3 research outputs found

    Verwundbarkeiten und Sicherheitsstrategien in kritischen Infrastrukturen

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    Die Sicherheit kritischer Infrastrukturen wird als Selbstverständlichkeit angesehen: Wirkliche Probleme, wie häufige Stromausfälle, unrichtige Daten oder Lieferengpässe, kennt man eher aus anderen Ländern und die Gefahren des Cyber raums erscheinen im Vergleich unwirklich. Wie verwundbar sind kritische Infrastrukturen gegenüber Cyberbedrohungen

    Wie IT-Security Matchplays als Awarenessmaßnahme die IT-Sicherheit verbessern können

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    „Operation Digitales Chamäleon” ist eine IT-Security Schulung in Form eines Serious Games. Zielgruppe des Spiels sind IT-Sicherheitsprofessionals. Teams entwerfen Angriffs- und Verteidigungsstrategien – eingebettet in einen Prozess von Schulung und Debriefing. Die vorliegende Arbeit adressiert die Frage, wie „Operation Digitales Chamäleon“ die IT-Security Awareness bei IT-Sicherheitsprofessionals beeinflusst. Hierzu wird im ersten Teil das Design vorgestellt, welches im zweiten Teil um ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Evaluation von sieben Spielen zu Spielerlebnis, Wahrnehmung, Wissensgewinn und geplanten Verhaltensveränderungen ergänzt wird. „Operation Digitales Chamäleon“ ist ein Format der IT-Security Matchplays, die im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts VeSiKi entwickelt und validiert werden

    Assessment of investments towards digitalised production

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    Since 2011 the term “Industrie 4.0” represents the process of digital transformation for industrial production. The discussion in regard to this transformation is dominated by technological aspects but neglects the economical rational for investments in many cases. However, the necessary investments in digitalised technical equipment creates new challenges in solid judgement on ROI and priorities. The complexity related to digital transformation confronts companies with new aspects of uncertainty. Therefore, a paradox situation is observed by a “digital gap” between investment in technology and where the added value is captured and monetised. This thesis investigates how complexity of digitalisation, respectively the “digital gap” can be understood and bridged by the usage of value-constructs originated from recent business model research. The moderating role of constructs like value proposition, value network and value capture towards decision for investments is investigated in relation with digitalisation initiatives, technology and measurement of industrial productivity. Based on differences between industries in their digital maturity level the survey primarily focuses on Food, Beverage, Pharma, Life science and FMCG companies. A second survey sample covers other industries, mainly machine builders and automotive companies, to see differences or possible generalisable elements in the results. The research method is based on a mixed-method design, combining qualitative research results with quantitative analyses by triangulation. An intensive literature research of four related scientific disciplines delivers theory for the paradigmatic coding and formulation of a Grounded Theory. The results of Grounded Theory deliver the theoretical rational to build a structural model to use within statistical factor analysis methods. The thesis delivers a wide range of results and insights into the complex relations of transformation within the context of digitalised production. It shows innovative research design in using value-constructs for the moderation of value within an organisation. Finally, the mixed-method design complements the results by the combination of diverse disciplines of science. Results to explain how moderation of value does bridge the “digital gap”, how data is enabling monetisation of value generated and how standardisation shows relevance in successful investments are delivered within the thesis