4 research outputs found

    Connectivity in mobile multihop relay network

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    Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) network is an attractive and low-cost solution for expanding service coverage and enhancing throughput of the conventional single hop network. However, mobility of Mobile Station (MS) in MMR network might lead to performance degradation in terms of Quality of Service (QoS). Selecting an appropriate Relay Station (RS) that can support data transmission for high mobility MS to enhance QoS is one of the challenges in MMR network. The main goal of the work is to develop and enhance relay selection mechanisms that can assure continuous connectivity while ensuring QoS in MMR network using NCTUns simulation tools. The approach is to develop and enhance a relay selection for MS with continuous connectivity in non-transparent relay. In this approach, the standard network entry procedure is modified to allow continuous connectivity with reduced signaling messages whenever MS joins RS that is out of Multihop Relay Base Station (MRBS) coverage and the relay selection is based on Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). The QoS performances of the proposed relay selections are in terms of throughput and average end-to-end (ETE) delay. The findings for the proposed relay selection in non-transparent relay shows that the throughput degradation between low mobility MS (30m/s) and high mobility MS (50m/s) is only about 2.0%. The proposed relay selection mechanisms can be applied in any high mobility multi-tier cellular network

    Relay selection in mobile multihop relay network

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    Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) network is an attractive and low-cost solution for expanding service coverage and enhancing throughput of the conventional single hop network. However, mobility of Mobile Station (MS) in MMR network might lead to performance degradation in terms of Quality of Service (QoS). Selecting an appropriate Relay Station (RS) that can support data transmission for high mobility MS to enhance QoS is one of the challenges in MMR network. The main goal of the work is to develop and enhance relay selection mechanisms that can assure continuous connectivity while ensuring QoS in MMR network using NCTUns simulation tools. The approach is to develop and enhance relay selection that allows cooperative data transmission in transparent relay that guarantees continuous connectivity. The proposed relay selection defined as Co-ReSL depends on weightage of SNR, α and weightage of Link Expiration Time (LET), β. The QoS performances of the proposed relay selections are in terms of throughput and average end-to-end (ETE) delay. The findings for Co-ReSL shows that at heavy traffic load, throughput increases up to 5.7% and average ETE delay reduces by 7.5% compared to Movement Aware Greedy Forwarding (MAGF) due to cooperative data transmission in selective links. The proposed relay selection mechanisms can be applied in any high mobility multi-tier cellular network

    Um novo escalonador com controle de admissão de conexão para o padrão IEEE 802.16 com garantia de limite de atraso

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    The IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access is developing a standard for broadband wireless access networks in Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), also know as WiMAX. One of the features of the MAC (Media Access Control) layer is that it was designed to differentiate service among traffic categories with different multimedia requirements. Based on these assumptions and considering that the standard does not specify a scheduling algorithm, a new scheduler with admission control connection has been proposed based on Latency-Rate (LR) server theory and system characteristics specified by the standard for systems using the WirelessMAN-OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) air interface. The proposed scheduling algorithm calculates the Time Frame (TF) in order to maximize the number of stations allocated in the system while guarantee the delay required for each user. Properties of this proposal have been investigated theoretically and through simulations. A set of simulations is presented with streams of Constant Bit Rate (CBR) and Variable Bit Rate (VBR) and performance comparisons with different delays and different TFs. The results showed that the upper limit of delay can be achieved by a variety of loads in the network, optimizing the bandwidth.O grupo de trabalho do IEEE 802.16 está desenvolvendo um padrão para redes de acesso banda larga sem fio em redes metropolitanas, também conhecido como WiMAX. Uma das características da camada MAC (Media Access Control) desse padrão, é que ela foi projetada para diferenciar o serviço entre as categorias de tráfego com diferentes requisitos de multimídia. Com base nessa premissa e considerando que a norma não especifica um algoritmo de escalonamento, um novo escalonador com controle de admissão de conexão foi proposto com base na teoria do servidor Latency-Rate (LR) e características do sistema especificadas pela norma para sistemas utilizando a interface aérea WirelessMAN-OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). O algoritmo de escalonamento proposto calcula o tempo do quadro (TF - Time Frame) com o objetivo de maximizar o número de estações alocadas no sistema e ao mesmo tempo garantir o atraso solicitado para cada usuário. Propriedades desta proposta foram investigadas teoricamente e através de simulações. Um conjunto de simulações é apresentado com fluxos de taxa de bits constante (CBR - Constant Bit Rate) e taxa de bits variável (VBR - Variable Bit Rate) e as comparações de desempenho com diferentes atrasos (delay) e diferentes TFs. Os resultados mostraram que o limite de atraso superior pode ser alcançado por uma grande variedade de cargas na rede, com otimização da largura de banda

    Hybrid wireless broadband networks

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    A hybrid system is an integration of two or more different systems, particularly in this thesis referring to wireless broadband networks. However, to provide end-to-end quality of service (QoS) in a hybrid system is a challenging task due to different protocol in each system. In this thesis, we aim to improve the overall performance of hybrid networks in a disaster management by addressing the challenges as well as the problems in a homogeneous network. Such an approach allows more efficient multi-parameter optimization and significant improvements in the overall system performance. More specifically, we introduce two novel algorithms. The first is the novel end-to-end QoS algorithm for hybrid wireless broadband networks. We proposed the end-to-end QoS maps based on particular chosen parameters and analyse the simulation results. The QoS maps are applied to a few scenarios, and the performance evaluation of the constructed network is presented. Based on the results obtained by software simulation tools, the performance validation shows that the hybrid network has specific advantages and constraints in terms of number of users, preference, coverage and applications. The second algorithm presented is the novel in users’ application algorithm, the purpose of which is to optimize bandwidth for first responders applied in the PPDR project under grant agreement EU FP7 SEC PPDR-TC. This algorithm is responsible for incorporating more users and different levels of background load to a hybrid network. The proposed method analyses both positive and negative outcomes based on the results obtained. This algorithm has been presented in the PPDR project