7,145 research outputs found

    Software-Defined Cloud Computing: Architectural Elements and Open Challenges

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    The variety of existing cloud services creates a challenge for service providers to enforce reasonable Software Level Agreements (SLA) stating the Quality of Service (QoS) and penalties in case QoS is not achieved. To avoid such penalties at the same time that the infrastructure operates with minimum energy and resource wastage, constant monitoring and adaptation of the infrastructure is needed. We refer to Software-Defined Cloud Computing, or simply Software-Defined Clouds (SDC), as an approach for automating the process of optimal cloud configuration by extending virtualization concept to all resources in a data center. An SDC enables easy reconfiguration and adaptation of physical resources in a cloud infrastructure, to better accommodate the demand on QoS through a software that can describe and manage various aspects comprising the cloud environment. In this paper, we present an architecture for SDCs on data centers with emphasis on mobile cloud applications. We present an evaluation, showcasing the potential of SDC in two use cases-QoS-aware bandwidth allocation and bandwidth-aware, energy-efficient VM placement-and discuss the research challenges and opportunities in this emerging area.Comment: Keynote Paper, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2014), September 24-27, 2014, Delhi, Indi

    NFV Based Gateways for Virtualized Wireless Sensors Networks: A Case Study

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    Virtualization enables the sharing of a same wireless sensor network (WSN) by multiple applications. However, in heterogeneous environments, virtualized wireless sensor networks (VWSN) raises new challenges such as the need for on-the-fly, dynamic, elastic and scalable provisioning of gateways. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is an emerging paradigm that can certainly aid in tackling these new challenges. It leverages standard virtualization technology to consolidate special-purpose network elements on top of commodity hardware. This article presents a case study on NFV based gateways for VWSNs. In the study, a VWSN gateway provider, operates and manages an NFV based infrastructure. We use two different brands of wireless sensors. The NFV infrastructure makes possible the dynamic, elastic and scalable deployment of gateway modules in this heterogeneous VWSN environment. The prototype built with Openstack as platform is described

    Load Balancing and Virtual Machine Allocation in Cloud-based Data Centers

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    As cloud services see an exponential increase in consumers, the demand for faster processing of data and a reliable delivery of services becomes a pressing concern. This puts a lot of pressure on the cloud-based data centers, where the consumers’ data is stored, processed and serviced. The rising demand for high quality services and the constrained environment, make load balancing within the cloud data centers a vital concern. This project aims to achieve load balancing within the data centers by means of implementing a Virtual Machine allocation policy, based on consensus algorithm technique. The cloud-based data center system, consisting of Virtual Machines has been simulated on CloudSim – a Java based cloud simulator
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