequency provides the highest accuracy which achieved 99%. The ability of the algorithm to perform complex signal also has been investigated

    Filtering harbor craft vessels' fuel data using statistical, decomposition, and predictive methodologies

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    Filtering is the process of defining, recognizing, and correcting flaws in given data so that the influence of inaccuracies in input data on subsequent studies is minimized. This paper aims to discuss the characteristics of some filtering methods from various topics. Wavelet transform and frequency (Fourier) transform are considered for the decomposition methodologies whereas descriptive statistics is used for the statistical methodology. The Kalman filter and autoencoder neural network are also explored for the predictive methodologies. All the aforementioned methodologies are discussed empirically using two metrics of R-squared and mean absolute error. This paper aims to study the effectiveness of these filtering techniques in filtering noisy data collected from mass flowmeter reading in an unconventional situation i.e., on a tugboat while in operation to measure fuel consumption. Finally, the performance of various filtering methods is assessed, and their effectiveness in filtering noisy data is compared and discussed. It is found that the Haar wavelet transforms, Kalman filter and the descriptive statistics have a better performance as compared to their counterparts in filtering out spikes found in the mass flow data