11 research outputs found

    Parsing with an extended domain of locality

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    One of the claimed benefits of Tree Ad- joining Grammars is that they have an extended domain of locality (EDOL). We consider how this can be exploited to limit the need for feature structure uni- fication during parsing. We compare two wide-coverage lexicalized grammars of English, LEXSYS and XTAG, finding that the two grammars exploit EDOL in different ways

    A structure-sharing parser for lexicalized grammars

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    In wide-coverage lexicalized grammars many of the elementary structures have substructures in common. This means that in conventional parsing algorithms some of the computation associated with different structures is duplicated. In this paper we describe a precompilation technique for such grammars which allows some of this computation to be shared. In our approach the elementary structures of the grammar are transformed into finite state automata which can be merged and minimised using standard algorithms, and then parsed using an automatonbased parser. We present algorithms for constructing automata from elementary structures, merging and minimising them, and string recognition and parse recovery with the resulting grammar

    Automaton-based parsing for lexicalized grammars

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    In wide-coverage lexicalized grammars many of the elementary structures have substructures in common. This means that during parsing some of the computation associated with different structures is duplicated. This paper explores ways in which the grammar can be precompiled into finite state automata so that some of this shared structure results in shared computation at run-time. 1 Introduction This paper investigates grammar precompilation techniques aimed at improving the parsing performance of lexicalized grammars. In a wide-coverage lexicalized grammar, such as the XTAG grammar (XTAG-Group, 1995), many of the elementary structures 1 have substructures in common. If such structures are viewed as independent by a parsing algorithm, the computation associated with their shared structure may be duplicated. This paper explores ways in which the grammar can be precompiled so that some of this shared structure results in shared computation at run-time. We assume as a starting point a co..

    Automates synchronisés pour l'intégration de techniques de reconnaissances de la parole et de compréhension du langage naturel

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture.Nous présentons une architecture dont l'objectif est d'aboutir à une intégration forte des différents niveaux de traitement de la langue parlée. Les connaissances statiques sont représentées sous forme d'automates à états finis permettant un partage optimal des sous-structures communes. Ces automates sont utilisés dans la mise en oeuvre d'analyses stochastiques et tabulaires afin de prendre en compte le non-déterminisme des différents niveaux de traitement. Des fonctions de synchronisation sont appliquées sur ces automates afin de propager les différentes contraintes entre niveaux. l'architecture obtenue permet d'isoler compétences symboliques et probabilistes, interfaces entre niveaux d'analyse et contrôles. Des expérimentations reposant sur ces principes et ces représentations sont actuellement menées en vue d'intégrer un système de segmentation analytique, un module de reconnaissance phonétique stochastique et un analyseur basé sur les LTAG synchrones

    Wide-Coverage lexicalized grammars

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