7 research outputs found

    Why information technology is not being used for financial advisory

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    With the global spending of more than US$4.1 trillion in 2007, healthcare has been one of the largest industries worldwide. To better plan and develop the healthcare system, an effective way is to leverage on the advancement of information technology (IT). However, despite of many attempts in the computerization and automation of healthcare services, most of the healthcare information systems failed to deliver in the era of rising expectations. With respect to this aspect, this study focuses on the success stories of a private-owned hospital in Singapore. We illustrate our lessons learned from this hospital, the Alexandra Hospital, which has successfully innovated a healthcare system setting and making a benchmark standard for the Singapore healthcare industry. By conceptualizing on the generation of innovative capability process, this study complements the scarce innovation literature in the service industry. Theoretical and practical contributions were shared and documented in this paper

    Tablets Penetrate the Customer Advisory Process: A Case from a Swiss Private Bank

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    Ranging from customer service to board presentations, tablets increasingly penetrate the customer advisory process. Past research on mobile banking solutions focused on their potentials in an educational setting, on the advisory process, or on the design of a tablet solution in the retail banking sector. However, little research exists on the impact of tablets on the advisory process in private banking. We qualitatively examined the changes in the advisory process caused by the introduction of tablets in private banking. To that end, we describe the case of a Swiss Private Bank, which introduced tablets into its advisory process and underwent the transformation from a paper‐based to a tablet‐supported customer counselling

    Why IT is not being used for financial advisory

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    Swiss banks have returned to their roots and pay an increasing amount of attention to differentiating themselves from others through good financial advisory services. This has led to a loudly publicized standardization of IT-advisory processes, but not to an increasing use of supporting IT tools. This paper uses interviews with Swiss advisors, sales managers and IT managers, as well as focus groups of users and a survey with users to identify reasons for non-usage. The analysis is based on a framework combining principal-agent theory, IT-business alignment, technology acceptance and information behaviour. We provide evidence that the key problem explanation is the incentive system of the advisors and that poor usability of the software and lack of engagement by sales managers also contribute to the non-usage of most tools

    The development and test of a relationship model on system use, job learning, and impact

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    Swiss banks have returned to their roots and pay an increasing amount of attention to differentiating themselves from others through good financial advisory services. This has led to a loudly publicized standardization of IT-advisory processes, but not to an increasing use of supporting IT tools. This paper uses interviews with Swiss advisors, sales managers and IT managers, as well as focus groups of users and a survey with users to identify reasons for non-usage. The analysis is based on a framework combining principal-agent theory, IT-business alignment, technology acceptance and information behaviour. We provide evidence that the key problem explanation is the incentive system of the advisors and that poor usability of the software and lack of engagement by sales managers also contribute to the non-usage of most tool

    Why information technology is not being used for financial advisory

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    Swiss banks have returned to their roots and pay an increasing amount of attention to differentiating themselves from others through good financial advisory services. This has led to a loudly publicized standardization of IT-advisory processes, but not to an increasing use of supporting IT tools. This paper uses interviews with Swiss advisors, sales managers and IT managers, as well as focus groups of users and a survey with users to identify reasons for non-usage. The analysis is based on a framework combining principal-agent theory, IT-business alignment, technology acceptance and information behaviour. We provide evidence that the key problem explanation is the incentive system of the advisors and that poor usability of the software and lack of engagement by sales managers also contribute to the non-usage of most tool

    Hybride Kundeninteraktion: Fallstudien und Gestaltungsempfehlungen aus der Bankindustrie

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    Die Interaktion zwischen Kunden und Banken unterliegt einem Wandel. Im Zuge der Medienkonvergenz verschmelzen die Inhalte und Services einzelner EndgerĂ€te (Smartphone, Tablet PCs, etc.) schliesslich in einem EndgerĂ€t. Die Konvergenz verĂ€ndert die Kommunikation und Interaktion und bewirkt, dass der Bezug von Inhalten stĂ€ndig, simultan und ĂŒberall möglich ist. Der technologische Fortschritt sowie das verĂ€nderte Kundenverhalten tragen zu einem vermehrten Kanalwechsel bei. Die Unternehmen sind gefordert die online und offline KanĂ€le zu integrieren. Dies fĂŒhrt zu sogenannten „No-Line Systemen“, die sich durch eine maximale Konvergenz auszeichnen und eine hybride Kundeninteraktion ermöglichen. Motiviert durch die beschriebene Konvergenz fokussiert die vorliegende Arbeit die Ausgestaltung einer hybriden Kundeninteraktion am Beispiel der Bankindustrie. Die Arbeit identifiziert Auslöser, die zu einem Kanalwechsel fĂŒhren, und leitet anhand dessen, basierend auf der Wissenschaft und Praxis, die Anforderungen an eine hybride Kundeninteraktion zur UnterstĂŒtzung des Kanalwechsels ab. Die Auslöser und Anforderungen von Kanalwechseln ergeben die Entwurfsmuster zur UnterstĂŒtzung von Kanalwechseln. Zur Darstellung möglicher Implikationen einer hybriden Kundeninteraktion untersucht die Arbeit eine praxisorientierte Tabletlösung aus dem Bereich Anlegen. Hierzu werden die VerĂ€nderungen einer Tablet-gestĂŒtzten Kundeninteraktion im Beratungsprozess beschrieben. Zur Demonstration der Ergebnisse entwickelt die Arbeit einen Prototyp. Dieser veranschaulicht eine weitere mögliche Ausgestaltung sowie den Nutzen einer hybriden Kundeninteraktion