18 research outputs found

    When are Fuzzy Extractors Possible?

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    Fuzzy extractors (Dodis et al., SIAM J. Computing 2008) convert repeated noisy readings of a high-entropy secret into the same uniformly distributed key. A minimum condition for the security of the key is the hardness of guessing a value that is similar to the secret, because the fuzzy extractor converts such a guess to the key. We codify this quantify this property in a new notion called fuzzy min-entropy. We ask: is fuzzy min-entropy sufficient to build fuzzy extractors? We provide two answers for different settings. 1) If the algorithms have precise knowledge of the probability distribution WW that defines the noisy source is a sufficient condition for information-theoretic key extraction from WW. 2) A more ambitious goal is to design a single extractor that works for all possible sources. This more ambitious goal is impossible: there is a family of sources with high fuzzy min-entropy for which no single fuzzy extractor is secure. This is true in three settings: a) for standard fuzzy extractors, b) for fuzzy extractors that are allowed to sometimes be wrong, c) and for secure sketches, which are the main ingredient of most fuzzy extractor constructions

    Code Offset in the Exponent

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    Fuzzy extractors derive stable keys from noisy sources. They are a fundamental tool for key derivation from biometric sources. This work introduces a new construction, code offset in the exponent. This construction is the first reusable fuzzy extractor that simultaneously supports structured, low entropy distributions with correlated symbols and confidence information. These properties are specifically motivated by the most pertinent applications - key derivation from biometrics and physical unclonable functions - which typically demonstrate low entropy with additional statistical correlations and benefit from extractors that can leverage confidence information for efficiency. Code offset in the exponent is a group encoding of the code offset construction (Juels and Wattenberg, CCS 1999). A random codeword of a linear error-correcting code is used as a one-time pad for a sampled value from the noisy source. Rather than encoding this directly, code offset in the exponent encodes by exponentiation of a generator in a cryptographically strong group. We introduce and characterize a condition on noisy sources that directly translates to security of our construction in the generic group model. Our condition requires the inner product between the source distribution and all vectors in the null space of the code to be unpredictable

    Upgrading Fuzzy Extractors

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    Fuzzy extractors derive stable keys from noisy sources non-interactively (Dodis et al., SIAM Journal of Computing 2008). Since their introduction, research has focused on two tasks: 1) showing security for as many distributions as possible and 2) providing stronger security guarantees including allowing one to enroll the same value multiple times (reusability), security against an active attacker (robustness), and preventing leakage about the enrolled value (privacy). Existing constructions of reusable fuzzy extractors are direct and do not support as many distributions as the best non-reusable constructions. Constructions of robust fuzzy extractors require strong assumptions even in the CRS model. Given the need for progress on the basic fuzzy extractor primitive, it is prudent to seek generic mechanisms to transform a fuzzy extractor into one that is robust, private, and reusable so that it can inherit further improvements. This work asks if one can generically upgrade fuzzy extractors to achieve robustness, privacy, and reusability. We show positive and negative results: we show upgrades for robustness and privacy, but we provide a negative result on reuse. 1. We upgrade (private) fuzzy extractors to be robust under weaker assumptions than previously known in the common reference string model. 2. We show a generic upgrade for a private fuzzy extractor using multi-bit compute and compare (MBCC) obfuscation (Wichs and Zirdelis, FOCS 2017) that requires less entropy than prior work. 3. We show one cannot arbitrarily compose private fuzzy extractors. It is known one cannot reuse an arbitrary fuzzy extractor; each enrollment can leak a constant fraction of the input entropy. We show that one cannot build a reusable private fuzzy extractor by considering other enrollments as auxiliary input. In particular, we show that assuming MBCC obfuscation and collision-resistant hash functions, there does not exist a private fuzzy extractor secure against unpredictable auxiliary inputs strengthening a negative result of Brzuska et al. (Crypto 2014)

    Impossibility of Efficient Information-Theoretic Fuzzy Extraction

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    Fuzzy extractors convert noisy signals from the physical world into reliable cryptographic keys. Fuzzy min-entropy is an important measure of the ability of a fuzzy extractor to distill keys from a distribution: in particular, it bounds the length of the key that can be derived (Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2020). In general, fuzzy min-entropy that is superlogarithmic in the security parameter is required for a noisy distribution to be suitable for key derivation. There is a wide gap between what is possible with respect to computational and information-theoretic adversaries. Under the assumption of general-purpose obfuscation, keys can be securely derived from all distributions with superlogarithmic entropy. Against information-theoretic adversaries, however, it is impossible to build a single fuzzy extractor that works for all distributions (Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2020). A weaker information-theoretic goal is to build a fuzzy extractor for each particular probability distribution. This is the approach taken by Woodage et al. (Crypto 2017). Prior approaches use the full description of the probability mass function and are inefficient. We show this is inherent: for a quarter of distributions with fuzzy min-entropy and 2k2^k points there is no secure fuzzy extractor that uses less 2Θ(k)2^{\Theta(k)} bits of information about the distribution.} This result rules out the possibility of efficient, information-theoretic fuzzy extractors for many distributions with fuzzy min-entropy. We show an analogous result with stronger parameters for information-theoretic secure sketches. Secure sketches are frequently used to construct fuzzy extractors

    A New Distribution-Sensitive Secure Sketch and Popularity-Proportional Hashing

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    Motivated by typo correction in password authentication, we investigate cryptographic error-correction of secrets in settings where the distribution of secrets is a priori (approximately) known. We refer to this as the distribution-sensitive setting. We design a new secure sketch called the layer-hiding hash (LHH) that offers the best security to date. Roughly speaking, we show that LHH saves an additional log H_0(W) bits of entropy compared to the recent layered sketch construction due to Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith (FRS). Here H_0(W) is the size of the support of the distribution W. When supports are large, as with passwords, our new construction offers a substantial security improvement. We provide two new constructions of typo-tolerant password-based authentication schemes. The first combines a LHH or FRS sketch with a standard slow-to-compute hash function, and the second avoids secure sketches entirely, correcting typos instead by checking all nearby passwords. Unlike the previous such brute-force-checking construction, due to Chatterjee et al., our new construction uses a hash function whose run-time is proportional to the popularity of the password (forcing a longer hashing time on more popular, lower entropy passwords). We refer to this as popularity-proportional hashing (PPH). We then introduce a frame-work for comparing different typo-tolerant authentication approaches. We show that PPH always offers a better time / security trade-off than the LHH and FRS constructions, and for certain distributions outperforms the Chatterjee et al. construction. Elsewhere, this latter construction offers the best trade-off. In aggregate our results suggest that the best known secure sketches are still inferior to simpler brute-force based approaches

    Computational Fuzzy Extractors

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    Fuzzy extractors derive strong keys from noisy sources. Their security is usually defined information- theoretically, with gaps between known negative results, existential constructions, and polynomial-time constructions. We ask whether using computational security can close these gaps. We show the following: -Negative Result: Noise tolerance in fuzzy extractors is usually achieved using an information reconciliation component called a secure sketch. We show that secure sketches are subject to upper bounds from coding theory even when the information-theoretic security requirement is relaxed. Specifically, we define computational secure sketches using conditional HILL pseudoentropy (Hastad et al., SIAM J. Computing 1999). We show that a computational secure sketch implies an error-correcting code. Thus, HILL pseudoentropy is bounded by the size of the best error-correcting code. Similar bounds apply to information-theoretic secure sketches. -Positive Result: We show that our negative result can be avoided by constructing and analyzing a computational fuzzy extractor directly. We modify the code-offset construction (Juels and Wattenberg, CCS 1999) to use random linear codes. Security is based on the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem and holds when the noisy source is uniform or symbol-fixing (that is, each dimension is either uniform or fixed). As part of the proof, we reduce symbol-fixing security to uniform error security

    FiveEyes: Cryptographic Biometric Authentication from the Iris

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    Despite decades of effort, a stubborn chasm exists between the theory and practice of device-level biometric authentication. Deployed authentication algorithms rely on data that overtly leaks private information about the biometric; thus systems rely on externalized security measures such as trusted execution environments. The authentication algorithms have no cryptographic guarantees. This is particularly frustrating given the long line of research that has developed theoretical tools—known as fuzzy extractors—that enable secure, privacy preserving biometric authentication with public enrollment data (Dodis et al., SIAM Journal of Computing 2008). Unfortunately, the best known constructions either: 1. Assume that bits of biometrics are i.i.d. (or that all correlation is captured in pairs of features (Hine et al., TIFS 2023)), which is not true for the biometrics themselves or for features extracted using modern learning techniques, or 2. Only provide substantial true accept rates with an estimated security of 3232 bits for the iris (Simhadri et al., ISC 2019) and 4545 bits for the face (Zhang, Cui, and Yu, ePrint 2021/1559). This work introduces FiveEyes, an iris key derivation system powered by technical advances in both 1) feature extraction from the iris and 2) the fuzzy extractor used to secure authentication keys. FiveEyes’ feature extractor’s loss focuses on quality for key derivation. The fuzzy extractor builds on sample-then-lock (Canetti et al., Journal of Cryptology 2021). FiveEyes’ fuzzy extractor uses statistics of the produced features to sample non-uniformly, which significantly improves the security vs. true accept rate (TAR) tradeoff. Irises used to evaluate TAR and security are class disjoint from those used for training and collecting statistics. We state assumptions sufficient for security. We present various parameter regimes to highlight different TARs: 1. 6565 bits of security (equivalent to 8787 bits with a password) at 1212% TAR, and 2. 5050 bits of security (equivalent to 7272 bits with a password) at 4545% TAR. Applying known TAR (Davida et al., IEEE S&P 1998) amplification techniques additively boosts TAR by 3030% for the above settings

    Continuous-Source Fuzzy Extractors: Source uncertainty and security

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    Fuzzy extractors (Dodis et al., Eurocrypt 2004) convert repeated noisy readings of a high-entropy source into the same uniformly distributed key. The functionality of a fuzzy extractor outputs the key when provided with a value close to the original reading of the source. A necessary condition for security, called fuzzy min-entropy, is that the probability of every ball of values of the noisy source is small. Many noisy sources are best modeled using continuous metric spaces. To build continuous-source fuzzy extractors, prior work assumes that the system designer has a good model of the distribution (Verbitskiy et al., IEEE TIFS 2010). However, it is impossible to build an accurate model of a high entropy distribution just by sampling from the distribution. Model inaccuracy may be a serious problem. We demonstrate a family of continuous distributions V that is impossible to secure. No fuzzy extractor designed for V extracts a meaningful key from an average element of V. This impossibility result is despite the fact that each element W in V has high fuzzy min-entropy. We show a qualitatively stronger negative result for secure sketches, which are used to construct most fuzzy extractors. Our results are for the Euclidean metric and are information-theoretic in nature. To the best of our knowledge all continuous-source fuzzy extractors argue information-theoretic security. Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith showed comparable negative results for a discrete metric space equipped with the Hamming metric (Asiacrypt 2016). Continuous Euclidean space necessitates new techniques