39 research outputs found

    Last Glacial Maximum and early deglaciation in the Stura Valley, southwestern European Alps

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    Acknowledgments: The fund “The termination I. The environmental and palaeoclimatic variations occurred during the 25–11 ka period” (leader A. Ribolini) supported this work (Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo PRA, 2020–21, University of Pisa). Exposure dating was completed with the support of the National Science Foundation, Continental Dynamics Program grant EAR-0208169 (RETREAT) and by PRIME Lab, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. We thank Cal Ruleman and Will Odom for thorough and constructive reviews. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Thanatosensitive Design Exemplars for Embodied Experience of Nonattachment

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    This position paper highlights the less supported letting go aspect of the experience of loss and positions it within the HCI work on death and dying. It also argues for the value of embracing nonattachment and accepting impermanence and illustrate this with design exemplars piloted with 4 participants in Japan. Findings emphasize the value of the aesthetic, embodied experience to support the celebration of non-attachment

    Introduction:Mortality in Design

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    Digital design for mortals. Precisely what is unsettling about modern technological construction is that, instead of holding together earth and sky, mortals and divinities, it penetrates the earth to extract resources, pushes beyond the sky with rockets and satellites, attempts to suppress mortality with medicine and drugs, and precisely in this attempt to control the body, rejects the art of dying, and thereby and in the very process the remembering of the divinities that is the most intimate part of human suffering. More than ten years old now, Carl Mitcham’s reflection on the performance of vernacular architecture (the building of his own house in fact) is a powerful statement about the tendency of modern technology to suppress human mortality and with it the expression of the human spirit. Precisely what is unsettling about modern technological construction is that, instead of holding together earth and sky, mortals and divinities, it penetrates the earth to extract resources, pushes beyond the sky with rockets and satellites, attempts to suppress mortality with medicine and drugs, and precisely in this attempt to control the body, rejects the art of dying, and thereby and in the very process the remembering of the divinities that is the most intimate part of human suffering

    The limits of HCD : reimagining the anthropocentricity of ISO 9241-210

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    Human-centred design (HCD) is just that: human-centred. As we approach the limits of Earth's biophysical systems, it no longer feels appropriate to place humans at the centre of design decisions. Yet HCD and its ISO—ISO-9241-210:2010—continue to be powerful and popular tools within many computing and design departments, as well as in their affiliated industries. These design approaches are perpetuating the trend of incremental improvements to the living standards of the already privileged and digitally connected whilst ignoring the broader environmental and socio-political effects of digital technologies. In this paper, we attempt to reimagine HCD and its ISO by drawing on fields and concepts such as sustainable interaction design (SID), animal-computer interaction (ACI), and object oriented ontology (OOO). Through this, we contribute a preliminary set of proposals about what needs to change with HCD and its ISO. We close by discussing the ISO development process and suggesting routes for environmentally concerned researchers to influence the evolution of HCD's ISO

    The limits of HCD:reimagining the anthropocentricity of ISO 9241-210

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    Human-centred design (HCD) is just that: human-centred. As we approach the limits of Earth's biophysical systems, it no longer feels appropriate to place humans at the centre of design decisions. Yet HCD and its ISO—ISO-9241-210:2010—continue to be powerful and popular tools within many computing and design departments, as well as in their affiliated industries. These design approaches are perpetuating the trend of incremental improvements to the living standards of the already privileged and digitally connected whilst ignoring the broader environmental and socio-political effects of digital technologies. In this paper, we attempt to reimagine HCD and its ISO by drawing on fields and concepts such as sustainable interaction design (SID), animal-computer interaction (ACI), and object oriented ontology (OOO). Through this, we contribute a preliminary set of proposals about what needs to change with HCD and its ISO. We close by discussing the ISO development process and suggesting routes for environmentally concerned researchers to influence the evolution of HCD's ISO

    How to Tame the New Wild-Wild West: Potential Lassos for Virtual Crime

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    How to Tame the New Wild-Wild West: Potential Lassos for Virtual Crime

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    A study on trading scams in massively multiplayer online role-playing games and risk mitigation techniques

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    Scamming in massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) has become a significant issue in gameplay today. With the multitude of MMORPG games to choose from and the millions of users playing these games, there are significant opportunities for scammers to take advantage of unsuspecting users. The research first creates a taxonomy of online trading scams for aiding developers to prevent scamming in games. This taxonomy focuses on the targets, objectives, and strategies scammers use in MMORPGs. Secondly, it introduces a scam mitigation method to reduce opportunities for scams within the MMORPG trading environment. The mitigation method implements three services: Barter, Market, and Contract. Using the services can provide a trustworthy venue for trading, prevent common scams, and provide better overall gameplay for current and future users